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Carpal tunnel syndrome – the best treatment at Dr Raos, Guntur


Carpal tunnel syndrome is a condition that can cause pain and numbness in the hand and wrist. The condition is caused by compression of the median nerve, which runs through the carpal tunnel, a narrow passageway in the wrist. Carpal tunnel syndrome is a common condition, particularly among women and people who work with their hands. The condition is treatable, and there are steps that can be taken to prevent it from getting worse. Looking for the best neurology hospital in Guntur, look no further than Dr Raos hospital, the best neurosurgery or neurology hospital in Guntur and India.


There are a number of different things that can contribute to the development of carpal tunnel syndrome. In many cases, it is the result of a combination of factors. Some of the most common include: -Repetitive motions of the hands and wrists. This is often seen in people who perform the same motions over and over again at work, such as typing or using a cash register. -An injury or trauma to the wrist. This can include a fracture, dislocation, or sprain. -Arthritis. This condition can cause inflammation in the joints, which can put pressure on the median nerve. -Pregnancy. This is thought to be due to the increased levels of hormones in the body, which can lead to fluid retention and swelling. This can put pressure on the median nerve. -Diabetes. This condition can cause damage to the nerves, which can lead to carpal tunnel syndrome.


Carpal tunnel syndrome symptoms can vary in severity. Some people experience mild symptoms that come and go, while others have constant, severe pain. The most common symptom is a tingling or numb feeling in the fingers or hand. This is usually worse at night and can make it difficult to sleep. Other symptoms include: • Pain in the wrist, palm, or forearm • A burning sensation or weakness in the hand • Difficulty gripping or holding objects • Clumsiness when using the affected hand If you have any of these symptoms, it’s important to see your doctor so they can diagnose and treat the condition.


There are several ways to diagnose carpal tunnel syndrome. The most common is the physical examination. Your doctor will check for tenderness, swelling, and weakness in your hands and wrists. He or she may also ask you to do some simple tests, such as holding your hands out in front of you or making a fist. If your doctor suspects you have carpal tunnel syndrome, he or she may refer you to a specialist for further testing. This may include an electromyogram (EMG) or nerve conduction study. These tests measure the electrical activity of your muscles and nerves to help determine if there is pressure on the median nerve. Carpal tunnel syndrome is usually diagnosed based on your symptoms and physical examination. However, these tests may be ordered to rule out other conditions that cause similar symptoms, such as arthritis or a pinched nerve in the neck.


There are a number of different ways to treat carpal tunnel syndrome. Some people may only need to wear a splint at night, while others may need to have surgery. If you only have mild symptoms, your doctor may recommend that you wear a splint at night. This will help keep your wrist in a straight position and take the pressure off of the median nerve. You may also be asked to do some exercises and stretches to help improve your symptoms. If your symptoms are more severe, you may need to have surgery. The type of surgery you have will depend on how much damage there is to the median nerve. In some cases, the surgeon will just need to release the pressure on the nerve by cutting through the ligament that is pressing on it. In other cases, the surgeon may need to remove part of the bone or tendon that is pressing on the nerve.

Living with it

Carpal tunnel syndrome can be a chronic and painful condition, but there are ways to manage the pain and live with the condition. Here are some tips: -Rest your hands and wrists as much as possible. -Apply ice to the affected area for 20 minutes at a time, several times a day. -Take over-the-counter pain relievers such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen. -Wear a splint at night to keep your wrist in a neutral position. -Do exercises that stretch and strengthen your hand and wrist muscles. If these conservative measures don’t relieve your symptoms, you may need to see a doctor for further treatment. In some cases, surgery may be necessary to relieve the pressure on the median nerve.


Carpal tunnel syndrome can be a debilitating condition that significantly impacts a person’s quality of life. While there is no cure for the condition, there are treatments available that can help to lessen the symptoms and improve function. It is important to seek medical attention if you think you may be suffering from carpal tunnel syndrome in order to receive an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment. With proper care, people with carpal tunnel syndrome can continue to lead active and fulfilling lives. Looking for the best neurology hospital in Guntur, look no further than Dr Raos hospital, the best neurosurgery or neurology hospital in Guntur and India.


Smoking and Neurosurgery – Prevention of smoking is the best


Smoking cigarettes has been proven to have numerous negative effects on the human body, including the brain, bones, and spine. In this article, we will explore the implications of smoking on brain function, bone growth, and spine health. We will also discuss some of the diseases associated with smoking, and how to prevent them. Looking for the best smoking cessation program please contact Dr Raos hospital. Dr Rao is the best neurosurgeon in India.

implications on brain

Smoking cigarettes has been shown to have implications on the brain. Studies have shown that smokers are more likely to suffer from memory problems and cognitive decline than non-smokers. Additionally, smokers are also at a higher risk for developing Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia. The chemicals in cigarettes can damage the brain and lead to these problems.

disease associated with brain

Diseases associated with brain: There are many diseases that have been linked to smoking, and many of them affect the brain. These include stroke, dementia, and Alzheimer’s disease. Smoking also increases the risk of developing Parkinson’s disease.

implications on bone growth and spine

Smoking cigarettes has been shown to have implications on bone growth and the spine. Studies have shown that smokers are more likely to have a lower bone density than nonsmokers, which can lead to an increased risk of fractures. In addition, smoking has also been linked to an increased risk of developing degenerative diseases of the spine, such as osteoporosis and disk disease.

diseases associated with spine

Diseases associated with spine can include:

– Spinal stenosis: This is a condition in which the spinal canal narrows, putting pressure on the spinal cord. This can lead to pain, numbness, and weakness in the legs.

– Spondylolisthesis: This is a condition in which one of the vertebrae slips out of place, putting pressure on the spinal cord or nerves. This can lead to pain and numbness in the legs.

– Degenerative disc disease: This is a condition in which the discs between the vertebrae break down, leading to pain, stiffness, and loss of mobility.

– Osteoarthritis: This is a condition in which the joints degenerate, leading to pain, stiffness, and loss of mobility.


There are many ways to prevent smoking-related diseases. The best way to prevent smoking-related diseases is to never start smoking. If you currently smoke, quitting smoking is the best way to prevent smoking-related diseases. There are many resources available to help you quit smoking, including:

• nicotine replacement therapy (NRT), which can help reduce withdrawal symptoms and cravings

• prescription medications, such as bupropion or varenicline, which can also help reduce withdrawal symptoms and cravings

• counseling and support groups, which can provide motivation and encouragement If you’re struggling to quit smoking on your own, don’t hesitate to ask for help.

There are many people and organizations who want to see you succeed in quitting smoking.


In conclusion, smoking has a variety of implications on both the brain and the spine. These implications can lead to a number of different diseases, some of which are potentially fatal. However, there are ways to prevent these diseases from developing, and it is important to be aware of them.


Double Vision – the best treatment at Dr Raos, Guntur


Double vision, also called diplopia, is the simultaneous perception of two images of a single object. The brain usually interprets this as an error and suppresses one of the images. However, both images may be briefly seen before the brain corrects the error. Double vision can occur when looking at objects far away or up close. It can also be caused by certain medical conditions or medications. Looking for the best cranial nerve doctor or best double vision treatment center, Dr Rao at Dr Raos is the best in Guntur and India, Call 9010056444 /9010057444


There are many possible causes of double vision, which can be broadly divided into those that affect the eyes themselves and those that affect the nervous system. Common causes of double vision affecting the eyes include refractive errors (such as nearsightedness or farsightedness), cataracts, and age-related macular degeneration. Double vision can also be caused by problems with the eye muscles, such as ptosis (drooping of the eyelid) or strabismus (misalignment of the eyes). Double vision caused by problems with the nervous system is often more serious, as it can be a symptom of a stroke, brain tumor, or other neurological disorder. However, it is important to note that not all cases of double vision have a serious underlying cause. In many cases, the cause is unknown and no treatment is necessary.


Symptoms of double vision can vary depending on the underlying cause. In some cases, people may only experience double vision when they are tired or when their eyes are dry. In other cases, double vision may be constant. Common symptoms of double vision include: * Blurry vision * Eyestrain * Headache * Difficulty reading * Difficulty driving * Difficulty recognizing faces


There are several ways to diagnose double vision. The first is through a comprehensive eye exam, which will check for any underlying conditions that could be causing the double vision. If no underlying conditions are found, the next step is to undergo a neurological exam, which can help rule out any neurological causes. Finally, an MRI or CT scan may be ordered to check for any structural abnormalities in the brain that could be causing the double vision.


