Category Archives: Neurointerventional surgery

Unlocking the Gut-Brain Axis: Enhancing Brain Function with Dr. Rao

Physical symptoms of Depression


Physical symptoms of depression: Dr. Rao at Dr Rao’s Hospital

Depression is a mood disorder, and it disrupts a person’s routine life. Depression is becoming common for people in Guntur. They look for the best neurology hospital in Guntur to solve their condition. They find Rao Hospital Guntur effective in solving their condition. The hospital has successfully treated several patients with depression. Do you want to know whether you have depression or not? Here, we have discussed physical symptoms that lead to depression. Continue reading to learn more.

  1.  Sleep Problems

Depression can harm your physical and mental health. Specific individuals with depression are perpetually sleepy and tired.

2. Chest Pain

Various conditions can cause pain in the chest, including digestive tract issues, lung, and other difficulties. Chest pain is not the only sign of this condition. It can also indicate anxiety, panic attack, or depression. First and foremost, consult with a cardiologist.

Depression increases the likelihood of developing heart disease. Patients who have had a heart attack are more likely to suffer from depression.

3. Exhaustion and Fatigue

Despite getting enough at night, you still feel tired, lethargic, and sluggish the whole day. Such experiences can be a warning sign of depression. Depression and fatigue can occur at the same time, making your condition severe.

4. Joints and Muscles Aching

Have you been suffering from chronic discomforts, such as joint pain, muscle aches, and headaches? These are the signs of depression. Further, ongoing pain can increase depression risk.

If you suffer from chronic pain, you may also suffer from depression or anxiety. Both painful conditions and depression share chemical messengers in your brain. Depressed people are three to four times more likely to suffer from pain every day.

5. Digestive Issues

Conditions like chronic migraines can lead to Nausea, vomiting, and stomach pain. Similarly, if you are overly anxious, terrified, or depressed, you may face the same conditions. This is because our digestive system and brain are closely associated.

6. Back pain

It is possible to develop impatience, restlessness, anxiety, and depression if you suffer from back pain consistently. Furthermore, those depressed individuals are four times more likely to suffer from significant, crippling neck and back pain – notably lower back pain – than the general population.

7. Restlessness and Irritation

Restlessness, irritation, and agitation are some of the most noticeable signs of depression. When it comes to depression, men are more prone than women to experience this type of problem. Sleep issues, such as insomnia and restless leg syndrome, are common among those suffering from depression. People who suffer from sleep disorders are more prone to be disturbed or restless than those who do not.

8. Sexual Difficulties

People who are depressed may experience a loss of interest in sex. You may experience ejaculatory difficulties, erectile dysfunction, and poor sex performance. Antidepressant drugs can affect libido and sex drive. Additionally, they affect the ejaculation process—the drugs make it premature or too long. Hence, if you are taking anti-depressants, speak with your doctor about the proper medication to consider. Low testosterone levels are associated with depression as well.

How can you improve depression’s physical symptoms?


There is no simple guideline or prescription that shows that exercise can help overcome depression. Still, it allows you to reduce the symptoms if you exercise for an extended period. Further, substantial research has shown that frequent exercise enhances mood, lowers pain sensitivity, and makes you feel good. Your brain releases healthy chemicals when you exercise.

Remember! Returning from the ramp to the couch can be challenging for people who are depressed. Getting the energy to exercise is challenging, but exercising helps you feel less tired.

To sum it all up,

It is difficult to recognize the symptoms of body depression when you are not suffering from depression. Hence, many people seek relief from muscular and joint pain through medications. They address their symptoms rather than the underlying reason for their symptoms, which is depression.

So, visit the best neurologist hospital in Guntur to solve your condition.

Dr. Rao’s Contact Information:

stroke-and-mechanical-thrombectomy at Dr Rao's Hosptial by Dr Rao


The most effective STROKE treatment is MECHANICAL THROMBECTOMY.

Stroke is dangerous and very damaging. It is caused by a blood clot that disrupts the flow of blood to the brain.

However, it is now possible to overcome the dangerous stroke with a procedure called mechanical thrombectomy. Yes, mechanical thrombectomy treatment by the best neurologist in Guntur can help one successfully defeat a stroke.


But what is a mechanical thrombectomy?

