Category Archives: Alzheimer’s disease

Dr. Rao’s Hospital: Medical Tourism for Economical Neurosurgery in India

Best Hospital for Brain and Spine Surgery in India—Dr. Rao’s Hospital, Guntur

Best Hospital for Brain and Spine Surgery in India—Dr. Rao’s Hospital, Guntur

When it comes to brain and spine surgery, choosing the right hospital and specialist is crucial to ensure a successful outcome. In India, Dr. Rao’s Hospital in Guntur has emerged as one of the leading centers for brain and spine surgeries, offering state-of-the-art treatment options with minimally invasive techniques. Under the expert leadership of Dr. Mohana Rao Patibandla, this hospital has set a benchmark for neurosurgical care, treating a wide range of neurological and spinal conditions with a high success rate.

This blog explores why Dr. Rao’s Hospital is considered the best for brain and spine surgeries in India, highlighting the hospital’s expertise in various areas such as keyhole spine surgery, lumbar surgery, and cervical neck surgery. The facility is well-known for its comprehensive approach, combining cutting-edge technology with compassionate care, making it a top choice for patients from all over the world, including those seeking affordable medical tourism options.

Hospital for Brain Surgery

Dr. Rao’s Hospital is widely regarded as the best hospital for brain surgery in India, offering advanced treatments for conditions such as brain tumors, aneurysms, traumatic brain injuries, and more. Dr. Mohana Rao Patibandla is a highly skilled neurosurgeon with extensive experience in performing complex brain surgeries, including minimally invasive and keyhole neurosurgeries.

Minimally invasive brain surgeries involve smaller incisions, resulting in less trauma to the surrounding tissues, faster recovery times, and reduced risk of complications. This approach is especially beneficial for patients with brain tumors, where precise removal of the tumor is critical while preserving vital brain functions.

Hospital for Neurosurgery

When it comes to neurosurgery, Dr. Rao’s Hospital stands out as one of the top hospitals for neurosurgery in India. With a focus on cutting-edge techniques, the hospital specializes in various neurosurgical treatments such as:

  • Endovascular neurosurgery
  • Skull base surgery
  • Spinal cord surgeries
  • Neuro-oncology (brain tumor removal)

The hospital is fully equipped with modern diagnostic tools such as MRI, CT scans, and angiography, which help in accurate diagnosis and surgical planning. Dr. Rao’s expertise in endovascular surgery allows him to treat conditions like aneurysms and AVMs without the need for open surgery, making the procedures less invasive and risky.

Lumbar Surgery

Lumbar surgery is a common procedure to treat lower back pain caused by conditions such as herniated discs, degenerative disc disease, or spinal stenosis. Dr. Rao is known for his skill in performing lumbar spine surgeries with minimally invasive techniques, reducing recovery time and allowing patients to return to their normal lives more quickly.

Dr. Rao’s Hospital offers the latest treatments for lumbar spine conditions, including microdiscectomy, spinal fusion, and artificial disc replacement. These surgeries are performed with precision, ensuring minimal damage to surrounding tissues and a faster recovery for the patient.

Spinal Cord Specialist

As a renowned spinal cord specialist, Dr. Rao is highly skilled in treating conditions affecting the spinal cord, such as spinal cord injuries, tumors, and spinal cord compression. His expertise in minimally invasive spinal surgery has helped many patients regain mobility and lead pain-free lives.

At Dr. Rao’s Hospital, patients receive personalized treatment plans designed to address the unique needs of each case. The hospital is equipped with advanced technology for spinal cord surgeries, ensuring that patients receive the highest standard of care.

Keyhole Spine Surgery

One of the specialties of Dr. Rao’s Hospital is keyhole spine surgery, also known as minimally invasive spine surgery. This technique allows surgeons to access the spine through small incisions, reducing damage to surrounding muscles and tissues. As a result, patients experience less post-operative pain, a shorter hospital stay, and faster recovery times.

Keyhole spine surgery is used to treat conditions such as:

  • Herniated discs
  • Spinal stenosis
  • Degenerative disc disease

Dr. Rao is a pioneer in this field, having successfully performed numerous keyhole spine surgeries with excellent outcomes.

Best Spine Dr in India

When it comes to spine surgery in India, Dr. Rao is considered one of the best spine surgeons. His experience, combined with the latest technology, allows him to offer innovative and effective solutions for a wide range of spinal conditions. Whether it’s a simple discectomy or a complex spinal fusion, patients can trust Dr. Rao to deliver the best possible outcome.