There are a few different ways to treat double vision, depending on the underlying cause. If the double vision is due to a refractive error, glasses or contact lenses can be prescribed to help correct the problem. If the double vision is due to an eye muscle imbalance, prismatic lenses may be used to help realign the eyes. In some cases, surgery may be necessary to correct the problem.


The prognosis for double vision depends on the underlying cause. If the cause is a refractive error, glasses or contact lenses can usually correct the problem. If the cause is more serious, such as a stroke or brain tumor, the outlook may be more uncertain.


In conclusion, double vision can be a symptom of many different underlying conditions. It is important to see a doctor if you are experiencing double vision, as it can be a sign of a serious condition. There are many different treatment options available for double vision, so there is no need to worry. With the proper treatment, most people with double vision will be able to live normal, healthy lives.

Anterior Cervical Discectomy and Fusion (ACDF) – the best at Dr Raos, Guntur


Anterior cervical discectomy and fusion (ACDF) is a surgical procedure used to treat neck pain and other symptoms associated with cervical disc degeneration. The procedure involves removing the damaged disc and replacing it with a bone graft. The graft is then fused to the vertebrae above and below the disc space. This stabilizes the spine and relieves pressure on the nerves. ACDF is generally considered a safe and effective procedure. However, as with any surgery, there are risks involved. These include infection, bleeding, nerve damage, and problems with the bone graft. In some cases, the symptoms may not be completely relieved after surgery. Looking for the best neurosurgeon for your cervical or back problem look no further than Dr Raos hospital and Dr Rao, the best neurosurgery hospital and the best neurosurgeon, respectively.


Anterior cervical discectomy and fusion (ACDF) is indicated when there is herniation or degeneration of the intervertebral disc causing nerve root or spinal cord compression. This results in symptoms such as arm pain, numbness, tingling, or weakness. ACDF may also be indicated for instability or deformity of the spine.


There are several contraindications to anterior cervical discectomy and fusion (ACDF). These include but are not limited to: – Severe osteoporosis – Previous neck surgery – Infection in the area of the proposed surgery – Active cancer in the neck or upper spine – An unstable spine due to trauma Each patient is different and your surgeon will be able to best advise you if ACDF is right for you.


The procedure for an anterior cervical discectomy and fusion (ACDF) is typically performed under general anesthesia. The patient is placed lying face down on the operating table. A small incision is made in the front of the neck, and the muscles are moved aside to expose the vertebrae. Using a microscope, the surgeon removes the damaged disc and any bone spurs that may be present. The space created by the removal of the disc is then filled with a bone graft, which will eventually fuse the two vertebrae together. In some cases, metal plates and screws are used to hold the vertebrae in place while the fusion occurs. The incision is then closed, and a neck collar or brace may be placed around the neck to immobilize it during healing. The surgery usually takes 1-2 hours to complete.


Complications are rare but can occur with any surgery. The most common complications after anterior cervical discectomy and fusion (ACDF) are dysphagia (difficulty swallowing), hoarseness, and vocal cord paralysis. These can usually be resolved with time and/or speech therapy. Other potential complications include: • Dural tear – this can occur when the surgeon accidentally tears the dura mater, the outermost layer of the meninges (the three membranes that surround the brain and spinal cord). A dural tear can cause a CSF leak, which can lead to meningitis (inflammation of the meninges). • Nerve root injury – this can occur if the surgeon damages the nerve roots as they are removing the disc. This can cause pain, numbness, or weakness in the affected area. • Spinal cord injury – this is a very rare complication that can occur if the surgeon damages the spinal cord during the procedure. This can result in paralysis below the level of injury. • Infection – this is a rare complication that can occur at the surgical site. Infections can usually be treated with antibiotics. • Blood clots – this is a rare complication that can occur if blood clots form in the veins of the legs or pelvis. Blood clots can travel to the lungs and cause a pulmonary embolism, which can be life-threatening.

Complication prevention

There are several ways to prevent complications from occurring during an anterior cervical discectomy and fusion. First, it is important to have a thorough understanding of the procedure and what it entails. This includes knowing the risks and potential complications that can occur. Secondly, be sure to select a qualified surgeon who has experience performing this type of procedure. Third, follow all of the post-operative instructions given by the surgeon to ensure a successful recovery. Finally, if any complications do occur, be sure to seek medical attention immediately.


The conclusion of this article is that anterior cervical discectomy and fusion is a safe and effective procedure for treating herniated discs in the neck. The procedure has a low complication rate and can be performed with minimal invasiveness.


The best arm/leg weakness treatment at Dr Raos Hospital


If you have ever experienced arm or leg weakness, you know how frustrating it can be. The feeling of your limb not working properly can be scary, and the cause is often unknown. In this article, we will explore the causes, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment of arm and leg weakness. We will also provide tips for living with this condition. Looking for the best arm or leg weakness or numbness or cervical cord compression or stroke treatment in Guntur or in Andhra Pradesh, look no further, Dr Raos hospital is the best neurology, neurosurgery or spine surgery hospital in Guntur and India.


There are many potential causes of arm or leg weakness. common ones I see in regular practice are


It could be the result of an injury, such as a broken bone.

It could also be the result of a medical condition, such as multiple sclerosis or spinal cord ischemia or cerebral palsy.

In some cases, arm or leg weakness may be the result of a stroke or spinal cord compression or Spinal nerve compression.

It may be due to muscle problem or muscle and nerve junction problems.


Hemiparesis or arm or leg weakness leads to incoordination, mobility issues.

There are many potential symptoms of arm or leg weakness.

Some people may experience a sudden onset of weakness, while others may gradually develop symptoms over time. In stroke weakness is of all of a sudden.

The severity of symptoms can vary from person to person.

Some common symptoms of arm or leg weakness include:

• Difficulty moving the affected limb

• A feeling of heaviness or fatigue in the affected limb

• A loss of strength in the affected limb

• Difficulty walking or standing

• A feeling of “giving way” in the affected limb

• Joint pain in the affected limb If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, it is important to see a doctor so that they can determine the cause and provide appropriate treatment.


There are a few different ways to diagnose arm or leg weakness. The first way is to look at the person’s medical history.

If there are any conditions that could potentially cause weakness, such as diabetes or multiple sclerosis, then this will be taken into account.

Another way to diagnose arm or leg weakness is through physical examination.

The doctor will check for any signs of muscle wasting or paralysis. They will also test the strength of the muscles and reflexes.

Finally, imaging tests, such as MRI or CT scans, may be ordered to rule out any other potential causes of the weakness.


There is no one-size-fits-all answer to the question of how to treat arm or leg weakness.

The best course of action will vary depending on the underlying cause of the condition.

However, there are some general principles that can be followed in most cases.

If the weakness is due to a muscle or nerve disorder, treatment will typically focus on addressing the underlying condition. This may involve physical therapy to strengthen muscles, medication to control nerve pain, or surgery to correct a problem with the nervous system.

In some cases, arm or leg weakness may be caused by an underlying medical condition such as diabetes or multiple sclerosis. In these cases, treatment will focus on managing the underlying condition and its symptoms. This may involve taking medication, making lifestyle changes, or receiving regular injections of medication.

No matter what the cause of your arm or leg weakness, it is important to work with your doctor to develop a treatment plan that is right for you.

living with it

Living with arm or leg weakness can be difficult.

The best way to manage the condition is to stay as active as possible and to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

It is also important to monitor the condition and to seek medical help if the symptoms worsen.

There are a variety of treatments available that can help to improve the quality of life for those living with arm or leg weakness.


In conclusion, arm or leg weakness can be caused by a variety of factors. However, the most common cause is nerve damage.

This can occur due to a variety of reasons, including injury, disease, or surgery.

Treatment for arm or leg weakness will vary depending on the underlying cause.

In some cases, physical therapy may be recommended in order to help improve strength and function.

In other cases, medication may be necessary in order to relieve symptoms.

It is important to speak with a doctor in order to determine the best course of treatment.

Looking for the best arm or leg weakness or numbness or cervical cord compression or stroke treatment in Guntur or in Andhra Pradesh, look no further, Dr Raos hospital is the best neurology, neurosurgery or spine surgery hospital in Guntur and India. Dr Rao is the best neurosurgeon, neurologist and spine surgeon available in Guntur and India. Call us @9010056444 or 9010057444 for appointment.


Dr Raos hospital is the best for confusion treatment


Confusion is a state of mind in which a person is unable to think clearly. It can be caused by many things, including stress, fatigue, illness, and drugs. It can also be a symptom of some medical conditions. Dr Raos hospital is the tertiary care comprehensive stroke care center and neurology hospital in Guntur and Andhra Pradesh and stands the best confusion or delirium or dementia treatment hospital in India. Contact us @ 9010056444 or 9010057444 for reducing your disability and faster recovery from the confusion. Dr Rao is the best top ten neurologists and neurosurgeons in India. Dr Rao is also the best neurosurgeon, best spine surgeon and best stroke or paralysis neurologist in Guntur and Andhra Pradesh.