Mechanical Thrombectomy is an effective stroke treatment. It helps remove blood clots that disturb blood flow in the body. Blood clots slow down blood flow in the body, causing different complications. Mechanical Thrombectomy removes these blood clots. It helps treat stroke and other complications caused by the formation of blood clots. Mechanical Thrombectomy help one deal with strokes and confront them effectively. Now, one can courageously face and defeat problems like a stroke with the help of mechanical thrombectomy treatment from the best neurology hospital in Guntur.

What Causes Stroke?

The common risk factors that lead to stroke are as follows:

· Improper Sleep

· Fear and anxiety

· Irregular eating habits

· Air Pollution

· Smoking and drinking alcohol

In case you get a stroke, it is advisable to seek immediate help from neurologists at Rao Hospital, Guntur. With treatments like mechanical thrombectomy, you are sure to recover from a stroke.

What kinds of devices are used in mechanical thrombectomy procedures?

Neurosurgeons in Guntur carry out mechanical thrombectomies to remove blood clots using the following tools:

· Stentriever mechanical thrombectomy

The latest mechanical device is a stentriever. The device is a self-expanding mesh tube attached to a wire-guided through a catheter (thin tube). The surgeon inserts the catheter in an artery in the groin and guides the catheter through various blood vessels up to the blood clot in the brain.

· Aspiration thrombectomy –

Aspiration thrombectomy entails either manual cluster yearning or the use of catheter equipment to suck the coagulation out of the vessel.

How is the mechanical thrombectomy procedure performed?

In mechanical thrombectomy, neurosurgeons in Guntur use a vacuum or mechanical gear to remove blood clots. Thus, the blood flow is restored, and stroke gets treated.

To achieve effective results, it is advisable to get mechanical thrombectomy treatment from the best neurology hospital in Guntur.

Why go for a mechanical thrombectomy?

In mechanical thrombectomy treatment, one has a window of 24 hours from the onset of a stroke to have a chance to recover from a stroke. This will help more patients recover from stroke and save them from the harmful impact of stroke. Mechanical Thrombectomy is a ray of hope for people affected by stroke. Mechanical Thrombectomy give them hope and courage to fight strokes. It gives life to their dead hopes and courage to fight stroke. It is a powerful weapon that helps people to win against difficult stroke. Mechanical Thrombectomy also leads to a speedy recovery from stroke. So, going for mechanical thrombectomy treatment at the best neurology hospital in Guntur is advisable.

What is the problem with mechanical thrombectomy?

Though mechanical thrombectomy is an effective procedure to treat stroke, there aren’t sufficient neurology hospitals in Guntur that provide this stroke treatment option.


In this article, we learned about stroke and the risk factors that cause a stroke. We also learned about mechanical thrombectomy treatment, which helps treat stroke. We learned about the devices used in mechanical thrombectomy treatment and its procedure. We also learned about the advantages and problems of mechanical thrombectomy in Guntur. A stroke is a severe problem. Before it defeats you, you defeat it with the help of mechanical thrombectomy treatment from the best doctor in Guntur. Mechanical Thrombectomy not only gives you life but also gives life to your dead hopes and courage. Mechanical Thrombectomy is a powerful and effective weapon that helps you battle stroke. It enables you to defeat death and makes your life win this battle. So, now it’s time to make your life a winner, not the time to lose it and allow it to perish! Now it’s time to defeat and not get defeated! Now is the time to win! Now is the time to live!

Dr. Rao’s Contact Information:

the best migraine treatment in Andhra Pradesh at Dr Rao's Hosptial by Dr Rao

Migraine – Symptoms, Signs, Causes, Types, and Treatment

Migraine – Symptoms, Signs, Causes, Types, and Treatment

Migraine is a neurological disease that is common in people of Guntur. In migraines, people experience severe headaches. Vomiting and nausea are common side effects of headaches. In migraines, one may also experience sensitivity to sound and light, problems in speech, etc. Migraine can occur in any age group. If you have migraine problems running in your family, it is more likely you will also experience migraines. In case you experience migraine headaches, it is advisable to visit Rao hospital Guntur, which is one of the best neurology hospitals in Guntur. This article discusses migraine symptoms, causes, types, and treatment.

What is a migraine?

Migraine is a neurological condition in which one experiences severe headaches, nausea, and vomiting. One may also experience sensitivity to light and sound. Migraine is more common in women than men. The most common migraines are migraines with aura and without aura. We will study each of them in detail later in the article.

What are the common signs and symptoms of migraine?

Migraine occurs in stages. The symptoms of migraine may differ depending on the stage.

