Tag Archives: epilepsy

Understanding-Epilepsy-Types-Triggers-and-Seizure-Management at Rao's hospital Guntur

Top Epilepsy Treatment & Minimally Invasive Surgery at Dr. Rao’s Hospital, Guntur

Top Epilepsy Treatment & Minimally Invasive Surgery at Dr. Rao’s Hospital, Guntur

Best Hospital for Epilepsy Treatment in India

Epilepsy is a neurological disorder affecting millions worldwide. Finding the best treatment is crucial for leading a seizure-free life. Among the top facilities, Dr. Rao’s Hospital in Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, stands out for its world-class epilepsy care. This hospital is renowned for using the latest technologies and advanced medical techniques, making it a top choice for epilepsy patients across India.

Best Hospital for Epilepsy Treatment in Andhra Pradesh

Dr. Rao’s Hospital is also recognized as the best hospital for epilepsy treatment in Andhra Pradesh. With a team of highly skilled neurologists and neurosurgeons, the hospital provides comprehensive care for epilepsy patients. The facility has state-of-the-art Epilepsy Monitoring Units (EMUs), allowing for accurate diagnosis and personalized treatment plans. The hospital’s commitment to patient care and its use of minimally invasive surgery techniques make it the preferred choice for epilepsy treatment in the region.

Best Epilepsy Treatment in India

Regarding epilepsy treatment in India, Dr. Rao’s Hospital offers some of the most advanced options available. The hospital specializes in minimally invasive neurosurgery, which ensures faster recovery times and fewer complications. This approach is particularly beneficial for epilepsy patients, as it reduces the risks associated with traditional surgery. Dr. Rao’s Hospital also offers comprehensive epilepsy management, including medical therapy, surgical options, and lifestyle counseling, ensuring that each patient receives the best possible care.

Best Epilepsy Treatment in Guntur

In Guntur, Dr. Rao’s Hospital is the leading center for epilepsy treatment. Patients from across the state and beyond come to this hospital seeking relief from their seizures. Dr. Mohana Rao Patibandla’s skilled team at the hospital specializes in treating complicated epilepsy cases. Using cutting-edge technology and minimally invasive spine surgery techniques allows the hospital to provide effective treatment while minimizing the impact on the patient’s life.

Best Doctor for Epilepsy Treatment in India

Dr. Mohana Rao Patibandla is widely regarded as one of the best doctors for epilepsy treatment in India. His neurosurgery expertise and his compassionate approach to patient care make him a trusted name in the field. Dr. Rao’s experience with minimally invasive techniques allows him to offer patients safer and more effective treatment options. Whether it’s a complex epilepsy surgery or a simple medical intervention, patients can rely on Dr. Rao for expert care.

Top 10 Epilepsy Doctors in India

India is home to many renowned epilepsy specialists, and Dr. Mohana Rao Patibandla is among the top 10 epilepsy doctors in the country. His dedication to improving the lives of epilepsy patients, along with his expertise in advanced surgical techniques, places him at the forefront of epilepsy treatment in India. Dr. Rao’s commitment to staying updated with the latest advancements in the field ensures that his patients receive the most current and effective treatments.

Epilepsy Treatment Cost in India

The cost of epilepsy treatment in India varies depending on the type of treatment required. However, Dr. Rao’s Hospital is known for providing high-quality care at an affordable cost. The hospital’s focus on affordable medical tourism has become a popular destination for international patients seeking cost-effective epilepsy treatment. Patients can expect transparent pricing and a range of options to suit their financial needs without compromising the quality of care.

Permanent Treatment for Epilepsy in India

For many patients, the goal is to find a permanent solution to epilepsy. Dr. Rao’s Hospital offers advanced surgical options that significantly reduce or even eliminate seizures in some patients. Procedures such as minimally invasive neurosurgery and targeted resections are available for those seeking a permanent treatment option. The hospital’s comprehensive approach to epilepsy care ensures that each patient’s treatment plan is tailored to their needs, offering the best chance for a successful outcome.

Free Treatment and Surgery for Epilepsy Patients

Understanding the financial burden that epilepsy treatment can place on patients, Dr. Rao’s Hospital is committed to making care accessible to everyone. The hospital participates in various programs that offer free or subsidized treatment and surgery for epilepsy patients. This commitment to affordability ensures that even those with limited resources can receive the care they need to manage their epilepsy effectively.