Patients from across the globe, including those seeking medical tourism options, come to Dr. Rao’s Hospital for their spine surgeries. The hospital’s commitment to patient care, along with its affordability, makes it the ideal destination for those seeking high-quality spine treatments in India.

Invasive Surgery

While minimally invasive surgery is preferred for most cases, some conditions may require invasive surgery for optimal treatment. Dr. Rao’s Hospital is well-equipped to handle both invasive and minimally invasive surgeries, ensuring that patients receive the best treatment possible for their condition.

Best Neurosurgery Doctor in India

Dr. Mohana Rao Patibandla has earned a reputation as one of the best neurosurgery doctors in India due to his extensive experience and expertise in handling complex neurosurgical cases. His dedication to patient care, coupled with his use of advanced technology, ensures that patients receive world-class treatment with excellent results.

Surgery India

India has become a global hub for neurosurgery and spine surgery, attracting patients from all over the world due to its combination of affordable treatment and high-quality care. Dr. Rao’s Hospital is at the forefront of this trend, offering affordable medical tourism packages that include surgery, accommodation, and post-operative care.

International patients are provided with seamless support throughout their medical journey, ensuring that they receive the best possible care while enjoying the cultural richness of India.

Dr. Rao – Dr. Mohana Rao Patibandla

Dr. Rao is a highly respected figure in the field of neurosurgery and spine surgery. His extensive training in India and abroad has equipped him with the skills to handle the most complex cases. As the lead surgeon at Dr. Rao’s Hospital, he has successfully treated thousands of patients with brain, spine, and endovascular conditions.

Patients trust Dr. Rao for his deep understanding of neurological and spinal conditions, as well as his commitment to achieving the best possible outcomes.

Surgical Treatment for Osteoporosis

Osteoporosis is a condition that weakens bones, making them more susceptible to fractures. For patients with osteoporotic spinal fractures, Dr. Rao offers surgical treatments such as vertebroplasty and kyphoplasty to stabilize the spine and reduce pain.

These procedures involve the injection of bone cement into the fractured vertebrae, providing immediate relief and restoring spinal stability.

Surgeon Specialist

As a surgeon specialist, Dr. Rao is skilled in both neurosurgery and spine surgery. His comprehensive approach ensures that patients receive the best possible care for their specific condition, whether it’s a brain tumor, spinal cord injury, or degenerative spine disease.

Back Doctor

If you’re suffering from chronic back pain, you need to see a back doctor who specializes in spine surgery. Dr. Rao is one of the top specialists in India for treating back pain caused by conditions like herniated discs or spinal stenosis.

Cervical Neck Surgery

For patients suffering from cervical spine issues, Dr. Rao offers cervical neck surgery to relieve pain and restore mobility. Whether it’s a discectomy or a fusion procedure, Dr. Rao’s expertise ensures a high success rate and faster recovery.

Dr for Back

Looking for a dr for back pain? Dr. Rao is one of the most experienced spine specialists in India, offering a range of treatments from non-surgical interventions to complex spine surgeries.

Minimally Invasive Neurosurgery in India

Dr. Rao’s Hospital is renowned for its expertise in minimally invasive neurosurgery, providing patients with less invasive options that reduce recovery time and complications. From brain tumors to spinal conditions, minimally invasive surgery is used whenever possible to ensure the best outcomes.

Affordable Medical Tourism in India

India has become a top destination for medical tourism due to its combination of high-quality care and affordability. Dr. Rao’s Hospital offers international patients comprehensive packages that include surgery, hospital stays, and follow-up care, all at a fraction of the cost of similar treatments in Western countries.


If you’re looking for the best treatment for brain and spine conditions, Dr. Rao’s Hospital in Guntur is the top choice. With a combination of world-class expertise, cutting-edge technology, and affordable medical tourism options, Dr. Rao and his team provide patients with the best possible care. Whether you’re seeking treatment for brain tumors, spinal conditions, or endovascular surgeries, Dr. Rao’s Hospital is the ideal destination for your medical needs.

Dr. Rao’s Contact Information:


Alzheimer’s disease: Symptoms, signs, diagnosis, and treatment

Alzheimer’s disease: Symptoms, signs, diagnosis, and treatment

Alzheimer’s disease is a neurologic complication that results in your brain shrinking (atrophy) as well as the death of brain cells. Alzheimer’s is the most frequent form of dementia. 