Prodrome stage:

In this stage of migraine, symptoms are experienced a few days before the headache starts. The common symptoms experienced in this stage include the following-

Increased hunger


Stiffness in the neck

Feeling depressed


This occurs after the prodrome stage. The common problems experienced in this stage include the following-

Problems in speaking

Vision problems

Sensation problems


In this phase, a severe headache is experienced. The common symptoms in this stage include the following-



Very severe pain in your head

Sensitivity to light and sound

Postdrome Phase:

The following symptoms characterize this phase-

Extreme mood swings


If you experience any of the above symptoms, you should visit the best neurologist in Guntur immediately for proper treatment. When left untreated, migraines may become severe and last longer.

What are the possible causes of migraine?

The actual cause of migraine is not yet known. However, certain risk factors may lead to migraine. Some of them are as follows-

  • Changes in weather
  • Less water intake in the body
  • Hormone changes
  • Increased stress
  • Irregular eating schedule and skipping meals
  • Improper sleep
  • Specific medications
  • Smoking and alcohol

Your neurologist may ask you in Guntur to keep a record of the things that you ate or the medicines you took before the onset of your migraine. This may help identify the triggers that lead to migraines and thus avoid them to reduce and treat them.

How can migraines be diagnosed?

Doctors in Guntur can diagnose migraines by examining symptoms, medical conditions, and family history. Various tests are used to diagnose migraines.

What are the different types of migraines?

The following are the different types of migraine seen in people of Guntur

Migraine without Aura:

This is one of the most common types of migraine. People with this type of migraine have had at least five attacks that have these characteristics:

Headaches lasting for 4-72 hours if timely treatment is not provided.

Moderate or severe headache on one side of the head

Headaches accompanied by sensitivity to light and sound and nausea.

Migraine with Aura:

This is also one of the common types of migraine. People with this type of migraine have had at least 2 attacks that have these characteristics:

Vision problems

Speech problems


Sensory problems

Chronic migraines:

People with chronic migraines experience severe headaches. They may also experience the following-


Other medical problems

Other chronic pain

Acute migraines:

This type of migraine is not chronic. People experience less severe headaches than chronic migraines in this type of migraine.

There are other types of migraines, such as an optical migraine(affects one of the eyes), Acephalgic migraine(migraine with no headaches), hormonal migraines(caused by changes in hormones like estrogen), abdominal migraine(experiencing stomach-ache), among others.

How to treat migraines?

Migraine is a very fatal condition. So, there are treatment options available to treat migraines. Migraines can’t be completely cured, but these treatment options can help control and reduce migraines to a great extent.

  • Lifestyle changes include proper sleep, regular exercise, stress management through yoga and meditation, avoiding triggers that lead to migraine attacks, and drinking plenty of water.
  • Medications like NSAIDs, Triptans, and CGRP analogs Are superior.
  • Surgical interventions
  • Acupressure and acupuncture also help treat migraines
  • Home remedies like lying in a quiet, dark room and placing a cold cloth over your head may also help.

It is advisable to visit a specialist in Guntur in case you experience severe migraine headaches to get proper treatment and to manage your migraines.


This article helped us understand migraines’ symptoms, causes, types, treatments, etc. Regular exercise, drinking plenty of water, and managing stress through yoga and meditation can help greatly in controlling and managing migraines. If you experience severe migraine headaches, kindly visit a neurologist in Guntur immediately to get proper treatment and relief from the severe headache that hinders you from performing your day-to-day activities.

Dr. Rao’s Contact Information:

Your health and well-being are our top priorities. For the best migraine care, trust in the expertise of Dr. Rao and the other leading neurosurgeons in India.

Dyskinesia - the best treatment at Dr Rao's hospital, Guntur

Dyskinesia – All you need to know

Dyskinesia: All You Need To Know

Dyskinesia is an uncontrollable, spontaneous reaction. It can involve one portion of the body, such as the head or arm, or the whole body.

Dyskinesia can vary from mild to extreme and can be very painful. It can also make performing your everyday work challenging. It may also vary in terms of frequency and time of day.

If you are from Guntur and searching for a proper treatment for dyskinesia, you should visit Dr. Mohana Rao’s hospital, the best neurosurgeon in Guntur. 

Dyskinesia is a common complication of long-term levodopa therapy in people with Parkinson’s disease. Dyskinesia may also occur in conditions other than Parkinson’s disease, such as coordination disorders.

