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The Best Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery in Andhra Pradesh

“You are the backbone of the family!”

“My mother is my backbone.”

You might have heard such sentences and even used them yourself.

What does it mean when one uses the term backbone?

The backbone indicates strength! It means crucial—the central and most vital part of something!

Like, mothers are the backbone of the family!

We also use the word backbone to refer to one of our organs! And that organ is none other than the spine! The name justifies the organ. The spine, or backbone, is a crucial part of our body. It is the strength and the body’s central support structure.

What if the backbone of the body gets damaged?

Can you imagine a family without a mother, the most vital part, the backbone of the family?

What happens if the backbone of your family gets ill or injured?

The entire family is affected.

In the same way, when the backbone of our body, our spine,, is injured or damaged, our entire body is negatively affected.

The strongest becomes the weakest!

Stand up! Now sit down!

You can easily stand and sit,, right?

But unfortunately, you can’t easily sit, stand, or move when you have an injured spine!

But there is a solution to every problem! So don’t worry!

One can treat their spine problems by visiting Dr. Rao’s Hospital, Guntur!

Your neurosurgeon in Guntur will advise you to have spine surgery. It is recommended to ask your neurosurgeon whether minimally invasive spine surgery is an option for you.

What exactly is minimally invasive spine surgery?

Minimally invasive spine surgery is a technique for doing spine surgery. The experienced neurosurgeon at Dr. Rao’s Hospital, Guntur, will make a single large incision (cut) into your skin in a “traditional” open surgery procedure. A considerable quantity of muscle and surrounding soft tissue is distributed, pulled out of the way, or removed from the bone to let your surgeon see the surgery site correctly. This might lead to additional muscle injuries and pain following surgery.

Your neurosurgeon in Guntur will make one or more small incisions (approximately 1-2 inches each) through your skin during minimally invasive surgery. An endoscope is inserted into the incision to allow the surgeon to work in a narrower operational field. Working through more minor wounds produces far less harm to soft tissues and muscles than a single lengthy incision. Minimally invasive spine surgery is performed at the best neurology hospital in Guntur.

So, are you having severe spinal problems and are considering having a minimally invasive spine surgery treatment done?

Then, you would be interested in learning more about minimally invasive spine surgery!

This article explains minimally invasive spine surgery treatment in detail.

So, keep reading this article to learn more about minimally invasive spine surgery!

What kinds of spinal surgeries can be done using a minimally invasive approach?

At Dr. Rao’s Hospital in Guntur, many spine procedures can be performed using MISS. The following are a few of them:

  1. • Spinal fusion, a procedure that is commonly used to treat “slipped” discs.
  2. • Correction of deformities like kyphosis and scoliosis.
  3. • Decompression of tumors in the spine.
  4. • Vertebral compression fractures are repaired and stabilized.
  5. • Lumbar spinal stenosis, a condition that affects the lower back.
  6. • A bacterial infection in the spine.

How does minimally invasive spine surgery work?

  1. Anesthesia will be first administered to you.
  2. Several minimally invasive procedures are available. They all have one thing in common: your surgeon makes one or more small incisions through your skin instead of one lengthy incision.
  3. Your surgeon may use an endoscope or fluoroscope to decide where to make incisions. Tiny surgical instruments are inserted through the endoscope or the other half-inch incisions where tubular retractors have been inserted.
  4. Tubular retractors are narrow, hollow tubes. From the hole in your skin to the targeted location on your spine, retractors create little tunnels of workspace. One or more retractors are used to insert instruments. These retractors also remove tissue and bone from the spine during surgery. During surgery, tubular retractors keep your muscles away from the surgical site. Your muscles get back to their normal position once the retractors are removed.
  5. Stitches or glue are used to close your incisions after surgery, and surgical tape or thin bandages are used to conceal them.

What advantages does MISS have?

There are various advantages to minimally invasive spine surgery over open surgery, such as the following:

  1. • Less anesthesia is required.
  2. • There will be less loss of blood.
  3. • Soft tissue and muscle injuries are reduced.
  4. • The infection risk is reduced.
  5. • Post-surgery discomfort is reduced.
  6. • Use of pain relievers is reduced.
  7. • A more appealing appearance
  8. • A shorter stay in the hospital
  9. • Recovery time is reduced
  10. • A faster return to normal activities, such as work.

What can I expect from my recovery after minimally invasive spine surgery?

MISS leads to less discomfort, muscle damage, fewer hospital stays, and a faster recovery than open surgery.

Those who have undergone MISS are discharged the same day or the next day. The severity of your spinal condition, the experience of your neurosurgeon, your age, your health conditions, and other factors all affect how long it takes to recover fully from surgery. It could take months for you to heal fully.

Your doctor may recommend physical therapy to help you recover faster.

Do you wish to get rid of your spine problems and want to move around with ease?

Do you wish to resume your daily activities and get rid of the persistent and terrible spinal and back pain?

So, now is the time for your wishes to come true!

Visit Dr. Rao’s Hospital in Guntur, one of the best neurology hospitals in Guntur, for minimally invasive spine surgery treatment! Our hospital has experienced neurosurgeons like Dr. Mohana Rao Patibandla. He is a fellowship-trained minimally invasive surgeon from the USA who has performed many successful minimally invasive spine surgeries.

So, you will get rid of your persistent and terrible pain for sure!

So, now is the time to replace pain with joy by doing minimally invasive spine surgery.

Minimally invasive spine surgery is the path to a painless tomorrow!

A walk to the hospital can get you walking for the rest of your life!

So, visit the best neurology hospital, Dr. Rao’s Hospital in Guntur right now for minimally invasive spine surgery!

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