Acute confusion physical causes is a big list and needs to be evaluated carefully

There can be many different causes of confusion, which can make it a difficult symptom to pin down. In some cases, confusion may be caused by a physical condition, such as a head injury, stroke, or drug overdose. In other cases, it may be caused by a mental health condition, such as dementia or depression. It can also be caused by side effects from certain medications.


There are four main types of confusion: 1. Acute confusion: This is the most common type of confusion and usually lasts for a short period of time. It can be caused by things like stress, lack of sleep, or taking certain medications. 2. Delirium: This is a more serious type of confusion that can be caused by things like infection, dehydration, or heart failure. It usually comes on suddenly and can be very frightening. 3. Dementia: This is a chronic type of confusion that is often seen in older adults. It is caused by things like Alzheimer’s disease or stroke. 4. Psychotic disorder: This is a type of mental illness that can cause confusion.


There are a few different types of confusion, and the symptoms can vary depending on the cause. For example, if you’re confused because you’ve taken too many medications, you might have trouble thinking clearly and making decisions. If you’re confused because of a head injury, you might have trouble remembering things or understanding what’s going on around you. And if you’re confused because of a mental health condition, you might have hallucinations or delusions. Confusion can also cause physical symptoms, such as dizziness, sweating, and a racing heart. If you’re confused, it’s important to seek medical help right away so that the cause can be determined and treated.


There are several ways to diagnose confusion. The most common method is through a clinical interview, in which a healthcare professional asks the person questions about their symptoms and recent experiences. Other methods of diagnosis include neuropsychological testing, brain imaging, and blood tests. Confusion can also be diagnosed by observing the person’s behavior. People with confusion may appear disoriented, have trouble communicating, or show changes in their level of consciousness.


There is no one-size-fits-all approach to treating confusion, as the underlying cause will dictate the most effective course of treatment. However, there are some general measures that can be taken to help manage and reduce confusion. If an underlying medical condition is causing confusion, treating the condition will often alleviate the confusion. For example, if a person has a urinary tract infection, treating the infection with antibiotics will usually clear up the confusion. In other cases, changes in lifestyle or environment may be necessary to reduce confusion. For instance, if a person with Alzheimer’s disease is experiencing increased confusion due to changes in their routine, making adjustments to their schedule and surroundings can help minimize the confusion. There are also some medications that can help relieve symptoms of confusion, such as antipsychotics or sedatives. These should only be used under the guidance of a doctor, as they can have serious side effects. Finally, it is important to provide support and assistance to someone who is confused. This may involve simplifying instructions, breaking tasks down into smaller steps, or providing frequent reminders. Reducing stress and providing emotional support can also be helpful.


The takeaway from all of this is that confusion is a normal part of life. It’s something we all experience from time to time, and it’s nothing to be ashamed of. If you’re feeling confused, take a deep breath and relax. Remember that everyone feels this way sometimes, and that there’s no need to worry.  Dr Raos hospital is the tertiary care comprehensive stroke care center and neurology hospital in Guntur and Andhra Pradesh and stands the best confusion or delirium or dementia treatment hospital in India. Contact us @ 9010056444 or 9010057444 for reducing your disability and faster recovery from the confusion. Dr Rao is the best top ten neurologists and neurosurgeons in India. Dr Rao is also the best neurosurgeon, best spine surgeon and best stroke or paralysis neurologist in Guntur and Andhra Pradesh.


The best head injury treatment is at Dr Raos


A head injury is a very serious matter that can have long-lasting effects. It is important to be as informed as possible about head injuries in order to prevent them and to know how to properly deal with them if they do occur. This essay will provide information on the causes, symptoms, and treatment of head injuries. Looking for the best head injury treatment in Guntur, look no further than Dr Raos hospital nor Dr Rao the best neurosurgeon for head injury. Contact us @9010056444 or 9010057444.

Head injuries – Open Vs Closed

There are many different causes of head injuries. One common cause is falls. Falls are the leading cause of head injuries in children and adults over the age of 65 (Mayo Clinic, 2017). Other common causes of head injuries include car accidents, being hit by an object, and sports-related injuries.

Closed head injuries are often caused by a blow to the head. This can happen in a car accident, a fall, or even a fight. The symptoms of a closed head injury can vary depending on the severity of the injury.

Open head injuries are often caused by a penetrating wound to the head. This can happen in a car accident, a fall, or even a fight. The symptoms of an open head injury can vary depending on the severity of the injury.

Indications of severe head injury - you should consult a neurosurgeon

Different types of head injury?


  • Concussion
  • Skull fracture. A skull fracture is a break in the skull bone.
    • Linear skull fractures. 
    • Depressed skull fractures. 
    • Diastatic skull fractures. 
    • Basilar skull fracture. 
  • Intracranial hematoma (ICH). There are several types of ICH, or blood clots, in or around the brain.
    • Epidural hematoma. Epidural hematomas occur when a blood clot forms underneath the skull, but on top of the dura, the tough covering that surrounds the brain.
    • Subdural hematoma. Subdural hematomas occur when a blood clot forms underneath the skull and underneath the dura, but outside of the brain. T
    • Contusion or intracerebral hematoma. A contusion is a bruise to the brain itself.
    • Diffuse axonal injury (DAI). These injuries are fairly common and are usually caused by shaking of the brain back and forth, which can happen in car accidents, from falls or shaken baby syndrome.

Symptoms of head injury

Symptoms of a head injury can vary depending on the severity of the injury. Some common symptoms include headaches, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, fatigue, confusion, memory problems, mood swings, sleep problems, and sensitivity to light or noise (Mayo Clinic, 2017). If you experience any of these symptoms after sustaining a head injury, it is important to see a doctor as soon as possible.

Diagnosis of head injury

Diagnosis is mainly depends on the duration of loss of consciousness, clinical history, imaging like Xray, CT, MRI and angiogram occasionally.


There are many different treatment options for head injuries, depending on the severity of the injury. For milder injuries, rest and over-the-counter pain medication may be all that is needed. More severe injuries may require hospitalization, surgery, and/or rehabilitation.


The key is to promote a safe environment

The use of seat belts when riding in the car and

helmets (when worn properly) for activities, such as bicycle riding, in-line skating, and skateboarding

Living with Head Injury

Persons who suffer a severe brain injury may lose muscle strength, fine motor skills, speech, vision, hearing, or taste function, depending on the brain region involved and the severity of brain damage. Long- or short-term changes in personality or behavior may also occur. These persons require long-term medical and rehabilitative (physical, occupational, or speech therapy) management.

Recovery following the head injury

The extent of the person’s recovery depends on the type of brain injury and other medical problems that may be present. It is important to focus on maximizing the person’s capabilities at home and in the community. Positive reinforcement will encourage the patient to strengthen his/her self-esteem and promote independence.


If you or someone you know has sustained a head injury, it is important to seek medical attention as soon as possible. Head injuries can be very serious and have long-lasting effects. With proper treatment, however, many people make a full recovery. Looking for the best head injury treatment in Guntur, look no further than Dr Raos hospital nor Dr Rao the best neurosurgeon for head injury. Contact us @9010056444 or 9010057444.


The best stroke treatment is at Dr Raos hospital Guntur

What Is A Stroke?

The science and following of neurology is based on the concept that the mind works like a computer, with cells known as neurons making connections between one another and passing messages through the body. When something occurs to these neurons – it could cause your psychological talents to vary dramatically. Discover what a stroke is in this text and how it may affect your life! A stroke is the sudden development of a neurological deficit like speech problem, arm or leg weakness, balance issues, eye vision loss, or facial droop due to disruption of blood supply or rupture of the blood vessel.

SPOT A STROKE BE FAST - Balance issues, Eye deviation or blurred vision or loss of vision, Facial drooping, Arm droop, speech problem, time to call
SPOT A STROKE BE FAST – Balance issues, Eye deviation or blurred vision or loss of vision, Facial drooping, Arm droop, speech problem, time to call

What are the Causes of a Stroke

A stroke is a complicated medical situation through which blood movement to the mind is blocked or interrupted. There are several types of strokes, and they can affect any part of the mind. The most familiar trigger of a stroke is a blood clot with in the arteries leading to the brain. Other causes are aneurysms, swelling of the artery wall, and a bleeding disorder referred to as hemophilia. It would be best if you searched for medical attention instantly for those who recognize signs such as sudden confusion, difficulty talking, difficulty swallowing, numbness or tingling on one side of the body, or seizures.

