
The best Pediatric Neurosurgery in Guntur, India

Pediatric Neurosurgery in Guntur, India


Pediatric neurosurgery focuses on children’s brains, which are still growing and developing. This expertise is part of the treatment strategy for a child with a condition that only surgery can resolve.

When a severe ailment afflicts a child, it creates immense mental and physical stress for the child and family. Pediatric neurosurgical disorders are frequently complicated and elaborate. However, Dr. Mohana Rao, a leading pediatric neurosurgeon in Hyderabad, has the expertise to treat your child if they have problems with the head, spine, or nervous system. Dr. Rao’s hospital is the best pediatric neurosurgery hospital in India serving with pediatric neurosurgery fellowship trained Dr. Rao.

It may be challenging for children to effectively express their pain, so parents have to be very observant and immediately take them for a check-up if they see anything amiss.

Pediatric neurosurgeons deal with various neurosurgical issues that aren’t always the same as those addressed by adult neurosurgeons. It is critical to have specialized expertise in disorders pertaining to pediatric neurosurgery problems. 

Dr. Mohana Rao, one of the best neurosurgeons in Guntur, has extensive skills in treating minor to complex pediatric neurological disorders. He is the founder of Dr. Rao’s Hospital, a leading neurology hospital in Guntur.

Pediatric neurosurgeons and their immense responsibility

Pediatric neurosurgeons diagnose, treat, and manage a variety of nervous system disorders and abnormalities in children, including brain tumors, spinal aneurysms, vascular abnormalities, cerebral palsy, hydra syphilis, and other birth abnormalities affecting the nervous system. Precision and attentiveness are possibly two of a neurosurgeon’s most critical personality traits.

Pediatric neurosurgeons also do prenatal counseling with pregnant women whose babies have congenital disabilities of the nervous system. 

Neurological difficulties in children are common and can last a lifetime. Hence, pediatric neurosurgeons need to operate, considering the physical changes as the child grows. Pediatric surgeons work with children from infancy through late adolescence. Needless to say, they form a special bond with their patients that last a long time.  

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Dr. Mohana Rao is an esteemed pediatric neurosurgeon in Guntur. He treats all his patients with compassion and utmost care. Dr. Rao’s Hospital has the most advanced and latest neurosurgery D:\Digicore\UNOSEARCH\Dr Mohana Rao Neurosurgeon Guntur\SourceMomnchild.jpgequipment that assists the surgeons in giving excellent surgical outcomes.

Parents know that their children with neurosurgery problems will get the best treatment under Dr. Mohana Rao’s expertise and support. 

How do I know if my child has a Neurological disorder?

Children, especially infants, cannot effectively inform their parents about their discomfort and problems. So it is crucial to look out for any symptoms that look out of the ordinary:

  • Paralysis, either partial or full
  • Weakness in muscle, lack of balance
  • Loss of sensation loss, partial or total
  • Spasms or seizures
  • Struggling when reading or writing
  • Difficulty with attention, memory, and reasoning
  • Pain that cannot be determined
  • Decrease in alertness
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If you notice such symptoms, please ensure that you get your child diagnosed as soon as possible. You can contact Dr. Mohana Rao, one of Guntur’s most renowned pediatric neurosurgeons, at +91 9010056444 / 9010057444.

Some standard pediatric neurosurgical procedures:


A craniotomy is a surgical procedure that exposes the brain by removing the bone flap, a portion of the skull’s bone. This enables the neurosurgeon to access the part of the brain that needs to be operated on. The neurosurgeon replaces the bone flap after completing the procedure. 

A craniotomy may be performed for several reasons; some are mentioned below:

  • To diagnose, remove, or treat brain tumors
  • To clip or repair an aneurysm
  • To treat a traumatic head injury
  • To operate on foreign objects like bullets
  • To treat an infection or swelling in the brain

Partial or complete removal of brain tumors

A brain tumor occurs when abnormal cells start growing in the brain, they can be cancerous or non-cancerous. 

Sometimes the tumor may grow in a particularly delicate brain area, making it impossible to remove it altogether. In such cases, the neurosurgeon only operates on the part of the tumor which can be safely removed. This is called Debulking; the procedure is to ease the pressure of the tumor on the brain.

Resection is the procedure when the neurosurgeon can remove the entire tumor safely without posing any risk to the patient. 

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Epilepsy Surgery

Epilepsy is a neurological illness with abnormality in the way the brain functions. This results in seizures or episodes of odd behavior, feelings, and even loss of consciousness. The surgeons closely assess the cause of the epileptic seizures and remove that part of the brain.


An injury or disorder of a nerve can limit how that body part functions. If it is impossible to repair the damaged nerve, the pediatric neurosurgeon isolates the affected nerve and removes it.

Soft tissue release Surgery

Cerebral palsy (CP) is a collection of disorders that impact the patient’s movement, balance, and ability to maintain posture.

The goal of orthopedic surgery is to improve mobility and range of motion. The short tendons and tight muscles are elongated or released in this procedure. This can help alleviate spasticity in the legs and aid bone alignment.


Children are precious, and it is painful to see them struggling to function normally. We cannot imagine how much suffering they must endure, especially if they have neurological disorders

Pediatric neurosurgery involves resolving issues related to the most complex parts of the human body. Neurosurgery is an intricate field. Dr. Mohana Rao, a seasoned neurosurgeon in Guntur, has deeply researched the human brain and the hundred billion cells contained within it to help children lead as active a life they possibly can and cope better through their lifetime.

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If you notice any unusual behavior in your child which is unexplainable, do not wait and contemplate. Contact us to consult with Dr. Mohana Rao, one of the best pediatric neurosurgeons in Guntur.