A hybrid operating theater is a type of operating room that combines the features of a traditional operating room and a catheterization lab. It is typically used for procedures that require both surgical and interventional radiology (IR) techniques.
first biplane cath lab in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana diagnostic-tests-in-neurosurgery-the-best-at-dr-Rao’s hospital-Guntur
Hybrid operation theater @ Dr. Rao’s hospital.
Some of the benefits of using a hybrid operating theater include:
1. Increased efficiency: procedures typically requiring two separate rooms can be completed in one hybrid room, saving time and money.
2. Better patient outcomes—Having all of the necessary equipment and personnel in one room can help ensure that procedures are performed safely and effectively.
3. Enhanced safety: having a dedicated hybrid operating room can help reduce the risk of infection and other complications.
4. Improved patient comfort—Patients may feel more comfortable knowing that they will not have to be moved between two different rooms during their procedure.
Our hospital’s Biplane Cath Lab Hybrid operation theater is equipped with the latest 4K endoscopy and neuronavigation technology. This state-of-the-art equipment lets us provide our patients with the best possible care.
Our hospital’s Biplane Cath Lab Hybrid operation theater is equipped with the latest 4K endoscopy and neuronavigation technology. This state-of-the-art equipment lets us provide our patients with the best possible care. 4K endoscopy provides superior image quality, which helps our doctors diagnose and treat conditions more accurately.
This advanced equipment helps us to safely and effectively perform procedures such as brain surgery. Neuronavigation technology allows us to precisely target areas in the brain, while neuromonitoring helps us to monitor the patient’s neurological status during surgery. This information is essential to ensure that the procedure is being performed safely and effectively.
Conclusion: Our hospital’s Biplane Cath Lab Hybrid operation theater is equipped with the latest 4K endoscopy and neuronavigation technology. This state-of-the-art equipment lets us provide our patients with the best possible care. Neuronavigation and neuromonitoring technology help us to safely and effectively perform procedures such as brain surgery.
The concept of keyhole surgery is the safe removal of brain and skull base cancers through tiny holes that cause less collateral harm to the scalp, brain, and nerves. The best neurologist in Guntur performs keyhole neurosurgery, which is effective and painless. Keyhole neurosurgery allows patients to avoid the risks of open surgery. This procedure prevents needless surgical site investigation and brain retraction by minimizing the anatomic window and adequately exposing the lesions.
The process, kinds, and benefits of keyhole neurosurgery are discussed in this article.
What is keyhole neurosurgery,, and how does it work?
In keyhole surgery, a neurosurgeon at Rao Hospital Guntur will make a small incision in the location where the surgery will be performed. A light stick called an endoscope with a high-resolution camera is put into this opening. The device has an eyepiece that the neurosurgeon may look through. The camera sends photographs to your neurosurgeon in Guntur, and the light illuminates the inside of the channel. Delicate surgical equipment is inserted via another similar incision, and your neurosurgeon uses it to cut or amputate the tumor.
You will be unconscious for the length of the surgery because a general anesthetic will be used.
What are the different types of keyhole neurosurgery procedures?
In this procedure, a hole is formed above the brows. Your neurosurgeon in Guntur can also insert an endoscope through the mouth. The following people are candidates for keyhole brain surgery:
Those with pituitary tumors:
A pituitary gland tumor is a collection of abnormal cells that have grown out of control in your pituitary gland.
Those diagnosed with Glioma
Glioma is a cancer that affects the brain and spinal cord.
Those diagnosed with chordoma or meningioma
Chordoma is an uncommon kind of bone cancer that most commonly affects the spine or skull bones. It usually appears where the skull sits atop the spine (skull base) or at the bottom of the spine (spine base) (sacrum). Conversely, a meningioma is a tumor that develops from the meninges, the membranes surrounding your brain and spinal cord.
2• Keyhole spinal surgery:
Typically, open operations are used to treat spinal disorders. However, this procedure causes tears in the tissues of the spine. This condition can be solved with keyhole spinal surgery. A tubular retractor is used in keyhole spinal surgery to drill a hole in the spine while holding the muscles apart without causing a rupture. The following people are the best candidates for keyhole spinal surgery: –
Those with disc issues:
Disk issues cause discs to break down, causing excruciating discomfort. Herniated discs and degenerative disc disease are two common disc issues.
Those who have bone spurs on their spine:
Bone spurs indicate spinal degeneration and signify an expansion of the bony structure.
Those who suffer from spinal instability:
“Spinal instability” was coined to describe abnormal movement between vertebrae. When a disc degenerates, it loses tension or turgor, which allows the disc to bulge and allow more movement between the vertebrae.
What are the benefits of keyhole surgery in neurosurgery?
The following are some of the benefits of keyhole neurosurgery:
• They lessen the chances of an infection developing at the operation site.
• Healing time is reduced.
• Keyhole neurosurgery avoids damaging the surrounding tissues and blood vessels.