Best Epilepsy Treatment Center in India

Dr. Rao’s Hospital is recognized as one of the best epilepsy treatment centers in India. The hospital’s comprehensive care approach includes everything from diagnosis to post-surgery rehabilitation. With a dedicated epilepsy center, the hospital provides specialized care for both adults and children with epilepsy. The availability of the latest diagnostic tools and treatment options ensures that patients receive the best possible care.

Epilepsy: What It Is, Causes, Symptoms, and Diagnosis

Epilepsy is a neurological disorder characterized by recurrent, unprovoked seizures. Causes can range from genetic factors to brain injuries. Symptoms vary but often include temporary confusion, staring spells, and uncontrollable jerking movements. Diagnosis typically involves a combination of neurological exams, imaging tests, and electroencephalograms (EEGs). Early diagnosis and treatment are crucial for managing the condition effectively.

Best Hospital for Epilepsy Treatment

Dr. Rao’s Hospital is widely considered the best hospital for epilepsy treatment due to its comprehensive care approach, advanced technology, and expert medical team. The hospital’s focus on minimally invasive surgery makes it a leader in epilepsy treatment, offering patients the best chance for a seizure-free life.

Epilepsy Monitoring and Surgery

Effective epilepsy treatment often requires continuous monitoring, which is available at Dr. Rao’s Hospital’s state-of-the-art Epilepsy Monitoring Unit (EMU). The hospital also specializes in epilepsy surgery, including minimally invasive procedures that reduce recovery time and improve outcomes. Continuous monitoring allows for precise treatment adjustments, ensuring optimal patient care.

Epilepsy Patients Can Lead a Seizure-Free Life

With the proper treatment, many epilepsy patients can achieve long-term seizure control and lead an active, everyday life. Dr. Rao’s Hospital’s multidisciplinary approach ensures patients receive all the support they need, from medical therapy to surgical interventions, to achieve the best possible outcomes.

Top Epilepsy Doctors in India

In addition to Dr. Rao, India is home to many top epilepsy doctors who contribute to the country’s reputation as a leading destination for epilepsy treatment. These doctors collaborate with top hospitals like Dr. Rao’s Hospital to provide comprehensive care for epilepsy patients.


Dr. Rao’s Hospital in Guntur, India, stands out as one of the best facilities for epilepsy treatment in the country. With its focus on minimally invasive neurosurgery, affordable medical tourism, and a commitment to patient care, the hospital offers patients the best chance for a seizure-free life. Whether seeking the best epilepsy treatment in Andhra Pradesh or across India, Dr. Rao’s Hospital is a top choice for comprehensive, expert care.

Dr. Rao’s Contact Information:

FAQ of Epilepsy by the Best Epilepsy Surgeon, Dr. Rao

FAQ of Epilepsy by the Best Epilepsy Surgeon, Dr. Rao

Summary: In this enlightening video, Dr. Rao sheds light on epilepsy, providing comprehensive answers to frequently asked questions. From seizure types to treatment options, you’ll find valuable information to help you or your loved ones navigate life with epilepsy.

Surgical management of Epilepsy

The Best Epilepsy Surgery in Andhra Pradesh – Dr Raos Hospital

The Best Epilepsy Surgery in Andhra Pradesh – Dr Raos Hospital

Epilepsy is a neurological condition in which brain activity becomes aberrant, resulting in seizures or episodes of odd behavior, feelings, and occasionally loss of awareness.

Are you suffering from epilepsy?

Don’t worry! You can get effective treatment for epilepsy at Dr. Rao’s Hospital, Guntur. We are one of the best neurology hospitals in Guntur. We have experienced neurosurgeons like Dr. Mohana Rao Patibandla, a fellowship-trained epilepsy surgeon from the USA. Our hospital in Guntur provides solutions for all neurological disorders, including epilepsy.

This article discusses the treatment options for epilepsy. But before we discuss the treatment options, first, let us first examine the causes of epilepsy.

What are the Causes of Epilepsy?

The following factors contribute to the development of epilepsy:.

  1. Genetics: Genetic factors are one of the causes of epilepsy. Epilepsy is more common in those who have specific genes.
  2. Head trauma: A head injury may result in epilepsy.
  3. Brain problems: Brain tumors and strokes can induce epilepsy.
  4. Infectious illnesses: Infectious disorders such as meningitis, AIDS, and viral encephalitis can induce epilepsy.
  5. Prenatal injury: Epilepsy can develop as a result of brain damage that happens prior to birth.
  6. Several risk factors contribute to epilepsy. The specifics are as follows:
  7. Age: Children and the elderly are more likely to develop epilepsy.
  8. Family History: If epilepsy runs in your family, you’re likely to get it as well.
  9. • Head injuries: Epilepsy is more likely to occur in those who have had a head injury.
  10. • Infectious diseases: Infectious diseases like meningitis and AIDS can increase your risk of developing epilepsy.

