The best cluster headache treatment is at Dr Raos hospital


Are you searching for the best hospital for Cluster headache treatment in Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, or India? Look no further than Dr Raos hospital. Dr Raos hospital is not only the best in India but is also renowned for its neurology and neurosurgery services. In this article, we will discuss cluster headache, their types, symptoms, and treatment options briefly.

A cluster headache is a type of headache that recurs over a period of time. It is characterized by severe pain, usually on one side of the head, and often accompanied by other symptoms such as redness in the eye, watering of the eye, and swelling of the eyelid. Cluster headaches are relatively rare, affecting only about 1% of the population. There are two types of cluster headaches: primary and secondary. Primary cluster headaches are more common and tend to be more severe and longer-lasting than secondary cluster headaches. Secondary cluster headaches are less common and are often triggered by another condition, such as high blood pressure or a head injury.

There are several possible causes of cluster headaches, but the exact cause is unknown. It is thought that they may be caused by a combination of genetic and environmental factors. Cluster headaches are more common in men than women and often run in families. Smoking is also a risk factor for cluster headaches.

Symptoms of a cluster headache include severe pain, usually on one side of the head, often described as throbbing or piercing. The pain is often accompanied by other symptoms such as redness in the eye, watering of the eye, and swelling of the eyelid. Cluster headaches typically last 30 minutes to 2 hours and can occur several times a day or night.

There is no specific test for cluster headaches, but a diagnosis can be made based on the symptoms and medical history. Treatment for cluster headaches typically involves medication, such as pain relievers, anti-inflammatory drugs, and triptans. Some people with cluster headaches also find relief from lifestyle changes, such as avoiding triggers, managing stress, and getting regular exercise.

Living with cluster headaches can be difficult, as the pain can be severe and debilitating. However, some things can be done to help manage the pain and make life easier. Avoiding triggers, such as smoking and alcohol, can help prevent cluster headaches from occurring. Managing stress, regular exercise, and eating a healthy diet can also help reduce the frequency and severity of cluster headaches. Taking precautions to prevent cluster headaches is essential for people who are at risk.


Dr Raos hospital is the best for cluster headaches and other headaches treatment and is the best in neurosurgery hospital in India. The hospital has the latest technology and equipment to provide the best care for its patients. The staff is highly trained and experienced in treating all neuro conditions and neurocritical care. The hospital has a high success rate in treating all kinds of headache and neurocritical care. Dr Rao is the best headache, tension headache, cluster headache and migraine specialist in Guntur, India. Contact us @9010056444 or 9010057444.