• Improved cosmetic outcomes
I hope this article has helped you understand keyhole neurosurgery, its types, procedures, and benefits. Keyhole surgery is a boon that overcomes the various complications of open surgery. Keyhole neurosurgery comes with multiple benefits. It decreases the risk of infections in the area of surgery and prevents the tissues from getting damaged. The healing time is also faster in keyhole neurosurgery, leading to better cosmetic results.
The top neurosurgeon in Guntur performs keyhole neurosurgery with great care and caution and has successfully performed many keyhole neurosurgeries.
So, visit the top neurosurgeon in Guntur right now to benefit from keyhole neurosurgery!
Have you seen a baby with an abnormally shaped skull in Guntur?
If so, they are likely to have craniosynostosis. Craniosynostosis is when a baby develops or is born with an abnormally shaped skull.
This happens when the natural spaces known as cranial sutures in the baby’s skull join earlier than they should.
The sutures should usually be joined only after the child reaches 2. This allows the brain to develop without any pressure from the skull.
Craniosynostosis affects the shape of the skull and the self-esteem of children. An odd-shaped head makes them feel odd and uncomfortable. They feel excluded from the rest of the crowd. It makes them feel lonely and isolated. They start feeling ashamed of their heads and ashamed of themselves.
This article discusses craniosynostosis’s types, symptoms, causes, and treatment options.
First, let us understand the types of craniosynostosis.
What are the different types of craniosynostosis?
The different types of Craniosynostosis are as follows:
Sagittal synostosis
The sagittal suture, which runs along the top of the skull, unites relatively early in this condition. The head grows taller but narrower than it should in this kind of Craniosynostosis. Boys are more likely to experience this.
Coronal craniosynostosis
• The sutures that connect the top of the head to the ears fuse sooner than they should in this case. The kid will have a flat forehead if he or she has this form of Craniosynostosis. Girls are more likely to experience this.
Synostosis metopic
• The sutures that connect the sagittal suture to the nose fuse quite quickly. As a result, the scalp develops a triangle shape.
Synostosis of the lambdoid
This type of craniosynostosis affects the lambdoid suture at the back of the skull, forming a flat-topped head.
The common symptoms of Craniosynostosis are as follows:
An unusually shaped skull
The head grows slower than the body
Formation of a hard ridge along the suture.
The fontanel disappears soon.
If you experience any of the above symptoms of cranial synostosis, it is advisable to seek help from Rao Hospital in Guntur.
What are the causes and risk factors of Craniosynostosis?
Craniosynostosis can be either syndromic or nonsyndromic. Syndromic Cranial Synostosis occurs with other birth defects. With Cranial Synostosis, changes may be in genes that further affect different parts of the body, like fingers, heart, etc. Cell defects in the sutures may be the cause of Nonsyndromic Cranial Synostosis, which causes the sutures to fuse earlier than usual.
The following are the risk factors of craniosynostosis:
Taking valproic acid-like Depakote for epilepsy at the time of pregnancy may increase the risk of giving birth to a child having Craniosynostosis.
Babies whose mothers have thyroid disease or undergo thyroid treatment during pregnancy are more likely to be born with Craniosynostosis.
Babies whose mothers took fertility medicines like clomiphene citrate during pregnancy are more likely to be born with Craniosynostosis.
What are the treatment options for treating Craniosynostosis?
There are usually two types of surgeries that are preferred to treat Craniosynostosis. They are as follows-
• Conventional surgery:
In Guntur, a neurologist and a craniofacial surgeon perform the procedure. The neurosurgeon makes an incision across the top of the baby’s scalp and removes any sections of the skull that are out of form. The craniofacial surgeon then restores and replaces these pieces of the skull in the head. After that, stitches are applied. The doctor will later monitor the development of the skull.
• Endoscopic Surgery–
In this procedure, your doctor in Guntur makes two small incisions in the scalp and uses an endoscope to cut the sutures. This procedure should be performed before the baby reaches the age of three months. After the treatment, wearing a molding helmet is recommended to allow your head to grow into its correct form.
This article explains craniosynostosis, its symptoms, causes, and treatment options. It is advisable to get proper and timely treatment for craniosynostosis from the best neurology hospital in Guntur to avoid further complications, to feel a part of the crowd and not feel apart from the crowd, and to develop a feeling of oneness and not feel different and odd! It is essential to get timely treatment for Craniosynostosis to replace discomfort with self-worth and self-esteem.
The most effective STROKE treatment is MECHANICAL THROMBECTOMY.
Stroke is dangerous and very damaging. It is caused by a blood clot that disrupts the flow of blood to the brain.
However, it is now possible to overcome the dangerous stroke with a procedure called mechanical thrombectomy. Yes, mechanical thrombectomy treatment by the best neurologist in Guntur can help one successfully defeat a stroke.
But what is a mechanical thrombectomy?
Mechanical Thrombectomy is an effective stroke treatment. It helps remove blood clots that disturb blood flow in the body. Blood clots slow down blood flow in the body, causing different complications. Mechanical Thrombectomy removes these blood clots. It helps treat stroke and other complications caused by the formation of blood clots. Mechanical Thrombectomy help one deal with strokes and confront them effectively. Now, one can courageously face and defeat problems like a stroke with the help of mechanical thrombectomy treatment from the best neurology hospital in Guntur.