Risk factors for stroke - smoking, drug abuse, alcoholism, atrial fibrillation, high blood pressure, meat consumpton, diabetes mellitus, Cholesterol
Risk factors for stroke – smoking, drug abuse, alcoholism, atrial fibrillation, high blood pressure, meat consumption, diabetes mellitus, Cholesterol

Symptoms of a Stroke

A stroke is an emergency that can damage the brain and cause severe problems, such as paralysis or loss of life. The signs of a stroke can range depending on the affected part of the brain. Some widespread symptoms of a stroke embrace: – numbness or weakness in some limbs, particularly on one aspect of the body – trouble speaking or understanding speech – problem walking, making decisions, or feeling conscious of your surroundings – sudden confusion or issues with vision

Clinical Presentation of a Stroke

A stroke is a neurological disorder that may damage the blood vessels within the mind. It’s the fourth leading trigger of demise within the United States. A stroke can occur when blood flow to the brain is obstructed or reduced. Symptoms of a stroke include sudden severe numbness or weakness on one side of the physique, speaking issues, confusion, and lack of coordination. A stroke can lead to permanent disability and even demise if not handled shortly. There are many things you can do to help prevent a stroke:

  • Get common exercise.
  • Eat a healthy weight loss plan.
  • Cut back your risk factors for heart illness and diabetes.
  • Get vaccinated against HPV (human papillomavirus).
The signs of stroke - SPOT A STROKE BE FAST - Balance issues, Eye deviation or blurred vision or loss of vision, Facial drooping, Arm droop, speech problem, time to call
The signs of stroke – SPOT A STROKE BE FAST – Balance issues, Eye deviation or blurred vision or loss of vision, Facial drooping, Arm droop, speech problem, time to call

How can we diagnose a stroke?

A stroke is a medical emergency that may happen when the bloodstream to the brain is blocked or impaired. A stroke may cause critical issues, including paralysis and loss of life. There are numerous types of strokes. However, all of them share some frequent signs. For those who assume you will have had a stroke, do not wait to call 104 or 9010056444/9010057444. Immediately call Dr Rao or Dr Raos hospital and inform them what happened. They give you directions on tips on how to get to the hospital. If you cannot speak, write down what happened and provide it to someone else who can aid you in remembering. The signs and signs of a stroke depends on the part of the brain that’s affected. However, some typical indicators that something is unsuitable along with your brain embrace: sudden weakness or numbness in a single aspect of your body; bother talking or understanding phrases; sudden confusion; loss of steadiness and coordination; headache; nausea or vomiting; fast or irregular heartbeat; seizure (convulsion).

Stroke, Coma, and Seizure

A stroke is a severe medical condition that can harm your mind and lead to long-term disability. A stroke occurs when blood flow to your brain is blocked or lower. There are two predominant strokes: ischemic (resulting from a blockage within the arteries) and hemorrhagic (attributable to an excessive launch of blood). Symptoms of a stroke can range. However, they often include sudden numbness or weakness on one side of the body, issues talking or understanding what individuals are saying, bother strolling, confusion, and severe headache. Please go to the hospital instantly for those who are experts in any of those signs. If in case you have a stroke, it’s vital to get treatment as quickly as potential. Treatment includes utilizing units known as defibrillators to shock your coronary heart into beating once more if it fails and providing supportive care akin to oxygen and IV fluids. Depending on the severity of the stroke, many individuals require specialized care in a hospital setting for several weeks or even months.

Treatment for a Stroke

A stroke is a problematic situation that impacts the mind and can result in paralysis or death. A stroke occurs when blood flow to the brain is blocked. There are a lot of various kinds of strokes, but all share some widespread signs. The first signal of a stroke is a sudden feeling of weakness or numbness in a single side of the body. Other indicators might include difficulty talking, problems understanding what individuals are saying, hassle walking, and issues with vision or coordination. For those who assume you could have had a stroke, you should call 104/9010056444 or 9010057444 immediately. If you have a stroke, the smartest thing to do is to remain as still as possible and chill out your muscles. You will probably be hospitalized for treatment and want care from docs and nurses throughout your keep. Treatment for a stroke could embody medicine IV tPA to help enhance blood flow to the brain, surgical procedures to remove blockages in blood vessels, mechanical thrombectomy to rescue the brain, or both.

Blood clot in the blood vessel - mechanical thrombectomy - Dr Raos hospital
Blood clot in the blood vessel – mechanical thrombectomy – Dr Raos hospital


A stroke is a critical medical situation that may cause paralysis or death. If you’re ever concerned about whether or not you might need a stroke, search for assistance from a doctor. In the meantime, here is some information on what strokes look like and how to acknowledge the signs. Finally, make sure you contact your beloved ones and allow them to know what is happening to allow them to present support throughout this challenging time. Looing for the best stroke comprehensive care in Guntur or Andhra Pradesh, look no further than Dr Raos hospital, the best interventional neurology biplane Cath lab hospital, reach us @9010056444 or 9010057444.


Dr Rao is The Best Spine Surgeon In India 

Who is the best spine surgeon In India? 

There are various spine surgeons in India, but discovering the best one is a challenge. There are a few things to think about when in search of the best spine surgeon in India:

  1. It is essential to discover a skilled surgeon with an excellent monitor document.
  2. You must find a surgeon ready to offer the best care for your situation.
  3. It is crucial to find a surgeon in a handy location for you.

On experience, Dr. Mohana Rao Patibandla is one of India’s most effective spine surgeons. He has over 21 years of experience and over 10,000 spine surgeries. He is in the Times of India, Mid Day, Deccan Herald, and The Indian Express for his work in spine surgery and minimally invasive brain & spine surgery. Dr. Rao’s attention to minimally invasive spine surgery has made him one of the most sought-after surgeons in India. A minimally invasive spine surgical procedure is a newer approach that permits smaller incisions and less tissue damage. Minimally invasive surgery ends in sooner healing times, faster recovery, earlier discharges, and less ache for the patient. Dr. Rao has been performing minimally invasive spine surgery for over ten years and has helped countless patients recuperate from their conditions. You must consider seeing Dr. Rao if you’re looking for the best possible care for your specific condition. He will take the time to grasp your situation and develop a personalized treatment plan that is correct for You.

Dr Rao the best spine surgeon in Guntur and India

Dr Rao, the best spine surgeon in Guntur and India

Controversies Of Surgical Intervention

There are a lot of controversies surrounding surgical intervention for spine situations. The commonest debate is whether or not to have surgery in any respect. Some surgeons believe that surgical procedures should be a last resort, solely to be considered when all other therapy choices have failed. Other surgeons feel that surgery should be considered sooner rather than later, as delays can lead to additional deterioration of the situation. Another controversy surrounds the kind of surgery to be carried out. Neurosurgeon spine surgeons can perform various types of surgeries on the spine, and everyone has their dangers and benefits. Surgeons must weigh these factors fastidiously to make the best patient decision. Finally, there may be the query of who should carry out the surgical procedure. In India, numerous certified surgeons can perform spine surgical procedures safely and effectively. However, choosing a surgeon with experience treating your exact situation is crucial. You must also feel snug with your surgeon and confident in their abilities.

Alternatives To Surgery – Non-Surgical Procedures

There are a variety of alternatives to surgery that can be utilized to deal with spine conditions. These include non-surgical procedures akin to – Physical therapy – Chiropractic care – Acupuncture – Massage therapy. Each of those modalities could be efficient in treating various spine circumstances. Working with a healthcare professional is essential to determine the best treatment method for you.

How Can I Find Someone Who Focuses on Spinal Surgery?

When you or someone you recognize is experiencing backache, you must seek out the best spine surgeon in India. Various qualified surgeons in India can provide relief from aches. However, finding the appropriate surgeon could be a challenge. Below are a few tips on seeking a certified spine surgeon in India: 

1. Check with your native medical group. You probably have a primary care physician, so ask for suggestions on spine surgeons in India. Testing with your insurance coverage firm to see if they have any suggestions is also possible. 

2. Ask for referrals from associates or relations with spinal surgical procedures in India. 

3. Do some research online. Numerous websites provide information on spine surgeons in India. You can also learn the affected person’s opinions of various surgeons to understand their expertise and success charges. 

4. After narrowing your list of potential surgeons, schedule consultations with everyone. This can allow you to meet the surgeon and ask questions about their expertise and skills. 

5. Ensure that you are feeling comfortable with the surgeon you select. Feeling confident in their ability to provide high-quality care and treatment for your pain would be best.