Now let us learn about the different signs and symptoms of dyskinesia:

The signs and symptoms of dyskinesia differ from person to person. They may be mild, with a slight head, arm, or leg twitch. They can also be severe, causing various body parts to move involuntarily. Dyskinesia can happen in a variety of ways, including:

  • fidgeting
  • boobing in head
  • restlessness
  • writhing
  • twitching 
  • the swaying of the body 

Dyskinesia is not the same as tremor but is common in Parkinson’s disease. 

Now let us see the reasons behind this:

The most frequent cause of dyskinesia is long-term use of the drug levodopa. Because of its efficacy, levodopa is the recommended drug for the treatment of Parkinson’s disease.

Dopamine levels in the brain rise due to the use of levodopa. A lack of dopamine-producing brain cells causes Parkinson’s disease. For those with Parkinson’s disease and other disorders involving reduced dopamine levels, levodopa increases the dopamine level. 

When you take levodopa, as per your neurologist in Guntur, the dopamine levels increase and then decrease as the drug wears off. Variations in dopamine levels are thought to be the source of dyskinesia’s spontaneous gestures.

Some antipsychotic drugs cause tardive dyskinesia, a form of dyskinesia.

Conditions that are related to dyskinesia:


Dystonia and dyskinesia are often confused. Dystonia induces excessive muscle tightening rather than the involuntary movements of dyskinesia.

Dystonia is a drug complication. Low levels of dopamine, which are seen in patients with Parkinson’s disease, induce dystonia. Dystonia often affects the feet, vocal cords, hands, and eyelids. It often impacts only one side of the body.

Since levodopa causes dopamine levels to fluctuate, it can cause dystonia. Dystonia can occur as dopamine levels fall and the levodopa wears off. 

Tardive dyskinesia:

People with severe psychiatric disorders that need long-term antipsychotic therapy suffer from tardive dyskinesia. Since it induces repetitive gestures, tardive dyskinesia is similar to dyskinesia.

On the other hand, Tender dyskinesia typically affects the tongue, lips, jaw, or eyelids. The following repetitive gestures can be a sign of tardive dyskinesia:

  • licking your mouth repeatedly 
  • grimacing continuously 
  • blinking rapidly, 
  • puckering your mouth  
  • poking out your tongue

Now, let us see what the treatment for dyskinesia is.

Each person’s dyskinesia treatment needs to be unique. Any of the following considerations influence treatment:

  • The seriousness of the symptoms
  • When do the effects worsen (for example, when the levodopa wears off)?
  • Age
  • Amount of time on levodopa, and 
  • Time after getting a Parkinson’s diagnosis

Below are some possible recovery options:

  • Adjusting your levodopa dosage to prevent the significant fluctuation of dopamine levels in your bloodstream
  • You can use a continuous infusion or a sustained-release formulation of levodopa
  • Take amantadine extended-release (Gocovri), a well-approved treatment for tardive dyskinesia
  • valbenazine, a newly approved drug for tardive dyskinesia
  • Taking levodopa in smaller doses 
  • Take the levodopa 30 minutes before your meal 
  • According to your neurosurgeon in Guntur, exercising, such as walking and swimming, would be best.
  • It will help eliminate extra stress, which can harm you. 

Before starting the proper medication for you, discuss every detail about your treatment with the doctor.

When dyskinesia progresses, speaking with the doctor about the different treatments is essential. When you are first diagnosed with Parkinson’s, talk about the benefits and drawbacks of taking levodopa. It would be better for you if you could delay starting levodopa, as it increases the chances of dyskinesia. 

Brain aneurysm treatment at Dr Rao's Coiling and flow diverter

Brain aneurysm – Symptoms & Treatment

Brain aneurysm: Symptoms & Treatment

A bulge or ballooning of a blood vessel in the brain is known as a brain aneurysm. It resembles a berry on a stem in appearance. The older adults in Guntur mainly suffer from this complication. Along with that, it can occur in any person of any age. Visit the best neurosurgeon in Guntur to learn about the difficulty in detail. 

A brain aneurysm may burst or leak, resulting in brain bleeding (hemorrhagic stroke). The most common location for a ruptured brain aneurysm is the area between the brain and the thin tissues surrounding it. 

A ruptured aneurysm can be life-threatening very quickly. So, it requires immediate medical attention.

However, most brain aneurysms, on the other hand, do not burst, cause health complications, or cause any signs. 