What are the symptoms of epilepsy?

The most common sign of epilepsy is seizures. Symptoms vary from one individual to the next and depending on the type of seizure.

Focal or partial seizures

There is no loss of consciousness in a simple partial seizure. Among the signs and symptoms are:

  1. • Changes in the senses of taste, smell, sight, hearing, and touch
  2. • Dizziness
  3. • Limb tingling and twitching
  4. There is a loss of awareness or consciousness with complex partial seizures. Other signs and symptoms include:
  5. • Blank stare
  6. • Unresponsiveness
  7. • Repeating the same moves

Generalized seizures

Seizures that affect the entire brain are known as generalized seizures. There are six different types:

Absence seizures, often known as “petit mal seizures,” result in a blank stare. Repetitive motions, such as lip-smacking or blinking,, may occur due to this type of seizure. There is frequently a brief loss of awareness as well.

Muscle stiffness is a side effect of tonic seizures.

Atonic seizures result in a loss of muscle control, which might cause you to fall unexpectedly.

Clonic seizures are characterized by repeatedly jerky muscular movements in the face, neck, and arms.

A rapid twitching of the arms and legs characterizes myoclonic seizures.

Grand mal seizures were once known as tonic-clonic seizures. Among the signs and symptoms are:

• Body becomes stiff

• Shaking

• Inability to control bladder or bowel movements. There can also be loss of consciousness.

What is intractable epilepsy?

Intractable epilepsy is defined as seizures that two epileptic medicines can’t control at their maximum tolerable doses for two years. (Intractable means “not easily managed or relieved.“) It’s also called refractory, uncontrolled, or drug-resistant epileptic seizures. Nearly 36% of epilepsy patients are refractory to medication, and we need to find surgical candidates in this population.

What will you do when you see your close relative having seizures?

Now, let us discuss the treatment options available in Guntur to treat epilepsy.

What solutions are provided by Dr. Rao’s Hospital in Guntur to treat epilepsy?

We use the following treatment options to manage and treat epilepsy:

Anti-epileptic medications (AEDs)

The most common treatment for epilepsy is antiepileptic drugs (AEDs). In about 7 out of 10 people, they aid in seizure management.

AEDs function by altering the chemical levels in your brain. They cannot cure epilepsy, but they can prevent seizures. AEDs come in a variety of forms, including pills, capsules, liquids, and syrups. In most cases, you must take the medication daily.

Your doctor in Guntur will begin with a low dose and then raise it until you no longer have seizures. If the first medicine you try does not work, your doctor may suggest you try a different type.

You must follow any recommendations for when and how much to take AEDs. If you suddenly stop taking an AED, you risk having a seizure. Drowsiness, headaches, rashes, tremors, etc., are some of the side effects of AEDs.

Surgery on the brain

There’s a reasonable probability that your seizures will stop completely following surgery in certain instances, such as the following: 70% in temporal lobe seizures and 50% in nontemporal lobe seizures.

• AEDs are not controlling your seizures.

Tests show that a disorder in a small area of your brain that is treatable without having severe side effects is the cause of your seizures.

Brain scans (MRI seizure protocol), electroencephalograms (EEG), and other testing are conducted before surgery. The findings of these tests will help you and your doctor determine whether surgery is a viable choice for you.

Resection surgeries:

The identified epilepsy focus was removed during this procedure with the help of brain electric activity.

Epilepsy surgery is usually performed while you are unconscious, using a general anesthetic.

The neurosurgeon at Dr. Rao’s Hospital in Guntur makes a small cut in your head and a hole in your skull to remove the affected area of the brain.

At the conclusion of the procedure, the openings in your skull and scalp are closed. Make sure you discuss the risks with your neurosurgeon before undergoing surgery.

 Stimulation procedures:

When we cannot resect the lesion due to eloquence or recognize the precise area, we stimulate the brain or vagus nerve.

Vagus nerve stimulation:

In vagus nerve stimulation, doctors implant a vagus nerve stimulator beneath the skin of your chest, similar to a heart pacemaker. The cables from the stimulator are connected to the vagus nerve in your neck.