What Are The Risks and Benefits of Spinal Surgery?

There are a lot of risks and advantages related to spinal surgery. The most common dangers include: – Infection – Bleeding – Blood clots – Nerve harm – Spinal cord injury – And paralysis. The most expected advantages of spinal surgery embody: – Pain relief – Improved mobility – Reduced nerve compression – and prevention of disability.

Best Brain Cancer Hospitals in India

Discover unparalleled expertise in the treatment of brain cancer at Dr. Rao’s Hospital. Our multidisciplinary approach and advanced therapies make us a top choice for patients seeking the best care for brain cancer.

Best Brain Tumor Hospitals in India

Navigating the complexities of brain tumors requires specialized knowledge and skill. As one of the best brain tumor hospitals in India, we offer advanced diagnostics and personalized treatment plans to address each patient’s unique needs

Best Doctor for Spine Surgery in India

Trust in the hands of experienced professionals when it comes to spine surgery. Dr. Mohana Rao Patibandla, recognized as the best doctor for spine surgery in India, leads a team committed to restoring spinal health and enhancing overall well-being.

Best Hospital for Spine Surgery in India

Experience unparalleled care at the best hospital for spine surgery in India. Our comprehensive approach, coupled with state-of-the-art technology, ensures optimal outcomes for patients seeking relief from spinal conditions

Best Hospitals in India for Brain Cancer

As a leader in neurosurgical care, we consistently rank among the best hospitals in India for brain cancer. Our commitment to innovation and patient-centric care sets us apart in the realm of neuro-oncology.

Best Neuro Surgeon in India

Dr. Mohana Rao Patibandla, renowned as the best neurosurgeon in India, brings a wealth of experience and expertise to each case. Trust in his skill for intricate neurosurgical procedures that demand precision and proficiency.

Best Neurology Hospitals

For comprehensive neurological care, choose Dr. Rao’s Hospital, counted among the best neurology hospitals in the country. Our team of neurologists is dedicated to addressing a spectrum of neurological disorders with advanced diagnostic and treatment modalities.

Best Neurosurgeon in Guntur

In the heart of Guntur, Dr. Rao’s Hospital takes pride in having the best neurosurgeon in the region. Dr. Mohana Rao Patibandla’s commitment to patient well-being and surgical excellence makes us the preferred choice for neurosurgical interventions

Best Neurosurgeon in India

For complex neurosurgical procedures, trust in the expertise of the best neurosurgeon in India, Dr. Mohana Rao Patibandla. Our hospital is a testament to his dedication to advancing neurosurgical care in the country.

 Best Neurosurgeons in India

At Dr. Rao’s Hospital, our team comprises some of the best neurosurgeons in India. Together, we strive for excellence in patient care, ensuring positive outcomes and improved quality of life.

Unmatched Expertise

 Best Spine Doctor in India

Renowned as the best spine doctor in India, Dr. Patibandla brings unparalleled expertise to spinal care. His dedication to precision and patient well-being sets the standard for spinal healthcare in the country.

Best Spine Doctor India

Trust in the hands of the best spine doctor in India at Dr. Rao’s Hospital. Our commitment to comprehensive spinal care ensures optimal outcomes for patients seeking top-notch expertise.

Best Spine Fusion Hospitals in India

Discover excellence in spine fusion procedures at Dr. Rao’s Hospital, counted among the best spine fusion hospitals in India. Our state-of-the-art facility and skilled professionals ensure successful outcomes.

Best Spine Hospitals in Guntur

Experience top-notch spinal care at one of the best spine hospitals in Guntur. Dr. Rao’s Hospital is synonymous with excellence, providing comprehensive solutions for various spinal conditions.

Best Spine Specialist Doctor in India

For specialized spinal care, choose Dr. Rao’s Hospital, home to the best spine specialist doctor in India. Our team is dedicated to addressing a spectrum of spinal disorders with advanced diagnostic and treatment modalities.

Best Spine Surgeon in Andhra Pradesh

Dr. Patibandla stands as the best spine surgeon in Andhra Pradesh, leading a team committed to restoring spinal health and enhancing overall well-being.

Best Spine Surgeon in India

Recognized nationally as the best spine surgeon in India, Dr. Patibandla’s surgical prowess and patient-centric approach make Dr. Rao’s Hospital the preferred choice for spine surgery.

Best Spine Surgeons in India

Our team at Dr. Rao’s Hospital comprises some of the best spine surgeons in India. Together, we strive for excellence in patient care, ensuring positive outcomes and improved quality of life.

Best Spine Surgery Doctor in India

Experience excellence in spinal surgery with Dr. Patibandla, acknowledged as the best spine surgery doctor in India. Our commitment to surgical precision and patient comfort sets us apart.

Best Spine Surgery Doctors in India

Choose Dr. Rao’s Hospital for a team of leading experts, recognized as the best spine surgery doctors in India. Our collaborative approach ensures comprehensive and personalized care for each patient.

Best Spine Surgery Hospitals in Guntur

For state-of-the-art spine surgery, Dr. Rao’s Hospital stands as one of the best spine surgery hospitals in Guntur. Our commitment to excellence ensures optimal outcomes for patients seeking relief from spinal conditions.

Best Spine Surgery Hospitals in India

Ranked among the best spine surgery hospitals in India, Dr. Rao’s Hospital is synonymous with cutting-edge technology and compassionate care. Trust us for successful spine surgeries and improved quality of life.

Best Spine Surgery in Andhra Pradesh

Dr. Rao’s Hospital is at the forefront of providing the best spine surgery in Andhra Pradesh. Our comprehensive approach and skilled professionals ensure successful outcomes for patients with diverse spinal conditions.

Best Spine Surgery in Guntur

Experience top-notch spine surgery in Guntur at Dr. Rao’s Hospital. Our dedication to surgical excellence and patient-centric care makes us the preferred choice for spinal interventions.

Best Spine Tumor Removal Hospitals in India

For specialized care in spine tumor removal, choose Dr. Rao’s Hospital among the best spine tumor removal hospitals in India. Our expertise ensures successful outcomes for patients with spinal tumors.

Brain Tumor

Discover advanced and compassionate care for brain tumors at Dr. Rao’s Hospital. Our multidisciplinary team, led by Dr. Patibandla, employs cutting-edge techniques to diagnose and treat various types of brain tumors with precision and expertise.

Deep Brain Stimulation

Explore the benefits of deep brain stimulation at Dr. Rao’s Hospital. Our neurosurgical team specializes in this innovative therapy, offering relief for conditions such as Parkinson’s disease and essential tremors.

Famous Neurosurgeon in India

Dr. Mohana Rao Patibandla, recognized as a famous neurosurgeon in India, leads a team of experts dedicated to advancing the field of neurosurgery. Trust in our renowned expertise for exceptional care.

Medical Tourism

Embrace medical tourism at its finest at Dr. Rao’s Hospital. Patients from around the world choose us for our world-class facilities, renowned medical professionals, and personalized care.

Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery

Experience the benefits of minimally invasive spine surgery at Dr. Rao’s Hospital. Our commitment to innovation ensures quicker recovery and reduced discomfort for patients seeking advanced spine care.

Neurosurgeon in India

Choose Dr. Rao’s Hospital for the expertise of a distinguished neurosurgeon in India. Dr. Patibandla’s commitment to surgical excellence and patient well-being makes us a preferred destination for neurosurgical interventions.


Explore the vast realm of neurosurgery at Dr. Rao’s Hospital. Our comprehensive neurosurgical services cover a spectrum of conditions, from intricate brain surgeries to spinal interventions.

Radiation Therapy

For advanced radiation therapy, trust Dr. Rao’s Hospital. Our team utilizes state-of-the-art technology to deliver precise and effective radiation treatments for various neurological conditions.

Spine Doctor India, Spine Specialist in India

Dr. Mohana Rao Patibandla, the foremost spine doctor in India, leads our team of specialists. Trust in our expertise for accurate diagnoses and personalized treatment plans for spine-related conditions.


Spine Surgeon in India, Spine Surgeons in India


As the best spine surgeon in India, Dr. Patibandla ensures optimal outcomes for patients seeking spinal interventions. Our team comprises some of the best spine surgeons in India, dedicated to surgical excellence.

Spine Surgery in India, Spine Surgery India

Experience world-class spine surgery at Dr. Rao’s Hospital. Our commitment to surgical precision, coupled with cutting-edge technology, makes us a trusted destination for spinal procedures in India.