In certain circumstances, treatment for an unruptured brain aneurysm is sufficient and can avoid a rupture in the future. Consult your neurologist in Guntur to make sure you know the right choices for your unique requirements.

What are the symptoms of a brain aneurysm?

The below are some of the most common signs and symptoms of a ruptured aneurysm:

  • A severe painful headache appears out of nowhere.
  • Vomiting and nausea
  • Neck stiffness
  • Double or hazy vision
  • Light sensitivity 
  • Sudden alteration in behavior
  • A droopy eyelid
  • Loss of consciousness

An aneurysm can sometimes leak a small amount of blood. This bleeding can result in a severely painful headache.

If the aneurysm is thin, an unruptured brain aneurysm can not cause any symptoms. A larger unruptured aneurysm, on the other hand, may push on brain tissues and nerves, potentially causing:

  • Pain in your eyes 
  • Complications related to your vision
  • Face numbness 

Suppose you experience a rapid, intense headache or any signs that can lead to a ruptured aneurysm. In that case, as one of the best neurosurgeons in Guntur, Dr. Mohana Rao Patibandla will ask you to undergo a long list of tests. It will help him see if you have leaked into the area between the brain and underlying tissues or if you have had a stroke.

Suppose you have signs of an unruptured brain aneurysm, such as discomfort behind the eye, visual changes, or double vision. In that case, you will be tested to determine which aneurysm is causing the problem. The following are a few tests that help you understand whether you are suffering from any complications.

  • Tomography using a computer (CT).
  • Test of the cerebrospinal fluid.
  • Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a form of imaging that.
  • Angiogram of the brain.

What are the treatment options available to treat brain aneurysms?

Treatment for ruptured brain aneurysm:

Aneurysm clipping is a surgical technique used to block an aneurysm. To access the aneurysm, the neurosurgeon in Guntur cuts a part of the skull and locates the blood vessel that feeds it. Then, he attaches a small metal clip to block blood flow.

Your doctor may also offer a less invasive endovascular coiling or flow diverter.

Both operations include the risk of bleeding or a lack of blood supply to the brain.

Other options:

Other techniques for ruptured brain aneurysms focus on symptom relief and complications management.

If you have headache symptoms, your doctor may prescribe you pain relievers. 

An intravenous drug called a vasopressor, which raises blood pressure to relieve the resistance of compressed blood vessels, is one way to avoid stroke caused by inadequate blood flow.

Angioplasty is another choice for preventing strokes. A neurosurgeon uses a catheter to inflate a tiny balloon that opens a compressed blood vessel in the brain during this operation.

Rehabilitation therapy can also help you recover from a subarachnoid hemorrhage.

If you face any of the symptoms described above, you should visit the best neurosurgeon in Guntur for a quality treatment. 

What is the functional neurosurgery?

What is functional neurosurgery?

What is functional neurosurgery? The hospital for functional neurosurgery near me – Dr Rao’s Hospital

Functional neurosurgery is a technique that we use to treat central nervous system disorders. Functional neurosurgery has proven to be a lifesaver when treating severe movement disorders like dystonia, Parkinson’s disease, and essential tremors.

Many people in India require adequate functional neurosurgery treatment to get relief from severe complications. So, it would be best if you visited our clinic to avail the best treatment.

We perform functional neurosurgery at Dr. Rao’s Hospital Guntur to treat

  • Epilepsy is a condition that affects people.
  • Spasticity of cerebral origin in MS and spinal cord injury
  • Movement disorders like dystonia, hemifacial spasm, Parkinson’s disease, tremor, etc. 
  • Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), depression, and other neuropsychiatric disorders
  • Nerve disorders, such as trigeminal neuralgia and postherpetic neuralgia
  • Chronic pain caused by neuropathic disorders or infections, as well as cancer

Dr. Rao, a renowned neurologist in Guntur, and his team conduct a rigorous and systematic evaluation of the patient’s condition before recommending or performing functional neurosurgery.

How does the diagnosis procedure go?

The diagnosis procedure includes three stages. These are as follows:  


Our specialists, including neurosurgeons, neurologists, psychologists, and physiologists, will perform a clinical assessment of your complications. This will help us understand your situation, such as your cognitive ability and current lifestyle. Only then will we advise you on the best treatment.


While doing your examination, we prefer the most up-to-date imaging procedures, such as CT scans and MRI exams, functional imaging with fMRI, and SPECT scans. These examinations will help us have a clear idea about your health condition. 

