
Is Swimming Beneficial To Back Pain?

Is Swimming Beneficial To Back Pain?

When you are dealing with back pain, it can be challenging to find workouts that do not make the condition worse. In many circumstances, low-impact activities are ideal, as they exert minimal pressure and strain on an already-sore portion of your body. 

Swimming is among the finest workouts you can undertake if you are looking for a low-impact exercise. 

Dr. Mohana Rao, the founder of Dr. Rao’s Hospital – a world-class neurology hospital in Andhra Pradesh, adds that the buoyancy of floating on water basically means there is less possibility of stressing your muscles. Water also provides terrific resistance that can strengthen your muscles without creating more pain. 

Read on to learn more about how swimming can benefit your back problem.

Does Swimming Help In Easing Back Pain?

Yes, swimming can help alleviate back pain.

The first thing you might think to do if you have neck or back pain is to lay low and get a lot of rest. However, if you do this, it can make the problem even worse and take you longer to get better. Resting too much can weaken your muscles and make it even more difficult for your body while it tries to stabilize your spine.

The best activity when dealing with your back pain is swimming. Following are some of the reasons:

Alleviates pressure and strain on your joints

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Most exercises tend to put a lot of stress on your joints and usually concentrate on specific areas of your body. 

Swimming is a great way to get a full-body workout while not putting too much stress on your joints. The buoyancy in water eases the pressure on your joints and spine; this automatically relaxes the sore parts of your body.

Strengthens less-used muscles

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When you swim, you engage a different set of muscles than required in your daily activities. Also due to the buoyancy, you are able to flex or move your body parts in a way that is difficult when on land. Thus the less exercised muscles in your body get strengthened, making your body stronger overall.

In fact, when you engage in swimming, almost all of your muscles are utilized, so it provides you with a complete body workout. And by making your less-used muscles stronger, swimming helps you balance and support yourself better when on land.

Improved physical stamina

If you can gradually up the period of time that you swim, you will most likely be able to use that same endurance in other parts of your life. The simple act of going for a swim can help you build up your stamina and strength over time, which in turn can help you when you play other sports or engage in other activities.

Improved physical stamina will improve your mobility and reduce the frequency of back pain.

It helps in losing weight

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Backache can be worse if you are overweight, as excess weight puts additional strain on your already burdened and sore back. An excellent way to stay fit if you are overweight is swimming, which lets you move freely without feeling pain from standing, taking a walk, or running. In addition, if you want to lose weight, swimming burns more calories than most land-based exercises. 

Dr. Mohana Rao, among the best neurosurgeons in Guntur, says because you have to use your whole body to swim properly, it burns more calories as compared to working out specific parts of your body.

Improves flexibility

Swimming is an excellent way to move, and it may cause your flexibility to also get better over time. Swimming requires movements that help you work and stretch your muscles in a more effective way than most forms of exercise.

When your body gets flexible, the strain on your back is significantly reduced.

An excellent cardio-based exercise

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Swimming is a great way to get a lot of cardio-based exercise in a short amount of time. Try to remember when you last went swimming. After you did that, you most likely felt hungry. The exact reason for this is not known, but there are a few theories, one of which is that swimmers usually swim in colder water, which burns more calories.

The acclaimed neurosurgeon in Guntur, Dr. Mohana Rao, adds that your heart pumps faster and your body works harder to keep you warm when swimming in cold water. This results in more calories being burnt than if you were to swim in warmer conditions.

It can boost your mental health

Studies have shown that when you are in the water, the blood flow to your brain gets a significant boost. This positively impacts your brain due to the increase in oxygen, nutrients, and glucose supplied to it. Regular swimming, even for just 20 minutes at a time, is thought to help people with anxiety and depression and improve their sleep habits. 

When you swim, your nervous system feels relaxed and releases endorphins, your “feel-good” chemicals. They make you feel happier and better about yourself. This, in turn, lightens up your overall mood and aids in relieving the tense muscles. 


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Back pain can be very discomforting and frustrating, making it difficult to follow a healthy workout regime. But do not worry! Swimming is an excellent workout if you suffer from back pain. It will help build your stamina and strength, as well as increase blood flow to all parts of your body. 

Dr. Mohana Rao says that you should swim as part of your exercise plan if a pool is accessible. Swimming is not only relaxing and refreshing, but the aerobic aspects of swimming can improve the movement, flexibility, and strength of your joints. It is fun, healthy, and can help open up your body’s muscles, joints, and back.

If your back pain is bothering you and interfering with your activities, do not wait for it to get worse. Reach out to Dr. Mohana Rao at Dr. Rao’s Hospital, among the top neurology hospitals in Andhra Pradesh.

Dr. Mohana Rao is one of the preferred neurosurgeons in Guntur and has over 20 years of expertise in the medical field. He can assess your condition and ensure that you get the best treatment possible.