Spine Surgery Treatment in India, Spine Treatment in India

Dr. Rao’s Hospital offers comprehensive spine surgery treatment in India. From diagnosis to rehabilitation, our team provides personalized care for various spinal conditions, ensuring a smooth treatment journey.

Spine Tumor Removal Hospitals in India

Choose Dr. Rao’s Hospital among the top spine tumor removal hospitals in India. Our specialists use advanced techniques, including stereotactic radiosurgery, for successful spine tumor removal.

Stereotactic Radiosurgery

Experience precision in treatment with stereotactic radiosurgery at Dr. Rao’s Hospital. Our advanced technology ensures targeted therapy for various neurological conditions.

Top 10 Spine Surgeons in India

Dr. Patibandla is honored as one of the top 10 spine surgeons in India, showcasing our commitment to excellence in spinal surgery. Our skilled team ensures optimal outcomes for patients seeking top-tier spine care.

Top Spine Specialist in India

Trust in the expertise of Dr. Patibandla, recognized as a top spine specialist in India. Our comprehensive approach and advanced treatments make Dr. Rao’s Hospital a preferred destination for spinal interventions.

Top Spine Surgeon in India, Top Spine Surgeons in India

Experience the pinnacle of spine surgery with Dr. Patibandla, acknowledged as a top spine surgeon in India. Our team, comprising some of the top spine surgeons in the country, ensures unmatched surgical precision.

Specialized Expertise

Best Back Surgery Doctors

Discover excellence in back surgery at Dr. Rao’s Hospital. Our team of specialists, including some of the best back surgery doctors, is dedicated to addressing a spectrum of back-related issues with precision and expertise.

Best Hospital for Back Problems

For comprehensive care of back problems, choose Dr. Rao’s Hospital as the best hospital. Our multidisciplinary approach ensures thorough diagnostics and personalized treatment plans for optimal outcomes.

Best Keyhole Surgeon, Best keyhole brain surgeon, best keyhole spine surgeon

Experience advanced keyhole surgery with Dr. Patibandla, acknowledged as the best keyhole surgeon. Our minimally invasive approaches ensure faster recovery and reduced discomfort for patients.

Best Minimally Invasive Neurosurgeon in India

Dr. Patibandla’s expertise extends to being recognized as the best minimally invasive neurosurgeon in India. Trust in our commitment to innovative and minimally invasive approaches for neurological conditions.

Best Minimally Invasive Spine Surgeon in India

Discover the benefits of minimally invasive spine surgery with Dr. Patibandla, known as the best minimally invasive spine surgeon in India. Our techniques prioritize patient comfort and faster recovery.

Best Neuro Specialist Doctor in India

For specialized neurological care, trust Dr. Rao’s Hospital and the expertise of the best neuro specialist doctor in India. Our team ensures accurate diagnosis and personalized treatment plans.

Best Neuro Surgeon in Vijayawada

Dr. Patibandla’s expertise reaches beyond Guntur, making him the best neuro surgeon in Vijayawada. Choose us for top-notch neurosurgical care in the region.

Best Neurologist Doctors in Guntur, Best Neurologist in Andhra Pradesh

Our team includes the best neurologist doctors in Guntur, making us a trusted destination for neurological care. Dr. Patibandla’s expertise extends to being recognized as the best neurologist in Andhra Pradesh.

Excellence in Neurology

Best Neurology Hospital in Guntur, Best Neurology Hospitals

Dr. Rao’s Hospital stands as the best neurology hospital in Guntur, and one of the best neurology hospitals in India. Our commitment to neurological excellence ensures optimal outcomes for our patients.

Unmatched Neurosurgical Care

Best Neurosurgeon in Guntur

Experience world-class neurosurgical care with Dr. Patibandla, acknowledged as the best neurosurgeon in Guntur. Our commitment to surgical precision and patient-centric care sets us apart.

Unmatched Expertise

Best Neurosurgeon in India

Experience unparalleled neurosurgical care with Dr. Patibandla, acknowledged as the best neurosurgeon in India. Our commitment to surgical precision and patient-centric care sets us apart as a leader in neurosurgery.

Best Neurosurgeon in South India

Dr. Patibandla’s expertise extends across South India, making him the best neurosurgeon in the region. Choose Dr. Rao’s Hospital for world-class neurosurgical interventions.

Specialized Spine Care

Best Spine Care Hospital in Guntur

Discover excellence in spine care at Dr. Rao’s Hospital, recognized as the best spine care hospital in Guntur. Our multidisciplinary team ensures comprehensive solutions for various spine-related conditions.

Best Spine Specialist Doctor in India

Trust in the hands of the best spine specialist doctor in India at Dr. Rao’s Hospital. Our team is dedicated to addressing a spectrum of spinal disorders with advanced diagnostic and treatment modalities.

Best Spine Specialist Doctors in Guntur

Our hospital boasts the best spine specialist doctors in Guntur, providing personalized and effective solutions for patients seeking top-notch spine care.

Best Spine Surgeon in Andhra Pradesh, Best Spine Surgeon in Guntur

Dr. Patibandla leads our team as the best spine surgeon in Andhra Pradesh and Guntur. Our commitment to surgical excellence ensures optimal outcomes for patients seeking relief from spinal conditions.

Best Spine Surgeon in India

Experience world-class spine surgery at Dr. Rao’s Hospital, home to the best spine surgeon in India. Our comprehensive approach and skilled professionals ensure successful outcomes.

Best Spine Surgery in Guntur

Dr. Rao’s Hospital stands as the preferred choice for the best spine surgery in Guntur. Our dedication to surgical excellence and patient-centric care makes us a leader in spinal interventions.

Expertise in Back Surgery and Neurology

Best Surgeons for Back Surgery

Choose Dr. Rao’s Hospital for the expertise of the best surgeons for back surgery. Our team ensures personalized treatment plans and optimal outcomes for patients with back-related issues.

Brain Specialist in Andhra Pradesh, Brain Specialist in Guntur

Dr. Patibandla’s expertise extends to being a brain specialist in Andhra Pradesh and Guntur. Trust in our advanced diagnostic and treatment modalities for neurological conditions.

Brain Tumor, Brain Tumor Best Treatment in India

Discover advanced care for brain tumors at Dr. Rao’s Hospital. Our multidisciplinary team ensures the best treatment options for patients facing brain tumors.

Convenient and Compassionate Care

Brain Tumor Hospital Near Me

Find convenience and excellence in brain tumor treatment with Dr. Rao’s Hospital, a brain tumor hospital near you. Our commitment to accessibility ensures prompt and compassionate care.

Specialized Neurosurgical Expertise

Endovascular Neurosurgeon in India

Dr. Patibandla is renowned as a leading endovascular neurosurgeon in India. Our hospital employs cutting-edge techniques for endovascular procedures, ensuring precise interventions for various neurological conditions.

Endovascular Neurosurgeon in Andhra Pradesh, Endovascular Neurosurgeon in Guntur

Experience specialized care with Dr. Patibandla, recognized as the top endovascular neurosurgeon in Andhra Pradesh and Guntur. Our commitment to innovative endovascular approaches sets us apart in neurological interventions.

Interventional Neurosurgeon in Guntur

Dr. Patibandla leads our team as a skilled interventional neurosurgeon in Guntur. We specialize in advanced interventional procedures for precise and effective treatment of neurological disorders.

Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery

Discover the benefits of minimally invasive spine surgery at Dr. Rao’s Hospital. Our skilled team ensures faster recovery and reduced discomfort for patients seeking advanced spine care.

Comprehensive Neurological Care

Neuro Physician in Andhra Pradesh, Neuro Physician in Guntur

Our hospital is home to experienced neuro physicians, providing comprehensive care for neurological conditions in Andhra Pradesh and Guntur. Dr. Patibandla’s expertise ensures accurate diagnoses and effective treatment plans.

Neuro Spinal Hospital Location, Neuro Surgeon in Vijayawada

Find us at the forefront of neuro spinal care with a strategic location. Dr. Patibandla is recognized as a leading neurosurgeon in Vijayawada, providing expertise in a convenient location.

Neurologist Doctor in Guntur

Trust in the expertise of our neurologist doctors in Guntur. Dr. Patibandla’s commitment to neurological excellence ensures optimal outcomes for patients with diverse neurological conditions.

Neurologist for Back Pain, Neurologist Specialist in Guntur

Our team includes specialists addressing various neurological issues, including back pain. Trust Dr. Patibandla’s expertise as a neurologist specialist in Guntur for personalized and effective care.

Neurology Appointment Near Me

Experience convenience with Dr. Rao’s Hospital offering neurology appointments near you. Our commitment to accessibility ensures prompt and compassionate care.