ECG and EMG: 

As the best neurosurgeon in Guntur, we will conduct nervous system EEG and EMG monitoring and appropriate recordings. This will help us map the complications in your brain. These results allow us to determine the future course of action, especially functional neurosurgery.  

Now, let us examine the treatment procedures for functional neurosurgery.

We at Doctor Rao’s Hospital provide the following neurosurgical treatments- 


Neuromodulation is one of the very effective treatments available for your complications. It enables our neurosurgeon in Guntur to specifically modify or modulate your nerve function in a problem area. Neuromodulation uses electricity or pharmaceutical agents to modify your nerve functions. It allows us precise targeting and is a relatively secure treatment when treating different parts of your brain, spinal cord, and peripheral nervous system.  

Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS): 

It is a form of brain stimulation that can very effectively treat epilepsy, critical tremors, Parkinson’s disease, dystonia, and obsessive-compulsive disorder. We insert electrodes in the specific part of your brain to produce electric impulses. This helps us monitor your brain’s abnormal activities and correct chemical imbalances that cause abnormalities. A programmable generator will be hidden under the skin in your upper chest to monitor the tool’s work.

Treatment with stereotactic neurosurgery: 

It assists in identifying problem areas in the innermost parts of your brain. Our neurosurgeon uses a specialized three-dimensional coordinate system and CT scans or MRIs to identify regions very deep into your brain for treatment, such as deep-seated brain tumours.

While performing the procedure, the patient remains awake and alert, which avoids unfavorable effects on the brain. This method can treat epilepsy and deep-seated brain tumors and administer medication and radiation to the innermost region of your brain. 

So, what are the advantages of the treatment?

Neurological patients are increasingly turning to functional neurosurgery as a treatment choice. Because of advances in surgical and neuroimaging techniques, the accuracy of functional neurosurgery has improved significantly.  

Increased electrical control in particular areas of your brain means improved functional neurosurgery outcomes. Our neurosurgeon will work more specifically, focusing on the areas that need care while avoiding critical areas that do not.

If you undergo functional neurosurgery, you should expect a fast recovery. After surgery, you are expected to remain in the hospital for a few days. Practical, functional neurosurgery provides significant pain relief and decreases your painkiller dependency.

Why Choose Dr. Rao and Dr. Rao’s Hospital for Functional Neurosurgery?

Functional neurosurgery encompasses a range of advanced procedures to improve the quality of life for patients with various neurological disorders. Dr. Rao and Dr. Rao’s Hospital are distinguished leaders in this field, offering cutting-edge treatments such as Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS), Spinal Cord Stimulation (SCS), Vagus Nerve Stimulation (VNS), and Responsive Neurostimulation (RNS). Here’s why you should consider Dr. Rao and Dr. Rao’s Hospital for these specialized procedures:

1. Expertise and Experience

Dr. Rao:
  • Highly Qualified: Dr. Rao is a renowned neurologist and neurosurgeon who specializes in functional neurosurgery. His expertise includes various advanced surgical techniques for treating complex neurological conditions.
  • Proven Track Record: With numerous successful surgeries, Dr. Rao has established a reputation for excellence in functional neurosurgery, delivering life-changing patient outcomes.

2. Advanced Technology and Techniques

State-of-the-Art Equipment:
  • Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS): Utilizes precision-targeted electrical impulses to treat movement disorders like Parkinson’s disease, essential tremor, and dystonia.
  • Spinal Cord Stimulation (SCS): Employs advanced devices to manage chronic pain conditions, providing relief and improving patient mobility.
  • Vagus Nerve Stimulation (VNS): Offers effective treatment for epilepsy and depression by modulating brain activity through the vagus nerve.
  • Responsive Neurostimulation (RNS): Monitors and responds to brain activity in real-time, providing customized treatment for epilepsy.

3. Comprehensive and Personalized Care

Patient-Centered Approach:
  • Customized Treatment Plans: Dr. Rao tailors each treatment plan to meet the patient’s specific needs, ensuring optimal outcomes.
  • Multidisciplinary Team: The hospital boasts a dedicated team of specialists, including neurologists, neurosurgeons, and rehabilitation experts, who work together to provide comprehensive care.

4. Minimally Invasive Procedures

Benefits of Functional Neurosurgery:
  • Minimally Invasive Techniques: These procedures involve minimal surgical intervention, reducing risks and promoting faster recovery.
  • Precision and Safety: Advanced technology ensures high precision in targeting affected areas, maximizing efficacy while minimizing side effects.