What Causes Stroke?
The common risk factors that lead to stroke are as follows:
· Improper Sleep
· Fear and anxiety
· Irregular eating habits
· Air Pollution
· Smoking and drinking alcohol
In case you get a stroke, it is advisable to seek immediate help from neurologists at Rao Hospital, Guntur. With treatments like mechanical thrombectomy, you are sure to recover from a stroke.
What kinds of devices are used in mechanical thrombectomy procedures?
Neurosurgeons in Guntur carry out mechanical thrombectomies to remove blood clots using the following tools:
· Stentriever mechanical thrombectomy
The latest mechanical device is a stentriever. The device is a self-expanding mesh tube attached to a wire-guided through a catheter (thin tube). The surgeon inserts the catheter in an artery in the groin and guides the catheter through various blood vessels up to the blood clot in the brain.
· Aspiration thrombectomy –
Aspiration thrombectomy entails either manual cluster yearning or the use of catheter equipment to suck the coagulation out of the vessel.
How is the mechanical thrombectomy procedure performed?
In mechanical thrombectomy, neurosurgeons in Guntur use a vacuum or mechanical gear to remove blood clots. Thus, the blood flow is restored, and stroke gets treated.
To achieve effective results, it is advisable to get mechanical thrombectomy treatment from the best neurology hospital in Guntur.
Why go for a mechanical thrombectomy?
In mechanical thrombectomy treatment, one has a window of 24 hours from the onset of a stroke to have a chance to recover from a stroke. This will help more patients recover from stroke and save them from the harmful impact of stroke. Mechanical Thrombectomy is a ray of hope for people affected by stroke. Mechanical Thrombectomy give them hope and courage to fight strokes. It gives life to their dead hopes and courage to fight stroke. It is a powerful weapon that helps people to win against difficult stroke. Mechanical Thrombectomy also leads to a speedy recovery from stroke. So, going for mechanical thrombectomy treatment at the best neurology hospital in Guntur is advisable.
What is the problem with mechanical thrombectomy?
Though mechanical thrombectomy is an effective procedure to treat stroke, there aren’t sufficient neurology hospitals in Guntur that provide this stroke treatment option.
In this article, we learned about stroke and the risk factors that cause a stroke. We also learned about mechanical thrombectomy treatment, which helps treat stroke. We learned about the devices used in mechanical thrombectomy treatment and its procedure. We also learned about the advantages and problems of mechanical thrombectomy in Guntur. A stroke is a severe problem. Before it defeats you, you defeat it with the help of mechanical thrombectomy treatment from the best doctor in Guntur. Mechanical Thrombectomy not only gives you life but also gives life to your dead hopes and courage. Mechanical Thrombectomy is a powerful and effective weapon that helps you battle stroke. It enables you to defeat death and makes your life win this battle. So, now it’s time to make your life a winner, not the time to lose it and allow it to perish! Now it’s time to defeat and not get defeated! Now is the time to win! Now is the time to live!
Migraine – Symptoms, Signs, Causes, Types, and Treatment
Migraine is a neurological disease that is common in people of Guntur. In migraines, people experience severe headaches. Vomiting and nausea are common side effects of headaches. In migraines, one may also experience sensitivity to sound and light, problems in speech, etc. Migraine can occur in any age group. If you have migraine problems running in your family, it is more likely you will also experience migraines. In case you experience migraine headaches, it is advisable to visit Rao hospital Guntur, which is one of the best neurology hospitals in Guntur. This article discusses migraine symptoms, causes, types, and treatment.
What is a migraine?
Migraine is a neurological condition in which one experiences severe headaches, nausea, and vomiting. One may also experience sensitivity to light and sound. Migraine is more common in women than men. The most common migraines are migraines with aura and without aura. We will study each of them in detail later in the article.
What are the common signs and symptoms of migraine?
Migraine occurs in stages. The symptoms of migraine may differ depending on the stage.
Prodrome stage:
In this stage of migraine, symptoms are experienced a few days before the headache starts. The common symptoms experienced in this stage include the following-
Increased hunger
Stiffness in the neck
Feeling depressed
This occurs after the prodrome stage. The common problems experienced in this stage include the following-
Problems in speaking
Vision problems
Sensation problems
In this phase, a severe headache is experienced. The common symptoms in this stage include the following-
The actual cause of migraine is not yet known. However, certain risk factors may lead to migraine. Some of them are as follows-
Changes in weather
Less water intake in the body
Hormone changes
Increased stress
Irregular eating schedule and skipping meals
Improper sleep
Specific medications
Smoking and alcohol
Your neurologist may ask you in Guntur to keep a record of the things that you ate or the medicines you took before the onset of your migraine. This may help identify the triggers that lead to migraines and thus avoid them to reduce and treat them.
