Category Archives: Hemorrhagic stroke

Stroke Care: The best stroke treatment by Dr. Raos Hospital

The Role of Neurosurgery in Stroke Management and Recovery: Dr. Rao’s Hospital Leading the Way

The Role of Neurosurgery in Stroke Management and Recovery: Dr. Rao’s Hospital Leading the Way


stroke is a devastating condition that requires prompt medical attention and specialized care. In recent years, neurosurgery has emerged as a critical component in the management and recovery of stroke patients. In this blog, we explore the significant role of neurosurgery in stroke care, specifically focusing on Dr. Rao’s Hospital, recognized as the best comprehensive stroke center. The hospital excels at offering cutting-edge neurosurgical interventions that optimize outcomes and improve patients’ quality of life under the direction of Dr. Rao, a renowned endovascular and cerebrovascular neurosurgeon with dural training.

Understanding Stroke: Causes, Types, and Impact

To comprehend the role of neurosurgery in stroke management, it is essential to first understand the causes, types, and impact of strokes. Ischemic strokes, caused by blocked blood vessels, and hemorrhagic strokes, resulting from ruptured blood vessels, require different treatment approaches. Dr. Rao’s expertise in cerebrovascular neurosurgery enables precise diagnosis and tailored interventions to address the specific type and location of the stroke.

Comprehensive Stroke Center: A Hub for Specialized Care :

Dr. Rao’s Hospital is a comprehensive stroke center, offering a multidisciplinary approach to stroke care. The hospital’s state-of-the-art facilities, advanced imaging technologies, and dedicated stroke teams ensure swift and accurate diagnosis, allowing for timely intervention. Dr. Rao‘s leadership and expertise in dural-trained cerebrovascular neurosurgery further enhance the hospital’s capabilities in providing specialized care for stroke patients.

Benefits of a Dural-Trained Cerebrovascular Neurosurgeon :

The presence of a dural-trained cerebrovascular neurosurgeon, such as Dr. Rao, within the stroke center brings invaluable benefits to patients. Dural-trained neurosurgeons have extensive experience in managing complex cerebrovascular conditions, including stroke. Their specialized training equips them with the expertise to perform delicate procedures, such as endovascular interventions, aneurysm repair, and arteriovenous malformation (AVM) treatment, with exceptional precision and minimal risk.

Endovascular Interventions: Advancing Stroke Treatment :

Endovascular interventions have revolutionized stroke treatment, allowing neurosurgeons to access and treat affected blood vessels from within using minimally invasive techniques. Dr. Rao’s proficiency in endovascular procedures enables him to remove blood clots, restore blood flow, and minimize brain damage in stroke patients. This advanced approach offers benefits such as reduced procedural risks, shorter recovery times, and improved long-term outcomes.

Rehabilitation and Recovery Strategies :

While acute stroke care is vital, post-stroke rehabilitation is equally critical for patients’ recovery. Dr. Rao’s Hospital adopts a comprehensive approach encompassing neurosurgical interventions, rehabilitation services, and ongoing support. Rehabilitation programs, including physical therapy, speech therapy, and occupational therapy, aim to restore functionality, promote independence, and improve the overall quality of life for stroke survivors.

Empowering Patients and Caregivers :

Dr. Rao’s Hospital empowers patients and their caregivers throughout the stroke care journey. Educational resources, support groups, and counseling services are provided to ensure that individuals and their families understand the condition, treatment options, and strategies for long-term management. Dr. Rao’s Hospital fosters a patient-centric environment that prioritizes individualized care and improved outcomes by fostering open communication and collaboration.

Conclusion: Neurosurgery is pivotal in stroke management and recovery, offering advanced interventions that optimize outcomes and enhance patients’ quality of life.

Dr. Rao’s Hospital Leading the Way

Dr. Rao’s Hospital, recognized as the best comprehensive stroke center, stands at the forefront of stroke care. Dr. Rao is a renowned dural-trained endovascular and cerebrovascular neurosurgeon who leads the way. With his expertise and specialized training, Dr. Rao brings many benefits to stroke patients, ensuring the highest standard of care and optimal treatment outcomes.

