First aid for seizures: Dr. Rao at Dr. Rao's Hospital demonstrates emergency care for seizures, ensuring patient safety and comfort.
First aid for seizures: Dr. Rao at Dr. Rao's Hospital demonstrates emergency care for seizures, ensuring patient safety and comfort.

First aid for the Seizures
First aid for the seizures


First aid for seizures can help ensure the safety of the person experiencing the seizure and minimize potential complications. Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Stay Calm and Stay with the Person:
    • Remain calm and try to stay composed during the seizure.
    • Stay with the person and provide reassurance.
  2. Ensure Safety:
    • Clear the area around the person of any sharp objects or furniture that may pose a risk.
    • Create a safe space by removing obstacles or hazards.
  3. Protect the Head:
    • If possible, place something soft, like a folded jacket or pillow, under the person’s head to cushion it.
    • Do not restrain or hold the person down during the seizure, as it may cause injury.
  4. Time the Seizure:
    • Note the start time of the seizure. If the seizure lasts longer than five minutes, or if the person has difficulty breathing or suffers injuries, call for emergency medical assistance immediately.
  5. Do Not Insert Anything into the Mouth:
    • Contrary to popular belief, it is not necessary to place anything in the person’s mouth during a seizure.
    • Avoid attempting to hold the person’s tongue or jaw.
  6. Loosen Tight Clothing:
    • If the person is wearing any tight clothing around the neck or chest, gently loosen it to facilitate breathing.
  7. Turn the Person onto their Side:
    • Once the seizure activity subsides and the person is no longer convulsing, turn them gently onto their side.
    • This helps prevent choking on saliva or vomit and allows for better airway clearance.
  8. Offer Comfort and Reassurance:
    • Speak calmly and offer comfort to the person as they recover from the seizure.
    • Allow them time to rest and regain their strength.
  9. Stay with the Person until Recovery:
    • Remain with the person until they have fully regained consciousness and are alert.
    • Offer support and assistance as needed.
  10. Seek Medical Attention, if Necessary:
  • If it is the person’s first seizure, if the seizure lasts longer than five minutes, or if there are any concerns about their well-being, seek medical attention promptly.

Remember, it is important to consult with a medical professional regarding any recurring seizures or if there are specific concerns or questions about a person’s seizure management and treatment.

If your loved one is seizing and not stopped please consult at Dr Raos hospital the best neurosurgery hospital in India, led by Dr Rao the best neurosurgeon in India and Guntur