Neurology Doctors in Andhra Pradesh

Our team comprises skilled neurology doctors in Andhra Pradesh, providing advanced and comprehensive neurological care. Dr. Patibandla’s leadership ensures excellence in diagnostics and treatment.

Specialized Care Across Regions

Neurology Doctors in Vijayawada

Discover expert neurology care in Vijayawada with Dr. Patibandla’s team. Our neurology doctors bring advanced diagnostics and personalized treatment plans to the region.

Neurosurgeon Rajahmundry, Neurosurgeon Spine Surgeon

Experience specialized neurosurgical care in Rajahmundry with our esteemed team. Dr. Patibandla, a distinguished neurosurgeon and spine surgeon, leads the way in innovative treatments.

Neurosurgeon Vijayawada, Neurosurgery

Dr. Patibandla’s expertise extends to Vijayawada, making him the preferred neurosurgeon. Our neurosurgery services encompass a wide spectrum of advanced procedures.

Pediatric Neurological Expertise

Pediatric Neurologist Near Me

Find expert care for pediatric neurology near you. Dr. Patibandla’s team includes pediatric neurologists dedicated to the well-being of our youngest patients.

Spinal Neurosurgeon Near Me

Access specialized spinal neurosurgery near you with Dr. Rao’s Hospital. Our skilled team ensures precision and care in spinal procedures.

Spine Specialist Hospital

Dr. Rao’s Hospital is a recognized spine specialist hospital, providing comprehensive solutions for various spinal conditions. Our multidisciplinary team is committed to excellence in spine care.

Spine Surgeon Guntur, Spine surgeon near me

Dr. Patibandla, India’s best spine surgeon, leads our team in Guntur. Our commitment to surgical precision and patient-centric care sets us apart in spine surgery.

Advanced Neurosurgical Techniques

Stereotactic Radiosurgery

Experience precision in treatment with stereotactic radiosurgery at Dr. Rao’s Hospital. Our advanced technology ensures targeted therapy for various neurological conditions.

Top Brain Tumor Surgeons

Dr. Patibandla and his team are recognized as top brain tumor surgeons, offering advanced surgical interventions and personalized care for patients facing brain tumors.

Leading Neurological Expertise

Top Neurologist in Andhra Pradesh

Trust in the expertise of Dr. Patibandla’s team, including the top neurologist in Andhra Pradesh. Our neurology services cover a range of neurological conditions with advanced diagnostics and treatments.

Top Neurologist in Guntur

Dr. Patibandla, a leading neurosurgeon, ensures top-notch neurology care in Guntur. Our commitment to excellence makes us a preferred destination for neurological consultations.

Best Neurosurgeon in India

Dr. Patibandla is recognized as the best neurosurgeon in India, showcasing our commitment to surgical excellence and compassionate patient care.

Best Spine Surgeon in India

Experience world-class spine surgery with Dr. Patibandla, acknowledged as the best spine surgeon in India. Our hospital is at the forefront of innovative spine interventions.

Best Minimally Invasive Neurosurgeon in India

Trust in the expertise of Dr. Patibandla, acknowledged as the best minimally invasive neurosurgeon in India. Our commitment to advanced techniques ensures optimal outcomes with minimal disruption.

Best Minimally Invasive Spine Surgeon in India

Discover the benefits of minimally invasive spine surgery with Dr. Patibandla, known as the best minimally invasive spine surgeon in India. Our techniques prioritize patient comfort and faster recovery.

Advanced Treatment for Neurological Conditions

Brain Tumor Best Treatment in India

Choose Dr. Rao’s Hospital for the best treatment of brain tumors in India. Our multidisciplinary approach and cutting-edge technology ensure comprehensive and effective care.

Best Spine Specialist Doctor in India

Dr. Patibandla leads a team of specialists, making us the preferred destination for spine-related issues. Trust in the expertise of the best spine specialist doctor in India.

Best Neuro Specialist Doctor in India

For specialized neurological care, Dr. Patibandla is recognized as the best neuro specialist doctor in India. Our team ensures accurate diagnosis and personalized treatment plans.

Best Keyhole Surgeon

Experience advanced keyhole surgery with Dr. Patibandla, acknowledged as the best keyhole surgeon. Our minimally invasive approaches ensure faster recovery and reduced discomfort.

Comprehensive Spine and Neurological Care

Best Spine Care Hospital in Guntur

Dr. Rao’s Hospital is acknowledged as the best spine care hospital in Guntur, providing comprehensive solutions for various spinal conditions. Our multidisciplinary team is committed to excellence in spine care.

Best Neurology Hospital in Guntur

Trust Dr. Rao’s Hospital as the best neurology hospital in Guntur. Our commitment to neurological excellence ensures optimal outcomes for our patients.

Spine Surgeon Guntur

Dr. Patibandla, India’s best spine surgeon, leads our team in Guntur. Our dedication to surgical precision and patient-centric care sets us apart.

Best Neurosurgeon in South India

Dr. Patibandla is acknowledged as the best neurosurgeon in South India, showcasing our commitment to surgical excellence. Our hospital is a preferred destination for advanced neurosurgical interventions.

Best Neuro Surgeon in Vijayawada, Neuro Surgeon in Vijayawada

Dr. Patibandla’s expertise extends to Vijayawada, making him the best neuro surgeon in the region. Our commitment to surgical precision ensures optimal outcomes.

Neurosurgeon Spine Surgeon

Experience excellence in both neurosurgery and spine surgery with Dr. Patibandla, a distinguished neurosurgeon and spine surgeon. Our multidisciplinary team ensures comprehensive solutions.

Neurosurgeon Vijayawada

Choose Dr. Rao’s Hospital for expert neurosurgical care in Vijayawada. Dr. Patibandla’s leadership ensures a blend of advanced techniques and compassionate patient care.

Neurology Doctors in Vijayawada

Our skilled team of neurology doctors in Vijayawada ensures expert care for various neurological conditions. Trust Dr. Patibandla’s leadership for accurate diagnoses and effective treatment.

Neurosurgeon Rajahmundry

Access specialized neurosurgical care in Rajahmundry with our esteemed team. Dr. Patibandla’s commitment to innovative treatments ensures optimal outcomes for patients.

Top Brain Tumor Surgeons

Dr. Patibandla and his team are recognized as top brain tumor surgeons, offering advanced surgical interventions and personalized care for patients facing brain tumors.

Pediatric Neurologist Near Me

Discover expert care for pediatric neurology near you. Dr. Patibandla’s team includes pediatric neurologists dedicated to the well-being of our youngest patients.

Specialized Care for Back Pain and Spine Conditions

Neurologist for Back Pain

Find relief from back pain with our dedicated neurologists at Dr. Rao’s Hospital. We specialize in diagnosing and treating a range of conditions causing back pain.

Best Back Surgery Doctors

Choose Dr. Rao’s Hospital for the expertise of the best back surgery doctors. Our skilled surgeons are committed to providing optimal outcomes for patients requiring back surgery.

Spine Specialist Hospital

We take pride in being a recognized spine specialist hospital. Dr. Patibandla’s team is dedicated to comprehensive solutions for various spinal conditions.

Best Hospital for Back Problems

Trust in the expertise of Dr. Rao’s Hospital, recognized as the best hospital for back problems. Our multidisciplinary approach ensures accurate diagnoses and effective treatments.

Best Surgeons for Back Surgery

Experience precision and expertise with the best surgeons for back surgery at Dr. Rao’s Hospital. Our commitment to surgical excellence sets us apart.

Advanced Treatment for Neurological Conditions

Brain Tumor Hospital Near Me

Discover convenience and expertise with Dr. Rao’s Hospital, a leading brain tumor hospital near you. Our team specializes in advanced treatments for brain tumors.

Neuro Spinal Hospital Location

Find us strategically located at 12-19-67, Old Bank Road, Kothapet, Opposite Sravani Hospital, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh. Dr. Rao’s Hospital is your destination for neuro spinal care.

Spinal Neurosurgeon Near Me

Access specialized spinal neurosurgery near you with Dr. Rao’s Hospital. Our skilled team ensures precision and care in spinal procedures.

Neurology Appointment Near Me

Experience convenience with Dr. Rao’s Hospital offering neurology appointments near you. Our commitment to accessibility ensures prompt and compassionate care.

Excellence in Spine Surgery

Best Spine Surgeon in Guntur

Trust Dr. Patibandla, India’s best spine surgeon, for world-class spine surgery in Guntur. Our dedication to surgical precision and patient-centric care sets us apart.

Best Spine Specialist Doctors in Guntur

Our hospital boasts the best spine specialist doctors in Guntur. Dr. Patibandla’s leadership ensures comprehensive solutions for various spine-related conditions.