5. Proven Success in Treating Various Conditions

Wide Range of Applications:
  • Movement Disorders: Effective management of Parkinson’s disease, essential tremor, and dystonia through DBS.
  • Chronic Pain: Significant relief from chronic pain conditions via SCS.
  • Epilepsy: Reduced seizure frequency and severity with VNS and RNS.
  • Depression: Improvement in depressive symptoms through VNS.

6. Outstanding Patient Support and Aftercare

Comprehensive Support System:
  • Pre-Treatment Counseling: Detailed consultations to educate patients and families about the procedures and expected outcomes.
  • Post-Treatment Follow-Up: Regular monitoring and support to ensure successful recovery and long-term management of conditions.

7. Accessibility and Convenience

Location and Accessibility:
  • Strategic Location: Dr. Rao’s Hospital is conveniently located in Guntur, making it easily accessible for patients from the region and beyond.
  • Efficient Service: The hospital is known for its streamlined processes, ensuring minimal wait times and efficient handling of appointments and procedures.

8. Positive Patient Outcomes

Patient Testimonials:
  • High Satisfaction Rates: Numerous patients have reported significant improvements and positive outcomes following their treatments with Dr. Rao.
  • Trust and Reliability: Dr. Rao’s commitment to excellence has earned the trust of his patients and the community.

In Summary

Choosing Dr. Rao and Dr. Rao’s Hospital for functional neurosurgery means opting for unparalleled expertise, cutting-edge technology, personalized care, and a proven track record of success. If you or a loved one needs advanced treatments like DBS, SCS, VNS, or RNS, you can trust Dr. Rao to provide the highest standard of care.

Contact Information:

Take the first step towards better neurological health with Dr. Rao and Dr. Rao’s Hospital. Your functional well-being is our top priority.

Treatment-of-Brain-Tumours by Stereotactic radiosurgery at Dr Rao's Hospital by Dr Rao

Stereotactic Radiosurgery: the best Knife less treatment of Brain Tumors

Stereotactic Radiosurgery: the best knife-less treatment for Brain Tumors

Stereotactic radiotherapy is a technique for precisely targeting radiotherapy at a tumor. This kind of treatment is not accessible at all hospitals, as it requires specialized equipment and skills.

However, it is available in some of the best neurology hospitals in Guntur, which have skilled neurosurgeons

You might hear the term stereotactic radiosurgery, but it isn’t a type of brain surgery. It involves administering a very high dose of stereotactic radiotherapy to a small area, often in a single treatment.

Now, let’s overview stereotactic radiosurgery for treating various tumors.

What is Stereotactic Radiosurgery?

Stereotactic Radiosurgery

It is a non-invasive radiation therapy where a focused beam of radiation kills tumors and treats defects in the brain while sparing healthy tissues. Stereotactic radiosurgery is not a surgery; it is just a non-invasive procedure similar to receiving a standard X-ray.

Who is Eligible for Stereotactic Radiosurgery?

A neurosurgeon and radiation oncologist decide if one can undergo the procedure.

The eligibility depends upon:

  • Type of tumour
  • Size of the tumour
  • Location of the tumour

Advantages of Stereotactic Radiosurgery

  • No pain
  • No bleeding
  • No surgical cuts or wounds
  • Minimal exposure to radiation
  • Minimal harm to the surrounding healthy tissues
  • Extremely accurate
  • Effective in elderly patients
  • Quick procedure
  • Fewer side effects

How is Stereotactic Radiosurgery performed?

Step 1: A frameless thermoplastic mask is attached to the head to keep the head in place.

Step 2: CT and MRI scans are performed to determine the precise location of the tumor.

Step 3: Radiation doses are calculated per the tumor size and location.

Step 4: Treatment is delivered in calculated doses.

Why is Stereotactic Radiosurgery required?

Traditional methods are ineffective in treating deep-seated spine and brain tumours due to their inability to reach the tumour. Stereotactic Radiosurgery can access distant tumors and break them effectively. Besides tumors in the brain and spine, skilled specialists implement stereotactic radiosurgery to treat tumors in the Neck, lung and Liver.

How does Stereotactic Radiosurgery Differ from External Beam Radiotherapy?

Stereotactic radiosurgery differs from external beam radiation in several ways. First, and primarily, the equipment is considerably more complex and sophisticated in design and implementation.

Our technologies for accurately identifying the targets are very similar to those used by neurosurgeons when planning complicated surgery. 