By combining the latest advancements in neurosurgical techniques with a multidisciplinary approach, Dr. Rao’s Hospital offers a comprehensive range of interventions for stroke management. This includes endovascular procedures, where Dr. Rao’s skills shine. These allow him to navigate the intricate blood vessels of the brain with exceptional precision. Through techniques such as thrombectomy, stent placement, and coiling, he can effectively restore blood flow, minimize brain damage, and improve patient outcomes.

One significant advantage of having a dural-trained cerebrovascular neurosurgeon like Dr. Rao is his ability to handle complex cerebrovascular conditions that may accompany strokes, such as aneurysms and arteriovenous malformations (AVMs). With his specialized training and expertise, Dr. Rao can offer targeted interventions, including surgical clipping or endovascular coiling, to effectively treat these conditions and prevent future complications.

The role of rehabilitation and recovery cannot be understated in the journey of stroke patients. Dr. Rao’s Hospital recognizes the importance of comprehensive rehabilitation strategies tailored to individual needs. Collaborating with a team of skilled therapists and rehabilitation specialists, the hospital provides physical, speech, and occupational therapy to aid recovery. This integrated approach ensures stroke survivors regain functionality, improve mobility, and regain independence, ultimately enhancing their overall quality of life.

Dr. Rao’s Hospital prioritizes patient and caregiver empowerment throughout the stroke care journey. By providing educational resources, support groups, and counseling services, the hospital ensures that individuals and their families can access the knowledge and support necessary to navigate stroke-related challenges. Dr. Rao’s team fosters a compassionate and patient-centric environment where open communication and shared decision-making empower patients to participate actively in their recovery.

In conclusion

the best comprehensive stroke center’s neurosurgery department is crucial in stroke management and recovery. Patients who suffer from stroke receive the best care possible thanks to the knowledge of a cerebrovascular neurosurgeon with dural training and the comprehensive approach provided by Dr. Rao’s Hospital. They also gain access to cutting-edge interventions, effective rehabilitation techniques, and ongoing support. With Dr. Rao at the helm, the hospital remains dedicated to improving the lives of stroke patients and their families, driving positive outcomes in stroke management and enhancing overall well-being.

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stroke-and-mechanical-thrombectomy at Dr Rao's Hosptial by Dr Rao


The most effective STROKE treatment is MECHANICAL THROMBECTOMY.

Stroke is dangerous and very damaging. It is caused by a blood clot that disrupts the flow of blood to the brain.

However, it is now possible to overcome the dangerous stroke with a procedure called mechanical thrombectomy. Yes, mechanical thrombectomy treatment by the best neurologist in Guntur can help one successfully defeat a stroke.


But what is a mechanical thrombectomy?

Mechanical Thrombectomy is an effective stroke treatment. It helps remove blood clots that disturb blood flow in the body. Blood clots slow down blood flow in the body, causing different complications. Mechanical Thrombectomy removes these blood clots. It helps treat stroke and other complications caused by the formation of blood clots. Mechanical Thrombectomy help one deal with strokes and confront them effectively. Now, one can courageously face and defeat problems like a stroke with the help of mechanical thrombectomy treatment from the best neurology hospital in Guntur.

What Causes Stroke?

The common risk factors that lead to stroke are as follows:

· Improper Sleep

· Fear and anxiety

· Irregular eating habits

· Air Pollution

· Smoking and drinking alcohol

In case you get a stroke, it is advisable to seek immediate help from neurologists at Rao Hospital, Guntur. With treatments like mechanical thrombectomy, you are sure to recover from a stroke.

What kinds of devices are used in mechanical thrombectomy procedures?

Neurosurgeons in Guntur carry out mechanical thrombectomies to remove blood clots using the following tools:

· Stentriever mechanical thrombectomy

The latest mechanical device is a stentriever. The device is a self-expanding mesh tube attached to a wire-guided through a catheter (thin tube). The surgeon inserts the catheter in an artery in the groin and guides the catheter through various blood vessels up to the blood clot in the brain.

· Aspiration thrombectomy –

Aspiration thrombectomy entails either manual cluster yearning or the use of catheter equipment to suck the coagulation out of the vessel.