How can migraines be diagnosed?
Doctors in Guntur can diagnose migraines by examining symptoms, medical conditions, and family history. Various tests are used to diagnose migraines.
What are the different types of migraines?
The following are the different types of migraine seen in people of Guntur
Migraine without Aura:
This is one of the most common types of migraine. People with this type of migraine have had at least five attacks that have these characteristics:
Headaches lasting for 4-72 hours if timely treatment is not provided.
Moderate or severe headache on one side of the head
Headaches accompanied by sensitivity to light and sound and nausea.
Migraine with Aura:
This is also one of the common types of migraine. People with this type of migraine have had at least 2 attacks that have these characteristics:
Vision problems
Speech problems
Sensory problems
Chronic migraines:
People with chronic migraines experience severe headaches. They may also experience the following-
This type of migraine is not chronic. People experience less severe headaches than chronic migraines in this type of migraine.
There are other types of migraines, such as an optical migraine(affects one of the eyes), Acephalgic migraine(migraine with no headaches), hormonal migraines(caused by changes in hormones like estrogen), abdominal migraine(experiencing stomach-ache), among others.
How to treat migraines?
Migraine is a very fatal condition. So, there are treatment options available to treat migraines. Migraines can’t be completely cured, but these treatment options can help control and reduce migraines to a great extent.
Lifestyle changes include proper sleep, regular exercise, stress management through yoga and meditation, avoiding triggers that lead to migraine attacks, and drinking plenty of water.
Medications like NSAIDs, Triptans, and CGRP analogs Are superior.
Surgical interventions
Acupressure and acupuncture also help treat migraines
Home remedies like lying in a quiet, dark room and placing a cold cloth over your head may also help.
It is advisable to visit a specialist in Guntur in case you experience severe migraine headaches to get proper treatment and to manage your migraines.
This article helped us understand migraines’ symptoms, causes, types, treatments, etc. Regular exercise, drinking plenty of water, and managing stress through yoga and meditation can help greatly in controlling and managing migraines. If you experience severe migraine headaches, kindly visit a neurologist in Guntur immediately to get proper treatment and relief from the severe headache that hinders you from performing your day-to-day activities.
Your health and well-being are our top priorities. For the best migraine care, trust in the expertise of Dr. Rao and the other leading neurosurgeons in India.
Various illnesses and diseases have an impact on the brain. This article discusses a type of brain condition known as ‘Hydrocephalus.’
What is Hydrocephalus, and how does it affect you?
We may deduce from the name that it relates to water/fluid because it contains the word hydro.
Yes, Hydrocephalus is a condition in which the brain has excess water. It is a disorder in which the brain accumulates too much cerebrospinal fluid, causing increased pressure in the skull. The tissues that line the brain’s ventricles produce cerebrospinal fluid. The fluid travels around the brain and spinal column, filling gaps. It’s absorbed chiefly via blood vessels in tissues around the brain’s base.
Cerebrospinal fluid is necessary because it eliminates waste products from the brain’s metabolism and allows the brain to float within the skull. However, too much of this fluid is damaging to the brain, resulting in disorders like Hydrocephalus. But don’t worry, Hydrocephalus can be treated with therapy from the best neurology hospital in Guntur.
Who is at risk for Hydrocephalus?
Hydrocephalus is more common in infants and those over the age of 60.
What are the signs and symptoms of Hydrocephalus?
The signs and symptoms of Hydrocephalus differ depending on the age at which it develops.
The following are some of the most prevalent symptoms of Hydrocephalus in infants:
Head size changes, such as a sudden increase in the size of the head
Nausea and vomiting
Feeling sleepy
Downward-looking eyes
Lack of sensitivity to touch
Inadequate development
The following are some of the most prevalent symptoms of Hydrocephalus in older children:
You have a headache.
Visual impairment
Feeling sleepy
Nausea and vomiting
An abnormal increase in the head’s size
Appetite loss.
Changes in personality
Issues with speaking, walking, and other activities
A poor academic record
The following are some of the most prevalent Hydrocephalus symptoms in young and middle-aged adults:
You have a headache.
Tiredness and sluggishness
Visual impairment
Issues with balance
Issues with memory
The following are some of the most prevalent symptoms of Hydrocephalus in elderly adults:
Urge to urinate regularly
Issues with memory
Issues with balance
Walking difficulties
Please see a neurologist in Guntur if you have any of the above-mentioned symptoms. Numerous therapies and facilities are available in Guntur to treat such illnesses.
We now have a better understanding of the symptoms that people with hydrocephalus encounter. Let’s now look at some of the most common causes of hydrocephalus.
What causes Hydrocephalus, and how may it be treated?
An increase in CSF fluid in the ventricles causes Hydrocephalus. The following factors can induce an excess of cerebrospinal fluid in the ventricles:
A blockage in the flow of cerebrospinal fluid from one ventricle to other areas of the brain causes hydrocephalus.
Problems with Absorption: One of the most common causes of Hydrocephalus is poor cerebrospinal fluid absorption.
