The best Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder management

Obsessive-compulsive disorder or OCD is an anxiety disorder where patient suffers from repetitive unwanted thoughts and behaviors. OCD may be due to environmental, neurobiological, psychological and genetic factors. Serotonin imbalance plays major role in this. Looking for the best psychiatric or obsessive compulsive cognitive behavioral therapy, please contact Dr. Rao’s hospital @ 9010056444 or 9010057444.


  • Obsessions — unwanted, repetitive and impulses, intrusive ideas, or images; common obsessions include:
    • harm may come for them or to their loved ones
    • contamination fear
    • safety fear
    • Unacceptable violent, religious, or sexual thoughts
    • need of perfectionism
    • Persistent worries about a sad event
  • Compulsions are repetitive behaviors or mental acts to reduce the distress; 

common compulsions include:

    • Excessive checking of stoves, door locks, light switches and water faucets 
    • constantly making lists, arranging, counting, or aligning things
    • hoarding and Collecting useless objects
    • Repeating actions until it feels right
    • Unnecessary rewriting and rereading 
    • repeating same phrases
    • Repeatedly washing hands for cleanliness

Diagnosis & Treatment

Diagnosis of OCD through a psychiatric history and examination when OCD causes:

  • significant distress
  • Interfere with school, work, or in relationships

Treatment decreases OCD thoughts and behaviors but does not cure. In general, treatment is a mix of medication and CBT (cognitive behavioral therapy). 


Behavioral therapy focuses on the actions associated with OCD; cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) focuses on both the thoughts and the actions related with OCD.

Therapies used to treat OCD include:

  • Exposure and response prevention 
  • Aversion therapy 
  • Thought switching 
  • Flooding 
  • Implosion therapy 
  • Thought stopping

Deep Brain Stimulation is a method where current impulses will obstruct the connections that process the thoughts and actions.

Stereotactic Radiosurgery

By targeting certain connections in the brain, Stereotactic Radiosurgery is advisable in some patients.

Looking for the best psychiatric or obsessive compulsive cognitive behavioral therapy, please contact Dr. Rao’s hospital @ 9010056444 or 9010057444.

Severity varies

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder usually begins in teens or young adults, but it can start at any age, even in children. Symptoms begin gradually and vary in severity. The types of obsessions and compulsions also change over time. Symptoms worsen with more significant stress. OCD is a lifelong disorder with mild to moderate symptoms or disabling.

When to see a doctor

OCD is different from being a perfectionist. OCD thoughts are not simply excessive worries about real problems. If obsessions and compulsions affect the quality of life, it is time to see a doctor or mental health professional.

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  • Stroke & Cerebrovascular
  • Brain Tumor Surgery
  • Stereotactic Radiosurgery
  • Spine Surgery
  • Neuro Trauma
  • Epilepsy Surgery
  • Functional Neurosurgery
  • Pediatric Neurosurgery
  • Peripheral Nerve Surgery