How is the mechanical thrombectomy procedure performed?

In mechanical thrombectomy, neurosurgeons in Guntur use a vacuum or mechanical gear to remove blood clots. Thus, the blood flow is restored, and stroke gets treated.

To achieve effective results, it is advisable to get mechanical thrombectomy treatment from the best neurology hospital in Guntur.

Why go for a mechanical thrombectomy?

In mechanical thrombectomy treatment, one has a window of 24 hours from the onset of a stroke to have a chance to recover from a stroke. This will help more patients recover from stroke and save them from the harmful impact of stroke. Mechanical Thrombectomy is a ray of hope for people affected by stroke. Mechanical Thrombectomy give them hope and courage to fight strokes. It gives life to their dead hopes and courage to fight stroke. It is a powerful weapon that helps people to win against difficult stroke. Mechanical Thrombectomy also leads to a speedy recovery from stroke. So, going for mechanical thrombectomy treatment at the best neurology hospital in Guntur is advisable.

What is the problem with mechanical thrombectomy?

Though mechanical thrombectomy is an effective procedure to treat stroke, there aren’t sufficient neurology hospitals in Guntur that provide this stroke treatment option.


In this article, we learned about stroke and the risk factors that cause a stroke. We also learned about mechanical thrombectomy treatment, which helps treat stroke. We learned about the devices used in mechanical thrombectomy treatment and its procedure. We also learned about the advantages and problems of mechanical thrombectomy in Guntur. A stroke is a severe problem. Before it defeats you, you defeat it with the help of mechanical thrombectomy treatment from the best doctor in Guntur. Mechanical Thrombectomy not only gives you life but also gives life to your dead hopes and courage. Mechanical Thrombectomy is a powerful and effective weapon that helps you battle stroke. It enables you to defeat death and makes your life win this battle. So, now it’s time to make your life a winner, not the time to lose it and allow it to perish! Now it’s time to defeat and not get defeated! Now is the time to win! Now is the time to live!

Dr. Rao’s Contact Information:

the best stroke-treatment-in-Guntur

The best stroke treatment in Guntur? IV tPA, mechanical thrombectomy

The best stroke treatment in Guntur? IV tPA, mechanical thrombectomy

The symptoms of stroke can appear to any person in Guntur at any time. It is a medical emergency that requires immediate attention from the best neurosurgeon in Guntur.

It is nothing but a shortage of oxygen and required nutrition due to disturbed blood supply into your brain. As a result, your brain cells start to die within minutes.

You can prevent brain injury and other problems by getting proper treatment as early as possible.

 Sometimes, your blood vessels rupture and lead to bleeding in the brain, both contributing to the stroke. Almost 87% of strokes are due to lack of blood supply, and 13% are due to hemorrhage, i.e., bleeding in the brain.

What are the signs and symptoms?

Neurosurgery for Facial Nerve Disorders: Restoring Function and Enhancing Quality of Life

Best hospital for stroke – Dr Rao’s Hosptial Guntur

When you think you or someone you are with is having a stroke, pay careful attention to when the signs begin. Remember the mnemonic BE FAST, which indicates the symptoms to look for and the need for emergency treatment. Confident treatment choices are highly successful if offered right after the stroke.

Below are the signs and symptoms of a stroke:

You can experience difficulties speaking and understanding what people are doing. You can be confused, slur your sentences, or have trouble interpreting speech.

You may experience numbness or paralysis of the face, arm, or leg. It usually impacts only one side of the body. You can have a stroke if one limb starts to collapse. When you try to smile, one side of your mouth will droop.

You may experience double vision or distorted or blackened vision in one or both eyes. A stroke may also cause symptoms like a severe headache, vomiting, dizziness, or altered consciousness.

You can experience difficulty in walking due to a stroke. You can feel dizziness or a lack of balance as well.

Now, let us see how our neurologist in Guntur makes the diagnosis.

When you arrive at the hospital, we will perform the following tests:

A physical test: 

Your doctor will administer a series of checks you are already acquainted with, such as listening to your pulse and blood pressure. We may perform a neurological evaluation to assess the effects of the stroke.

