
When should you avail a back surgery?

Back pain is a complication that affects many people in and around Guntur. Surgery is often ineffective in providing relief from it. So, finding out the best treatment can be a challenging task. Consult your doctor to know the causes of your back pain and whether surgery will help you or not.

While back surgery can help with some causes of back pain, it is rarely needed. Generally, the back pain goes away on its own after three months.

As per our neurologist in Guntur, lower back pain is very common among people. Nonsurgical therapies for back pain usually include anti-inflammatory drugs, sun, and physical therapy other than back pain surgery.

Is it necessary for you to have back surgery?

If conventional therapies have failed and the pain is chronic and severe, back surgery can be an option. Back surgery also provides relief from associated pain or numbness that passes down one or both arms or legs very effectively.

Compressed nerves in the spine are a common cause of experiencing these symptoms. Compression of nerves can occur for a variety of reasons, including:

Problems with disk: 

Sometimes, the rubbery paddings that separate your spine’s bones may pressure too tightly against your spinal nerves. As a result, it disturbs proper functioning. Also, read about what is spine surgery treatment.

Bone enlargement: 

Bone enlargement may occur as a result of osteoarthritis. The enlarged bone most often affects your hinge joints on the back section of the spine. Eventually, it limits the space required for nerves to move through the gaps in the spine.

Though an X-ray can reveal your disk issues or bone spurs too, however, identifying the exact cause of your back pain is not so easy. The X-ray can find out bulging or herniated disks that cause no complications and need no care.

So what are the type of back surgery?

The following are some of the various forms of back surgery:

Diskectomy: This procedure involves removing the herniated part of a disk to relieve nerve pain and inflammation. Diskectomy is a procedure that involves removing the back portion of a vertebra (lamina) to reach a ruptured disk.

Laminectomy: Ourneurosurgeon in Guntur removes the bone overlying the spinal canal in a laminectomy. It helps in alleviating nerve discomfort caused by spinal stenosis by enlarging the spinal canal.

Spinal fusion: It is a procedure that permanently joins two or more bones in your spine. It can help to cure the pain by stabilizing a spinal fracture. It is often used to stop painful motion between the vertebrae caused by a degenerated or broken disk.

Artificial disks: A degenerated and injured disk can lead you to painful movement between two vertebrae. The best neurosurgeon in Guntur Dr. Mohana suggests inserting an artificial disk as a treatment option for painful movement between two vertebrae. However, most people would not be able to afford these relatively new tools.

What are the advantages?

The result is often more than just a reduction in discomfort. You might discover-

  • You have more mobility.
  • You have improved your physical health.
  • Your disposition has changed.
  • You do not need to take as much pain killer medication as you always did.
  • You are free to return to your regular work.
  • At work, you are more efficient.

Is there any risk?

There is no risk related to the back surgery if the best neurosurgeon in Guntur performs the treatment. 

However, every procedure carries some level of risk, which includes:

  • Anesthesia or other medication’s reaction.
  • Infection of Bleeding.
  • Blood clots in the legs or lungs.
  • Angina pectoris.
  • A stroke.
  • Disk herniation
  • Nerve damage may cause fatigue, paralysis, pain, sexual dysfunction, and bowel or bladder control issues.

If you have any other health issues, you have a higher risk of health complications. These complications also differ depending on the form of surgery. However, your neurologist will take proper care of all of these issues.