Hydrocephalus is caused by excessive cerebrospinal fluid production, which is greater than the absorption rate.
Some factors enhance the risk of developing Hydrocephalus. The following are a few of them:
The following are some of the reasons that may cause Hydrocephalus in newborns:
The abnormal development of the central nervous system causes a blockage in cerebrospinal fluid flow.
Bleeding in the ventricles
Hydrocephalus Treatment
Hydrocephalus can be treated effectively with the help of experts in Guntur. In the case of severe Hydrocephalus, however, there may be severe consequences. The severity of the initial symptoms, how long it takes to diagnose and treat the condition, and other factors all affect the severity of complications.
Final Thoughts
This article helped us understand hydrocephalus and who is at risk of developing it. It also taught us about the signs and symptoms of hydrocephalus, which vary depending on whether the patient is an infant, a kid, or an adult. We also discovered that cerebrospinal fluid production and absorption imbalances cause hydrocephalus. We also learned about the most prevalent cause of hydrocephalus and the difficulties that come with it.
Dyskinesia is an uncontrollable, spontaneous reaction. It can involve one portion of the body, such as the head or arm, or the whole body.
Dyskinesia can vary from mild to extreme and can be very painful. It can also make performing your everyday work challenging. It may also vary in terms of frequency and time of day.
Dyskinesia is a common complication of long-term levodopa therapy in people with Parkinson’s disease. Dyskinesia may also occur in conditions other than Parkinson’s disease, such as coordination disorders.
Now let us learn about the different signs and symptoms of dyskinesia:
The signs and symptoms of dyskinesia differ from person to person. They may be mild, with a slight head, arm, or leg twitch. They can also be severe, causing various body parts to move involuntarily. Dyskinesia can happen in a variety of ways, including:
boobing in head
the swaying of the body
Dyskinesia is not the same as tremor but is common in Parkinson’s disease.
Now let us see the reasons behind this:
The most frequent cause of dyskinesia is long-term use of the drug levodopa. Because of its efficacy, levodopa is the recommended drug for the treatment of Parkinson’s disease.
Dopamine levels in the brain rise due to the use of levodopa. A lack of dopamine-producing brain cells causes Parkinson’s disease. For those with Parkinson’s disease and other disorders involving reduced dopamine levels, levodopa increases the dopamine level.
When you take levodopa, as per your neurologist in Guntur, the dopamine levels increase and then decrease as the drug wears off. Variations in dopamine levels are thought to be the source of dyskinesia’s spontaneous gestures.
Some antipsychotic drugs cause tardive dyskinesia, a form of dyskinesia.
Conditions that are related to dyskinesia:
Dystonia and dyskinesia are often confused. Dystonia induces excessive muscle tightening rather than the involuntary movements of dyskinesia.
Dystonia is a drug complication. Low levels of dopamine, which are seen in patients with Parkinson’s disease, induce dystonia. Dystonia often affects the feet, vocal cords, hands, and eyelids. It often impacts only one side of the body.
Since levodopa causes dopamine levels to fluctuate, it can cause dystonia. Dystonia can occur as dopamine levels fall and the levodopa wears off.
Tardive dyskinesia:
People with severe psychiatric disorders that need long-term antipsychotic therapy suffer from tardive dyskinesia. Since it induces repetitive gestures, tardive dyskinesia is similar to dyskinesia.
On the other hand, Tender dyskinesia typically affects the tongue, lips, jaw, or eyelids. The following repetitive gestures can be a sign of tardive dyskinesia:
licking your mouth repeatedly
grimacing continuously
blinking rapidly,
puckering your mouth
poking out your tongue
Now, let us see what the treatment for dyskinesia is.
Each person’s dyskinesia treatment needs to be unique. Any of the following considerations influence treatment:
The seriousness of the symptoms
When do the effects worsen (for example, when the levodopa wears off)?
Amount of time on levodopa, and
Time after getting a Parkinson’s diagnosis
Below are some possible recovery options:
Adjusting your levodopa dosage to prevent the significant fluctuation of dopamine levels in your bloodstream
You can use a continuous infusion or a sustained-release formulation of levodopa
Take amantadine extended-release (Gocovri), a well-approved treatment for tardive dyskinesia
valbenazine, a newly approved drug for tardive dyskinesia
Taking levodopa in smaller doses
Take the levodopa 30 minutes before your meal
According to your neurosurgeon in Guntur, exercising, such as walking and swimming, would be best.
It will help eliminate extra stress, which can harm you.
Before starting the proper medication for you, discuss every detail about your treatment with the doctor.
When dyskinesia progresses, speaking with the doctor about the different treatments is essential. When you are first diagnosed with Parkinson’s, talk about the benefits and drawbacks of taking levodopa. It would be better for you if you could delay starting levodopa, as it increases the chances of dyskinesia.
A bulge or ballooning of a blood vessel in the brain is known as a brain aneurysm. It resembles a berry on a stem in appearance. The older adults in Guntur mainly suffer from this complication. Along with that, it can occur in any person of any age. Visit the best neurosurgeon in Guntur to learn about the difficulty in detail.