The battery-operated device uses the vagus nerve to send electrical energy bursts to your brain. The device’s mechanism for preventing seizures is unknown, although it can usually reduce seizures by 50%. Side effects of vagus nerve stimulation include throat pain, hoarseness, shortness of breath, and coughing.

Responsive Neurostimulation:

We know that electrical activity comes from the two critical areas, so we placed two electrodes connected to a battery in the skull.

DBS (deep brain stimulation):

This method targets the anterior thalamic nucleus, resulting in a 50% decrease in the devastating seizure frequency.

Ketogenic diet

A ketogenic diet is a high-fat, low-carbohydrate, and low-protein diet that is supposed to reduce the likelihood of seizures in children by altering the quantities of substances in the brain.


As every problem comes with a solution, the problem of epilepsy also comes with a solution. You can get effective solutions for epilepsy by visiting Dr. Rao’s Hospital in Guntur. We have solutions for all your neurological problems. So, visit us now

Dr. Rao’s Contact Information:


Seizure First Aid: How to Assist When Someone has an Episode?

Seizure First Aid: How to Assist When Someone Has an Episode?

Many people in Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, have seizures. If somebody you know or around you has an epileptic seizure, it can make a huge difference if you understand how to help them. 

Most people get scared when they see someone have a seizure. It is understandable why the situation makes people panic. However, if you know how to deal with people having seizures, you can help them calm down and reduce any risk of injuries.

Once the person having an epileptic seizure has calmed down, take them to the best neurology hospital in Guntur.

Before understanding how to provide seizure first aid, let us know what epilepsy is.

What is epilepsy?

Epilepsy is a range of disorders affecting the brain’s electrical functions; it has several forms. Unpredictable seizures include epilepsy. Yet not every seizure shows the dramatic convulsions several individuals connect with this disease.

You may know of the classic seizure, in which someone loses muscle control, cramps, or becomes unconscious. However, this is only one form of a seizure known as a generalized tonic-clonic seizure. It represents one of several types of epilepsy. Research shows that there are more than thirty forms of seizures.

Commonly, one seizure incident does not mean epilepsy. A person must face two or more unprovoked seizures within twenty-four hours or more to get diagnosed with epilepsy. An unprovoked seizure must happen because of epilepsy and not a toxin, drug, or head trauma.

What do seizures look like?

You may be aware of the tonic-clonic seizure, also called grand mal seizure. It isn’t very comforting to see, and the individual who has it does not know or remember what has occurred.

Such seizures have a pattern:

  1. You will recognize that the individual is checked out. If you speak to them, they will not respond or react, and they may collapse.
  2. Their muscles clench, and they become rigid or stiff like a board; this tonic phase often lasts seconds. 
  3. You may see them begin a series of jerking movements; this is a clonic stage lasting several minutes.
  4. After some time, jerking gets over, and they are alert and can speak again, looking a bit dazed or unsteady for some time.

Even a general seizure can be dangerous because people are unaware of their surroundings and can’t protect themselves. The uncontrolled thrashings increase their chances of getting hurt.

So, once the seizure is over, you must take them to the best neurosurgeon in Andhra Pradesh.

Someone you know is having a Seizure – How do you deal with them?

If someone close to you has a convulsive seizure, there are some things you can do to help them from hurting themselves. Follow these steps:

  • Roll the person over to their side. They won’t choke on vomit or saliva.
  • Cushion their head
  • Loosen their collar so they can freely breathe.
  • Take steps to manage a clear airway; grip the jaw gently and tilt the head back slightly to open the airway properly.
  • Do not try to restrain them unless not doing so would cause them bodily harm, as they might be on top of a stairway or the edge of a pool. 
  • Please do not put anything into their mouth. No medicines, solid objects, or water. Remember, it is a myth that someone with epilepsy can swallow their tongue. However, they can choke on foreign items.
  • Please get rid of sharp or solid objects around them.
  • Take down the time. How long was the seizure? What were the symptoms? Your observations will help the doctor later. If they have multiple seizures, how long was the time between seizures?
  • Stay by their side throughout the seizure.
  • Stay calm. Do not panic; it will be over soon
  • Do not shake them or shout at them. It will not help.
  • Ask bystanders to stay back and keep a distance. They might be tired, embarrassed, or disoriented after a seizure. Offer to call someone or help them further if they need it.

When can you seek medical assistance?