Only in this instance do we combine the technology with a high-spec irradiation delivery system, thereby preventing the need for a scalpel. As some of the best neurosurgeons in Andhra Pradesh administer radiation treatment with submillimeter accuracy, the risk of injuring surrounding healthy tissue is significantly lower. 

So, in many instances, the treatment can be employed very safely with minimal risk of side effects, both in the short and long term. However, the treatment is complex by design, but the patient’s journey throughout the delivery of stereotactic radiosurgery is effortless. 

Any Side-effects?

Stereotactic Radiosurgery can cause minimal side effects, like:

  • Headache
  • Dizziness
  • Fatigue
  • Hair loss
  • Itchy skin

How Long is the Procedure?

Experts conveniently execute the treatment in one half- to an hour-long session, or occasionally, your treatment may extend over five separate visits over one calendar week.

How Long is the Hospital Stay?

Treatment is painless without injections or cutting and can be given in an ambulatory setting without hospitalization or anesthesia.

Why Choose Dr. Rao and Dr. Rao’s Hospital for Stereotactic Radiosurgery?

Choosing the right medical professional and facility is critical when it comes to advanced and precise treatments like stereotactic radiosurgery. Dr. Rao and Dr. Rao’s Hospital are premier choices for this cutting-edge procedure. Here’s why:

1. Expertise and Experience

Dr. Rao:
  • Highly Qualified: Dr. Rao is a leading neurologist and neurosurgeon with extensive training in stereotactic radiosurgery.
  • Proven Track Record: With years of experience, Dr. Rao has successfully treated numerous patients with various neurological conditions, utilizing stereotactic radiosurgery to deliver effective and minimally invasive treatment.

2. State-of-the-Art Technology

Dr. Rao’s Hospital:
  • Advanced Equipment: The hospital has the latest stereotactic radiosurgery systems, ensuring precise targeting of tumors and other abnormalities with minimal impact on surrounding healthy tissue.
  • Innovative Techniques: Dr. Rao employs the most advanced and proven techniques, ensuring that patients receive the best possible care.

3. Comprehensive and Personalized Care

Patient-Centered Approach:
  • Tailored Treatment Plans: Dr. Rao develops customized treatment plans based on each patient’s unique condition, medical history, and overall health.
  • Multidisciplinary Team: The hospital boasts a team of specialists who work collaboratively to provide holistic care, addressing all aspects of the patient’s health and well-being.

4. Minimally Invasive with Maximum Precision

Benefits of Stereotactic Radiosurgery:
  • Non-Surgical Option: This procedure offers a non-invasive alternative to traditional surgery, reducing risks and recovery time.
  • High Precision: The technology allows for highly accurate targeting, which is crucial for treating small or difficult-to-reach brain lesions.

5. Proven Success in Treating Various Conditions

Wide Range of Applications:
  • Brain Tumors: Effective in treating both benign and malignant brain tumors.
  • Arteriovenous Malformations (AVMs): Used to treat abnormal tangles of blood vessels in the brain.
  • Functional Disorders: Helpful in managing conditions such as trigeminal neuralgia and tremors.

6. Outstanding Patient Support and Aftercare

Comprehensive Support System:
  • Pre-Treatment Counseling: Patients receive detailed information and support to prepare for the procedure.
  • Post-Treatment Follow-Up: Regular monitoring and follow-up care ensure that any issues are promptly addressed and that patients recover best.

7. Accessibility and Convenience

Location and Accessibility:
  • Strategic Location: Dr. Rao’s Hospital is conveniently located in Guntur, making it easily accessible for patients from the region and beyond.
  • Efficient Service: The hospital is known for its streamlined processes, ensuring minimal wait times and efficient handling of appointments and procedures.

8. Positive Patient Outcomes

Patient Testimonials:
  • High Satisfaction Rates: Many patients have reported significant improvements and positive outcomes following their treatments with Dr. Rao.
  • Trust and Reliability: Dr. Rao’s commitment to excellence has earned the trust of his patients and the community.

In Summary

Choosing Dr. Rao and Dr. Rao’s Hospital for stereotactic radiosurgery means opting for unparalleled expertise, cutting-edge technology, personalized care, and a proven track record of success. If you or a loved one need this advanced treatment, you can trust Dr. Rao to provide the highest standard of care.

Contact Information:

Take the first step towards better neurological health with Dr. Rao and Dr. Rao’s Hospital. Your well-being is our top priority.