A brain aneurysm may burst or leak, resulting in brain bleeding (hemorrhagic stroke). The most common location for a ruptured brain aneurysm is the area between the brain and the thin tissues surrounding it.
A ruptured aneurysm can be life-threatening very quickly. So, it requires immediate medical attention.
However, most brain aneurysms, on the other hand, do not burst, cause health complications, or cause any signs.
In certain circumstances, treatment for an unruptured brain aneurysm is sufficient and can avoid a rupture in the future. Consult your neurologist in Guntur to make sure you know the right choices for your unique requirements.
What are the symptoms of a brain aneurysm?
The below are some of the most common signs and symptoms of a ruptured aneurysm:
A severe painful headache appears out of nowhere.
Vomiting and nausea
Neck stiffness
Double or hazy vision
Light sensitivity
Sudden alteration in behavior
A droopy eyelid
Loss of consciousness
An aneurysm can sometimes leak a small amount of blood. This bleeding can result in a severely painful headache.
If the aneurysm is thin, an unruptured brain aneurysm can not cause any symptoms. A larger unruptured aneurysm, on the other hand, may push on brain tissues and nerves, potentially causing:
Pain in your eyes
Complications related to your vision
Face numbness
Suppose you experience a rapid, intense headache or any signs that can lead to a ruptured aneurysm. In that case, as one of the best neurosurgeons in Guntur, Dr. Mohana Rao Patibandla will ask you to undergo a long list of tests. It will help him see if you have leaked into the area between the brain and underlying tissues or if you have had a stroke.
Suppose you have signs of an unruptured brain aneurysm, such as discomfort behind the eye, visual changes, or double vision. In that case, you will be tested to determine which aneurysm is causing the problem. The following are a few tests that help you understand whether you are suffering from any complications.
Tomography using a computer (CT).
Test of the cerebrospinal fluid.
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a form of imaging that.
Angiogram of the brain.
What are the treatment options available to treat brain aneurysms?
Treatment for ruptured brain aneurysm:
Aneurysm clipping is a surgical technique used to block an aneurysm. To access the aneurysm, the neurosurgeon in Guntur cuts a part of the skull and locates the blood vessel that feeds it. Then, he attaches a small metal clip to block blood flow.
Your doctor may also offer a less invasive endovascular coiling or flow diverter.
Both operations include the risk of bleeding or a lack of blood supply to the brain.
Other options:
Other techniques for ruptured brain aneurysms focus on symptom relief and complications management.
If you have headache symptoms, your doctor may prescribe you pain relievers.
An intravenous drug called a vasopressor, which raises blood pressure to relieve the resistance of compressed blood vessels, is one way to avoid stroke caused by inadequate blood flow.
Angioplasty is another choice for preventing strokes. A neurosurgeon uses a catheter to inflate a tiny balloon that opens a compressed blood vessel in the brain during this operation.
Neuromuscular condition is a broad term that refers to diseases with varying symptoms. The term muscle disease is also known as neuromuscular diseases or disorders. These refer to a category of conditions that involve your muscles or the nerves that regulate your muscles.
Many people in Guntur come to us hoping to find a treatment for their neuromuscular complications.
Muscle disease can occur in various ways, and different factors can affect multiple muscle groups. The seriousness of disorders and their impacts on people differ drastically from one person to another.
The majority of disorders are chronic, allowing muscles to deteriorate over time. As a result, it harms your mobility. Most illnesses result in a kind of disability to your body parts.
Muscle disease impacts all racial groups. It affects people regardless of their age and gender. Conditions may arise due to hereditary reasons or develop unexpectedly without a family background.
So, what are the signs and symptoms?
Learn the symptoms from Dr. Rao, the best neurosurgeon in Guntur, in detail. Some neuromuscular disorders develop symptoms in infancy, while others develop symptoms in adolescence or adulthood. Symptoms can appear in various body parts based on your neuromuscular condition and the biological structure.
It is important to note that neuromuscular conditions may be hereditary or result from a random gene mutation. A neuromuscular disorder may also develop due to an immune system disorder. Following are the symptoms of the neuromuscular disorder:
Muscle fatigue
Sensation deprivation or numbness
Atrophy of muscle
Loss in muscle coordination and balancing
Difficulties with breathing and chewing
How do we diagnose the complication?
Neuromuscular diseases are somewhat uncommon and not so easy to identify. At Dr. Rao’s hospital in Guntur, we do a thorough physical assessment and inquire into the patient’s family background. It is essential to check your reflexes and muscle functions. Along with that, we evaluate if there is any other sign. We can go for
Genetic examination to identify the mutations in your gene
A muscle biopsy
Inspection of the CK (creatine kinase) levels in your tissues.
A blood test for checking enzyme elevation
Electromyography (EMG)
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
A nerve conduction test is needed to check the nerve signals that pass from nerve to nerve.
Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) collection
More than 150 different forms of neuromuscular diseases, and new ones are being found each year. The following are a few of these conditions:
Now let us see what treatments are available.?
Neuromuscular conditions are currently incurable. However, research is still ongoing. Numerous medications and genetic treatments provide hope for discovering cures. We are at Dr. Rao Hospital in Guntur, successfully treating symptoms, improving the patient’s life condition, and slowing the disease’s development.
Surgical treatment with physiotherapy can help treat many people’s neuromuscular conditions.
Different complications related to neuromuscular disease are treated in various ways. However, the fundamental goal remains the same: to increase QoL, postpone progression, and improve your ability to function.
Depending on severity, most patients may require routine assessments every 6 to 12 months. This is to identify any problems or improvements and track whether there have been any complications or enhancements. During the physiotherapy treatment, we record any discomfort, falls, or problems at school.
After that, we refer them appropriately, as per the requirements. If you start to lose control or cannot walk, you should avail yourself of the home modifications according to the requirements.
The fundamental goal should be independence. A thorough examination of your condition is required. It is essential to consider pace, distance, and the reasons to become an ambulant patient.
Why Dr. Rao’s Hospital is the Best Choice for Neuromuscular Disorders
Choosing a specialized and experienced medical facility is essential for effective management and recovery when treating neuromuscular disorders. Dr. Rao’s Hospital in Guntur is a premier choice for patients seeking comprehensive care for neuromuscular conditions. Here’s why:
1. Expertise in Neuromuscular Disorders
Highly Qualified Specialists:
Dr. Rao: A leading neurologist and neurosurgeon with extensive training and experience in diagnosing and treating neuromuscular disorders.
Multidisciplinary Team: The hospital boasts a team of specialists, including neurologists, physiotherapists, and occupational therapists, who work together to provide holistic care.
2. Advanced Diagnostic and Treatment Facilities
State-of-the-Art Technology:
Advanced Diagnostics: It is equipped with the latest diagnostic tools, including EMG (electromyography), nerve conduction studies, and advanced imaging techniques, to ensure an accurate diagnosis.
Innovative Treatments: The hospital employs cutting-edge treatments and therapies, including minimally invasive procedures and advanced rehabilitation techniques.
3. Comprehensive Care and Personalized Treatment Plans
Patient-Centered Approach:
Tailored Treatment Plans: Dr. Rao and his team develop individualized treatment plans based on each patient’s condition, medical history, and overall health.
Holistic Care emphasizes treating the whole person, not just the symptoms, ensuring that all aspects of the patient’s health and well-being are addressed.
4. Wide Range of Neuromuscular Conditions Treated
Conditions Addressed:
Muscular Dystrophy: Comprehensive management and support for patients with various forms of muscular dystrophy.
Myasthenia Gravis: Specialized care for this autoimmune disorder affecting the neuromuscular junction.
Peripheral Neuropathies: Effective treatment for nerve damage and associated symptoms.
Motor Neuron Disease: Advanced care and support for patients with ALS and other motor neuron diseases.
Myopathies: Expert diagnosis and management of inflammatory and metabolic myopathies.
5. Rehabilitation and Support Services
Comprehensive Rehabilitation:
Physiotherapy: Specialized physiotherapy programs to improve mobility, strength, and function.
Occupational Therapy: Support to help patients maintain independence and improve quality of life.
Speech Therapy: For patients experiencing difficulties with speech and swallowing.
Ongoing Support:
Patient education: providing patients and their families with the knowledge and tools to manage their condition effectively.
Support Groups: Facilitating support groups to connect patients with others experiencing similar challenges.
6. Positive Patient Outcomes
Success Stories:
High Satisfaction Rates: Many patients have reported significant improvements and positive outcomes following their Dr. Rao’s Hospital treatments.
Trust and Reliability: Dr. Rao’s commitment to excellence has earned the trust of his patients and the community.
7. Accessibility and Convenience
Location and Accessibility:
Strategic Location: Dr. Rao’s Hospital is conveniently located in Guntur, making it accessible for patients across the region and beyond.
Efficient Service: The hospital is known for its streamlined processes, ensuring minimal wait times and efficient handling of appointments and procedures.
In Summary
Choosing Dr. Rao’s Hospital to treat neuromuscular disorders means opting for unparalleled expertise, state-of-the-art technology, personalized care, and a proven track record of success. If you or a loved one needs specialized care for a neuromuscular condition, you can trust Dr. Rao and his team to provide the highest standard of care.
The best stroke treatment in Guntur? IV tPA, mechanical thrombectomy
The symptoms of stroke can appear to any person in Guntur at any time. It is a medical emergency that requires immediate attention from the best neurosurgeon in Guntur.
It is nothing but a shortage of oxygen and required nutrition due to disturbed blood supply into your brain. As a result, your brain cells start to die within minutes.
You can prevent brain injury and other problems by getting proper treatment as early as possible.
Sometimes, your blood vessels rupture and lead to bleeding in the brain, both contributing to the stroke. Almost 87% of strokes are due to lack of blood supply, and 13% are due to hemorrhage, i.e., bleeding in the brain.