Forgetting current issues or discussions is one of the first indicators of Alzheimer’s disease. A person with the disease will acquire significant memory loss and lose the capacity to carry out daily duties as the disease develops.

Alzheimer’s disease has no cure or therapy that affects your brain. Complications from significant loss of brain function, such as dehydration, starvation, or infection, can lead to mortality in later stages of the condition.

If you are from Guntur and surrounding places and any of your family members is suffering from the symptoms of this disease, you should visit the best neurology hospital in Guntur. You will get the best cure over there.

Signs and Symptoms

A person with This disorder may initially notice that they are having trouble recalling things and organizing their thoughts. A friend or family member may note how the symptoms increase.


Everyone suffers memory loss now and again, but Alzheimer’s disease causes memory loss that continues and worsens, impairing one’s ability to perform at work or home.

Alzheimer’s patients may:

  • Over and over, repeat remarks and queries.
  • Forget about discussions, appointments, or activities, and you won’t be able to recall them afterward.
  • Misplacing goods regularly, 
  • Become disoriented in familiar surroundings.
  • Gradually forgets the names of loved ones and commonplace items.
  • Have problems identifying items, expressing thoughts, or participating in discussions because the patient doesn’t have the correct words.

Alzheimer’s disease disturbs concentration and reasoning, particularly regarding abstract notions like numbers.

Multitasking becomes very hard, and managing funds, using checkbooks, and paying payments on time can be challenging. A person with This disorder may eventually lose the ability to identify and cope with numbers.

Alzheimer’s disease impairs one’s capacity to make sound assessments and decisions in everyday settings. A person may, for example, make bad or unusual decisions in social encounters or dress inappropriately for the weather. It may be harder to respond efficiently to ordinary concerns such as a burning stove or unexpected driving scenarios.

As the condition develops, simple tasks that involve sequential processes, such as planning and making food or enjoying a favorite game, become more complex. People with severe Alzheimer’s disease frequently lose their ability to do simple tasks like clothing and washing.

Moods and behaviors can be affected due to Alzheimer’s disease

  • Depression 
  • Indifference
  • Withdrawal from social situations
  • Swings in mood
  • Others’ mistrust
  • Aggressiveness and irritability
  • Sleeping patterns have changed.
  • Wandering.
  • Lost inhibitions.
  • Delusions, such as the belief that something has been stolen, are common.

So, how does your neurologist in Guntur make a diagnosis?

The diagnosis of Alzheimer’s is very much dependent upon the patient’s expression of the symptoms. Your doctor also performs memory and thinking ability tests to determine your disease diagnosis.

diagnosis of the disease includes 

Examination of the physical and neurological systems

Your doctor will undertake a medical evaluation and will most likely evaluate the following to determine your general neurological health:

  • Activeness of reflexes
  • Tone and strength of muscles
  • Your ability to stand up and walk independently
  • Ability to see and listen 
  • Above everything, the coordination and balancing

Tests in the lab

Blood testing may rule out possible causes of memory loss and confusion, such as a thyroid condition or vitamin shortages.

Testing for mental health and neuropsychological issues

Your best neurosurgeon in Guntur may administer a quick mental status exam to examine your memory and other cognitive abilities. In comparison with persons of the same age group and education level, more extended kinds of neuroimaging studies may reveal more information regarding mental function. 

Imaging of the brain

Imaging of the brain is mainly utilized to identify visual abnormalities associated with illnesses apart from Alzheimer’s disease. These might result in cognitive declines, such as strokes, trauma, or tumors. Doctors may detect particular brain abnormalities caused by Alzheimer’s disease using new imaging tools. 

Now let us discuss the treatment available for Alzheimer’s disease:

Modern Alzheimer’s medications can temporarily treat memory issues and other cognitive abnormalities. Currently, two types of drugs are used to treat this disorder:

Cholinesterase inhibitors: 

These medications function by conserving a chemical communicator diminished in the brain by Alzheimer’s disease, increasing cell-to-cell communication. Usually, your doctor begins to use this drug as the first medication. The majority of patients see minor improvements in their symptoms.

Memantine (Namenda): 

This medicine works by slowing the symptoms in people suffering from moderate – to – severe Alzheimer’s disease. It is sometimes used with a cholinesterase inhibitor to get the best results. Side effects are very rare for these drugs. You may experience dizziness and confusion as to the adverse effects.