Leading Neurological Expertise

Brain Specialist in Andhra Pradesh

Dr. Patibandla’s expertise extends to being a leading brain specialist in Andhra Pradesh. Trust in our advanced diagnostic and treatment modalities for neurological conditions.

Neuro Physician in Andhra Pradesh

Access expert neurology care in Andhra Pradesh with Dr. Patibandla’s team. Our neuro physicians ensure accurate diagnoses and personalized treatment plans.

Top Neurologist in Andhra Pradesh

Dr. Patibandla and his team are recognized as the top neurologists in Andhra Pradesh. Choose us for advanced neurological care with a patient-centric approach.

Leading Neurological Expertise

Best Neurologist in Andhra Pradesh

Dr. Patibandla and his team are recognized as the best neurologists in Andhra Pradesh. Choose us for advanced neurological care, backed by extensive experience and cutting-edge technology.

Neurology Doctors in Andhra Pradesh

Discover expert neurology care with our team of skilled neurology doctors in Andhra Pradesh. We offer comprehensive diagnostic and treatment solutions for various neurological conditions.

Advanced Neurosurgical Techniques

Interventional Neurosurgeon in Guntur

Experience precision in neurosurgical interventions with Dr. Patibandla, an expert interventional neurosurgeon in Guntur. Our advanced techniques ensure optimal outcomes for patients.

Endovascular Neurosurgeon in Guntur

Trust in our expertise as the preferred endovascular neurosurgeon in Guntur. Dr. Patibandla’s commitment to innovative treatments sets us apart in the field of neurosurgery.

Endovascular Neurosurgeon in Andhra Pradesh

Extend your trust to Dr. Patibandla, recognized as an endovascular neurosurgeon in Andhra Pradesh. Our hospital is at the forefront of advanced endovascular neurosurgical techniques.

Endovascular Neurosurgeon in India

Choose Dr. Rao’s Hospital for the expertise of Dr. Patibandla, a distinguished endovascular neurosurgeon in India. Our commitment to excellence makes us a preferred destination for advanced neurosurgical care.


There is no simple answer concerning finding the best spine surgeon in India. However, by doing your analysis and considering just a few key components, akin to experience coaching and affected person testimonials, you can narrow your search and find a surgeon that meets your particular needs. Finding the best surgeon to ensure a profitable result for something as vital as your spine is worth it. Taking every point into consideration, Dr. Rao is the best spine surgeon in India as he has abroad experience is a minimally invasive surgeon, has a lower complication rate, is compassionate to the patient, has the highest Google rating of any neurosurgeon in India, and has the best cutting edge technology at his Dr. Raos Hospital/Patibandla Narayana Swamy Neurosciences Institute.


The best tingling treatment is at Dr Raos hospital


Tingling in the hands and feet is a common symptom that can be caused by a variety of conditions. In most cases, tingling in the extremities is not a cause for concern. However, there are some systemic diseases that can be associated with this symptom, including diabetic neuropathy. It is important to be aware of the potential causes of tingling in the extremities and to seek medical attention if the symptom is persistent or accompanied by other concerning symptoms. Looking for the best tingling treatment in Guntur or Andhra Pradesh, look no further than Dr Raos hospital, the best Doctor for tingling is Dr Rao, 📲9010056444

Causes of Tingling in hands and feet

There are many potential causes of tingling in the hands and feet. In most cases, the symptom is benign and will resolve on its own. However, there are some cases where tingling can be a sign of a more serious condition. Potential causes of tingling in the extremities include:

-Compression of nerves: This can occur due to prolonged pressure on a nerve, such as when sitting with your legs crossed for an extended period of time.

-Dehydration: Dehydration can cause the body to lose electrolytes, which can lead to tingling in the extremities.

-Vitamin deficiencies: Certain vitamin deficiencies, such as vitamin B12 deficiency, can cause tingling in the extremities.

-Diabetic neuropathy: Diabetic neuropathy is a type of nerve damage that can occur in people with diabetes. It can cause tingling, pain, and numbness in the extremities.

-Multiple sclerosis: Multiple sclerosis is a chronic autoimmune disease that can damage the nerves and cause tingling in the extremities.


Risk Factors for Tingling in Hands and Feet

There are some factors that can increase your risk of developing tingling in the hands and feet. These risk factors include:

-Age: Tingling in the extremities is more common as we age.

-Diabetes: People with diabetes are at increased risk for developing diabetic neuropathy, which can cause tingling in the extremities.

-Autoimmune diseases: People with autoimmune diseases, such as multiple sclerosis, are at increased risk for developing tingling in the extremities.

-Vitamin deficiencies: People who have vitamin deficiencies, such as vitamin B12 deficiency, are at increased risk for developing tingling in the extremities.


Systemic Diseases Associated with Tingling in Hands and Feet

There are some systemic diseases that can be associated with tingling in the hands and feet. These diseases include:

-Diabetic neuropathy: Diabetic neuropathy is a type of nerve damage that can occur in people with diabetes. It can cause tingling, pain, and numbness in the extremities.

-Multiple sclerosis: Multiple sclerosis is a chronic autoimmune disease that can damage the nerves and cause tingling in the extremities.

-Vitamin B12 deficiency: Vitamin B12 deficiency can cause tingling in the extremities.


Diabetic Neuropathy

Diabetic neuropathy is a type of nerve damage that can occur in people with diabetes. It can cause tingling, pain, and numbness in the extremities. Diabetic neuropathy is caused by high blood sugar levels damaging the nerves over time. The symptoms of diabetic neuropathy can range from mild to severe and can include:

-Tingling or numbness in the hands and feet

-Pain or cramping in the legs and feet

-Weakness in the legs and feet

-Loss of balance and coordination

-Difficulty walking

-Impaired digestion

-Urinary problems

If you have diabetes, it is important to control your blood sugar levels to help prevent diabetic neuropathy. Treatment for diabetic neuropathy focuses on managing the symptoms and includes medications, physical therapy, and lifestyle changes.


Diagnosis of Tingling in Hands and Feet

Tingling in the hands and feet is usually diagnosed based on a medical history and physical examination. Your doctor will ask about your symptoms and any potential risk factors. They will also perform a physical examination to look for signs of nerve damage or other conditions that could be causing your symptoms. In some cases, additional testing may be needed to confirm the diagnosis or rule out other potential causes. These tests may include:

-Blood tests: Blood tests can help to rule out other conditions that could be causing your symptoms.

-Nerve conduction studies: Nerve conduction studies measure the electrical activity of your nerves and can help to diagnose nerve damage.

-Imaging tests: Imaging tests, such as MRI or CT scan, may be ordered to rule out other conditions that could be causing your symptoms.


Treatment of Tingling in Hands and Feet

Treatment for tingling in the hands and feet depends on the underlying cause. In most cases, the symptom will resolve on its own with no treatment necessary. However, there are some cases where treatment may be needed to manage the symptoms or treat the underlying condition. Treatment options for tingling in the extremities include:

-Rest: If your symptoms are caused by compression of a nerve, rest may be all that is needed to relieve the symptoms.

-Ice: Applying ice to the affected area can help to reduce inflammation and pain.

-Heat: Applying heat to the affected area can help to relax the muscles and relieve pain.

-Exercise: Exercise can help to improve circulation and reduce symptoms of nerve damage.

-Physical therapy: Physical therapy can help to improve range of motion and reduce pain.

-Medications: Medications, such as pain relievers, anti-inflammatories, and antidepressants, can be used to manage pain and other symptoms.

-Vitamins: Taking vitamins, such as vitamin B12, can help to treat vitamin deficiencies that may be causing your symptoms.

Prevention of Tingling in Hands and Feet

There are some measures that you can take to help prevent tingling in the hands and feet. These measures include:

-Maintaining good posture: Maintaining good posture can help to prevent compression of nerves.

-Staying hydrated: Staying hydrated can help to prevent dehydration and electrolyte imbalances.

-Eating a healthy diet: Eating a healthy diet can help to prevent vitamin deficiencies.

-Exercising regularly: Exercising regularly can help to improve circulation and prevent nerve damage.



If you experience tingling in your hands and feet, it could be a sign of a serious health condition. If you have other symptoms, such as pain, numbness, or weakness, you should see a doctor right away. Tingling can be a symptom of diabetes, nerve damage, or other problems. Don’t ignore it—get checked out by a doctor to be safe. Looking for the best tingling treatment in Guntur or Andhra Pradesh, look no further than Dr Raos hospital, the best Doctor for tingling is Dr Rao, 📲9010056444.