tethered-cord-the-best-treatment-at-dr-raos-guntur by Dr Rao
tethered-cord-the-best-treatment-at-dr-raos-guntur by Dr Rao

Tethered cord – The best treatment at Dr Raos, Guntur


Tethered Spinal Cord Syndrome (TSCS) is a neurological disorder caused by the abnormal attachment of the spinal cord to the surrounding tissues. This can lead to a number of serious problems, including nerve damage, paralysis, and even death. The condition is most commonly diagnosed in childhood, but it can occur at any age. There is no cure for TSCS, but treatment can improve the symptoms and quality of life for affected individuals. If you are looking for a back pain specialist or spine surgeon or spine neurosurgeon your choice is Dr Raos hospital, the best spine surgery or spinal surgery or spine specialist hospital in Guntur and India. Call us at 9010056444 or 9010057444. Dr Rao is the best minimally invasive spine surgeon available in India and he is the top most best neurosurgeons in India according to MID DAY News paper.

risk factors

There are several risk factors associated with tethered spinal cord syndrome. One of the most significant is a congenital defect, such as spina bifida, in which the spinal cord is not properly protected. Other risk factors include:

• Previous spinal surgery

• Trauma to the spine

• Tumors or cysts in the spinal cord

• Infections in the spine


There are many possible causes of tethered spinal cord syndrome. The most common cause is a birth defect called spina bifida, which occurs when the spinal column does not close properly during development in the womb.

Other possible causes include:

-A tumor or cyst on the spinal cord

-Injury to the spinal cord

-Scar tissue from previous surgery on the spine

-A buildup of fluid in the spinal cord (syringomyelia)


There are a few different ways that tethered spinal cord syndrome can present itself. The most common symptom is a feeling of numbness, tingling, or weakness in the legs. This is caused by the pressure on the nerve roots as they leave the spinal cord. The symptoms can vary depending on how low on the spinal cord the tethering is occurring. If it is higher up, there may be problems with bowel and bladder control. As the tethering gets worse, it can cause problems with walking and balance. In very severe cases, it can lead to paralysis.


A diagnosis of TSCS can be made through a variety of methods. The most common is through a neurological examination, which can reveal signs of nerve damage or dysfunction. Other tests that may be used to diagnose TSCS include magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), computed tomography (CT) scans, and electromyography (EMG). In some cases, a biopsy of the affected area may also be performed.


There are a few different ways to treat tethered spinal cord syndrome. One way is to do a surgery called detethering. This surgery involves cutting the tissue that is holding the spinal cord down, which allows the spinal cord to move freely. This can be a very effective treatment, but it is also very risky. Another way to treat tethered spinal cord syndrome is to use a device called a tether release system. This device helps to release the tension on the spinal cord and can be used instead of surgery. There are also some medications that can be used to help relieve symptoms, such as pain medication and muscle relaxers.


Tethered spinal cord syndrome is a serious condition that can cause a great deal of pain and suffering for those affected by it. Early diagnosis and treatment is essential in order to prevent further damage to the spinal cord and nerves. If you or someone you know is experiencing any of the symptoms associated with tethered spinal cord syndrome, it is important to seek medical help as soon as possible. If you are looking for a back pain specialist or spine surgeon or spine neurosurgeon your choice is Dr Raos hospital, the best spine surgery or spinal surgery or spine specialist hospital in Guntur and India. Call us at 9010056444 or 9010057444. Dr Rao is the best minimally invasive spine surgeon available in India and he is the top most best neurosurgeons in India according to MID DAY News paper.