Every seizure does not warrant instant medical care. Sometimes, you may be required to call a doctor, though. Contact for emergency assistance if:

  1. The person has diabetes or is pregnant
  2. The seizure occurred in the water
  3. The episode lasted more than five minutes
  4. The person didn’t become conscious after a seizure
  5. The person stops breathing following a seizure
  6. The person has a high fever
  7. Another episode begins before they restore consciousness following the previous seizure.
  8. The individual hurts himself at the time of the seizure
  9. If, as per your knowledge, it is the first seizure they have

Remember to look for a medic alert bracelet, a medical identification card, or other jewelry that shows the individual as somebody with epilepsy.

Also, there is no need to panic. Try to keep a level head, control the situation, and do not leave that person alone till you get them some assistance.

Why Choose Dr. Rao and Dr. Rao’s Hospital for Epilepsy Evaluation and Surgery?

When it comes to managing and treating epilepsy, choosing the right healthcare provider is crucial. Dr. Rao and Dr. Rao’s Hospital is the premier choice for epilepsy evaluation and surgery in Guntur and beyond. Here are several compelling reasons to trust Dr. Rao with your epilepsy care:

1. Expertise in Epilepsy Treatment

Highly Qualified Neurologist and Surgeon

Dr. Rao is a highly qualified neurologist and surgeon with extensive experience in diagnosing and treating epilepsy. His deep understanding of the condition and years of hands-on experience ensure that patients receive the highest level of care.

2. Comprehensive Epilepsy Evaluation

State-of-the-Art Diagnostic Tools

At Dr. Rao’s Hospital, patients benefit from comprehensive epilepsy evaluations using state-of-the-art diagnostic tools. These include advanced imaging techniques, EEG monitoring, and other specialized tests that accurately identify the type and origin of seizures. This thorough evaluation is critical in developing an effective treatment plan.

3. Personalized Treatment Plans

Tailored to Individual Needs

Dr. Rao believes in personalized care. Each patient’s condition is unique, and so is their treatment plan. Dr. Rao takes the time to understand each patient’s needs and medical history, tailoring treatments to achieve the best possible outcomes.

4. Advanced Surgical Techniques

Minimally Invasive Procedures

Dr. Rao employs advanced, minimally invasive techniques for patients requiring surgical intervention. These procedures reduce recovery times, minimize risks, and improve overall outcomes. Dr. Rao’s expertise in epilepsy surgery is complemented by his use of cutting-edge technology, ensuring the highest standards of care.

5. Multidisciplinary Approach

Collaborative Care Team

Epilepsy treatment at Dr. Rao’s Hospital involves a multidisciplinary team of specialists, including neurologists, neurosurgeons, radiologists, and rehabilitation therapists. This collaborative approach ensures comprehensive care, addressing all aspects of the patient’s condition and well-being.

6. Patient-Centered Care

Compassionate and Supportive Environment

Dr. Rao and his team are committed to providing compassionate, patient-centered care. They understand the challenges faced by epilepsy patients and their families and offer continuous support throughout the treatment journey. The hospital provides a welcoming and supportive environment where patients feel heard and cared for.

7. Post-Surgery Rehabilitation

Comprehensive Follow-Up Care

Recovery and rehabilitation are crucial components of epilepsy surgery. Dr. Rao’s Hospital offers comprehensive post-surgery care, including physical therapy, counseling, and regular follow-up visits. This ensures that patients recover fully and can return to their daily lives with minimal disruption.

8. Positive Patient Outcomes

Proven Success Stories

Many patients have successfully undergone epilepsy evaluation and surgery at Dr. Rao’s Hospital, experiencing significant improvements in their quality of life. Testimonials and success stories from these patients highlight Dr. Rao’s expertise and the positive impact of his treatments.

9. Accessibility and Convenience

Located in the Heart of Guntur

Conveniently located in Guntur, Dr. Rao’s Hospital is easily accessible for patients from across the region. The hospital’s efficient services and friendly staff ensure a hassle-free experience, from initial consultation to post-surgery follow-up.

10. Commitment to Excellence

Dedication to Ongoing Improvement

Dr. Rao and his team are dedicated to continuous improvement and staying abreast of the latest advancements in epilepsy treatment. Their commitment to excellence ensures that patients receive the most up-to-date and effective care available.

Contact Dr. Rao’s Hospital Today

If you or a loved one is struggling with epilepsy, don’t hesitate to contact Dr. Rao and his team. Trust in their expertise and dedication to providing you with the best possible care.

Contact Information:

Take the first step towards effective epilepsy management and improved quality of life with Dr. Rao at Dr. Rao’s Hospital. Your health and well-being are our top priorities.