Blood test: 

Several blood checks can be done, including one to assess how easily your blood clots, whether your blood pressure is too high or low, and whether or not you have an infection.

CT scan: 

A CT scan can also be beneficial in your stroke diagnosis. It produces a clear representation of the brain by using a sequence of X-rays. A CT scan may exclude brain bleeding so we can go ahead with thrombolysis treatment without any delay.

Our neurosurgeon in Guntur Dr. Mohana Rao Patibandla can inject a dye into your bloodstream to allow them to examine the blood vessels in your neck and brain more closely (computerized tomography angiography).

You may require Magnetic resonance imaging:

An MRI creates a precise brain image using strong radio waves and magnets. An MRI can detect brain tissue injury and brain hemorrhages caused by an ischemic stroke.

So, what treatment options are available to you?

If you are having an ischemic stroke or a stroke that causes bleeding through the brain, you will need emergency care. Doctors must rapidly restore blood supply to the brain to cure an ischemic stroke. Our neurosurgeon in Guntur provides the following treatments in case you are suffering from an ischemic stroke.

Ischemic stroke

IV treatment: 

In many cases, we can administer intravenous medications that may break up a blood clot in your brain. We administer these medications within 4.5 hours from when the symptoms started and recently up to 9 hours based on the perfusion scanning. 


It is another significant way of treating stroke. Here, our doctor administers medications directly to the site of the stroke. We use a long, narrow tube through an artery in your groin and thread it to your brain, called IA thrombolysis, which may be needed in some small vessel disease cases.

Endovascular surgeries: 

Ischemic strokes are often treated immediately inside the blocked blood vessel by our Dr. Mohana Rao Patibandla, the interventional neurosurgeon or endovascular neurosurgeon, with the help of a suction device or with the help of a stentreiver if the patient is here within 24 hours.

Minimally Invasive Approaches for Treating Brain Tumors: Advancements at Dr. Rao’s Hospital

Minimally Invasive Approaches for Treating Brain Stroke: Advancements at Dr. Rao’s Hospital – Mechanical Thrombectomy and IV tPA

After an ischemic stroke, endovascular treatment can increase outcomes and minimize long-term disability in up to 70% of patients after proper selection through perfusion imaging. Our interventional team, led by Dr. Mohana Rao Patibandla, is the best in Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, and India.

A stent retriever:  

As one of the best neurosurgeons in Guntur, our doctor will clear the clot from the damaged blood artery in your brain using a system connected to a catheter. This method benefits people with big clots that medicines cannot remove entirely. 

Hemorrhagic stroke:

Controlling the bleeding and reducing the pain in your brain caused by the extra blood are the main goals of emergency care for hemorrhagic stroke. There are multiple recovery services available, including:

Treatment in an emergency: 

When you use blood thinners to avoid blood clots, we might provide medications or blood transfusions to mitigate the effects of blood thinners. We can give prescription medications to reduce intracranial pain, blood pressure, blood vessel spasm reduction, and seizure prevention.

the-best-intracranial-hemorrhage- minimallyi invasive brain path treatment -at-dr-raos

the-best-intracranial-hemorrhage-treatment-at-dr-Rao’s with brain path using neuronavigation and CUSA

Surgical procedures:  Our doctor can perform surgery to remove the blood and relieve pressure on your brain if the bleeding is high. 
Clipping by a surgeon: To stop the aneurysm’s blood supply, the best neurosurgeon in Guntur can put a tiny clip at its root. This clip will prevent an aneurysm from bursting or from bleeding again after it has already bled.
Dr. Rao performs aneurysm clipping surgery at Dr. Rao's Hospital, focusing intently, with advanced medical equipment in the background

Dr. Rao performs aneurysm clipping surgery at Dr. Rao’s Hospital, focusing intently on advanced medical equipment in the background.

Coiling (endovascular embolization): Your surgeon can put tiny detachable coils into the aneurysm. He can use a catheter implanted into an artery in your groin and directed to your brain. It helps in blocking the blood supply into the aneurysm and causes clots.
Brain aneurysm treatment at Dr Rao's Coiling and flow diverter

Brain aneurysm treatment at Dr Rao’s Coiling and Flow Diverter