What are the signs and symptoms?
Best hospital for stroke – Dr Rao’s Hosptial Guntur
When you think you or someone you are with is having a stroke, pay careful attention to when the signs begin. Remember the mnemonic BE FAST, which indicates the symptoms to look for and the need for emergency treatment. Confident treatment choices are highly successful if offered right after the stroke.
Below are the signs and symptoms of a stroke:
You can experience difficulties speaking and understanding what people are doing. You can be confused, slur your sentences, or have trouble interpreting speech.
You may experience numbness or paralysis of the face, arm, or leg. It usually impacts only one side of the body. You can have a stroke if one limb starts to collapse. When you try to smile, one side of your mouth will droop.
You may experience double vision or distorted or blackened vision in one or both eyes. A stroke may also cause symptoms like a severe headache, vomiting, dizziness, or altered consciousness.
You can experience difficulty in walking due to a stroke. You can feel dizziness or a lack of balance as well.
Now, let us see how our neurologist in Guntur makes the diagnosis.
When you arrive at the hospital, we will perform the following tests:
A physical test:
Your doctor will administer a series of checks you are already acquainted with, such as listening to your pulse and blood pressure. We may perform a neurological evaluation to assess the effects of the stroke.
Blood test:
Several blood checks can be done, including one to assess how easily your blood clots, whether your blood pressure is too high or low, and whether or not you have an infection.
CT scan:
A CT scan can also be beneficial in your stroke diagnosis. It produces a clear representation of the brain by using a sequence of X-rays. A CT scan may exclude brain bleeding so we can go ahead with thrombolysis treatment without any delay.
Our neurosurgeon in Guntur Dr. Mohana Rao Patibandla can inject a dye into your bloodstream to allow them to examine the blood vessels in your neck and brain more closely (computerized tomography angiography).
You may require Magnetic resonance imaging:
An MRI creates a precise brain image using strong radio waves and magnets. An MRI can detect brain tissue injury and brain hemorrhages caused by an ischemic stroke.
So, what treatment options are available to you?
If you are having an ischemic stroke or a stroke that causes bleeding through the brain, you will need emergency care. Doctors must rapidly restore blood supply to the brain to cure an ischemic stroke. Our neurosurgeon in Guntur provides the following treatments in case you are suffering from an ischemic stroke.
Ischemic stroke
IV treatment:
In many cases, we can administer intravenous medications that may break up a blood clot in your brain. We administer these medications within 4.5 hours from when the symptoms started and recently up to 9 hours based on the perfusion scanning.
It is another significant way of treating stroke. Here, our doctor administers medications directly to the site of the stroke. We use a long, narrow tube through an artery in your groin and thread it to your brain, called IA thrombolysis, which may be needed in some small vessel disease cases.
Endovascular surgeries:
Ischemic strokes are often treated immediately inside the blocked blood vessel by our Dr. Mohana Rao Patibandla, the interventional neurosurgeon or endovascular neurosurgeon, with the help of a suction device or with the help of a stentreiver if the patient is here within 24 hours.
Minimally Invasive Approaches for Treating Brain Stroke: Advancements at Dr. Rao’s Hospital – Mechanical Thrombectomy and IV tPA
After an ischemic stroke, endovascular treatment can increase outcomes and minimize long-term disability in up to 70% of patients after proper selection through perfusion imaging. Our interventional team, led by Dr. Mohana Rao Patibandla, is the best in Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, and India.
A stent retriever:
As one of the best neurosurgeons in Guntur, our doctor will clear the clot from the damaged blood artery in your brain using a system connected to a catheter. This method benefits people with big clots that medicines cannot remove entirely.
Controlling the bleeding and reducing the pain in your brain caused by the extra blood are the main goals of emergency care for hemorrhagic stroke. There are multiple recovery services available, including:
Treatment in an emergency:
When you use blood thinners to avoid blood clots, we might provide medications or blood transfusions to mitigate the effects of blood thinners. We can give prescription medications to reduce intracranial pain, blood pressure, blood vessel spasm reduction, and seizure prevention.
the-best-intracranial-hemorrhage-treatment-at-dr-Rao’s with brain path using neuronavigation and CUSA
Surgical procedures: Our doctor can perform surgery to remove the blood and relieve pressure on your brain if the bleeding is high.
Clipping by a surgeon: To stop the aneurysm’s blood supply, the best neurosurgeon in Guntur can put a tiny clip at its root. This clip will prevent an aneurysm from bursting or from bleeding again after it has already bled.
Dr. Rao performs aneurysm clipping surgery at Dr. Rao’s Hospital, focusing intently on advanced medical equipment in the background.
Coiling (endovascular embolization): Your surgeon can put tiny detachable coils into the aneurysm. He can use a catheter implanted into an artery in your groin and directed to your brain. It helps in blocking the blood supply into the aneurysm and causes clots.
Brain aneurysm treatment at Dr Rao’s Coiling and Flow Diverter